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Chest Rockwell

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Everything posted by Chest Rockwell

  1. I can say enough about these. So glad I bought mine from a gent on here a while back, and at a more expensive rate than this. It's got a lovely full sound and doesnt bicker at high volume. free bump!
  2. SOLD to a friend. thanks all.
  3. replied to PM's. A friend is now looking at this with a view to buy so put on Hold for the time being...
  4. dunno where to say this, but I finally had both the Barefaced Compact AND the Orange SP212 running at 4ohm from the OTB. PHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! only needed a tad more volume to meet the normal Compact output (not a scientific term, more of a 'jeez, that's bloody loud!'). it's very cool to see your guitarists stare at your cabs with wide eyes, amazed that so much volume and power can come out of such small gear. I still had the OTB around 4/10 on gain and volume as it was just too overpowering otherwise. insane heavy volume through these cabs, chuffed!!
  5. no competition meant. let yours go first, i'll get in the queue
  6. dropped a tenner off it £360
  7. [quote name='SlipperySquid' post='1294427' date='Jul 6 2011, 10:27 AM']Thanks for the reply mate! I'll leave it for now as the when I add postage the price difference isn't that great from buying new from Soundslive. Good luck with the sale, all reports suggest these little amps are top notch![/quote] Hmm. I wouldnt have said that £50 isnt a great difference, but I do understand. I didnt realise Soundslive were shipping these out at £420 TBH, I thought they were still at £460 all round! Anyway, in the spirit of that, I'll entertain offers, but obviously not too crazy! If anyone wants to PM me, feel free. I really need to shift this and get the money back in the bank.
  8. purchase the Orange Terror Bass Head and SP212 cab from this fine gentleman. Excellent communication, no hassles and to top it all off, he's from the same fine West Wales village as my good self!
  9. Hi Matt, Unfortunately the warranty is valid to the original buyer, which I am not. I dont have the receipt either, but there is a sticker on the box with the date on it. why does this question make me feel like a crim?
  10. I'm looking to shift a MINT OTB. It was bought new in April by a good friend on here and I've just last weekend got it off him as he wanted to sell the SP212 and OTB together. I wanted the SP212 but not the extra OTB... so basically Im looking to sell it and refill the dent in my bank. I'd be after [s]£370 [/s] [s]£360[/s] £350 plus postage (I'm taking that as a guide re-sale price as per the last sale). Sale only, no trades, need the money. pick up would be preferred but will go with whatever guaranteed shipping buyer requires. You know the score with these things, I've already got one which I heart, so I'm just looking to sell the second one. Cheers Neal p.s. I'm around this week but away next week so will be back around the 17th should anyone contact me and I dont reply.
  11. hmm, for some reason I figured that'd be the case. i'm curious about tone really. I never go past 5 and 4 on volume/gain anyway, so can just push the volume up a little and see how the sounds balance. to be honest the SP is more of a luxury! the compact will always be my leave the house cab, cos it's so easy to move around and does the job just fine!
  12. if anyone can make it to the welsh valleys this week, i'll be charging £5 entry, you guys can come and find out i'll tell you this tho, The Compact isnt going anywhere, it's a lot lighter!
  13. ok, thanks guys! I think the onus is on me to go and do my own homework as to [i]why [/i] electronics/physics works like this so I'll go and do that, but many thanks for the clarifications I'm sure my mate will offer, in the cold light of day and without 5 beers under his belt, an 'aaah you didnt say that', even though I told him the full details, but I will now be pushing both cabs at practice (at 4ohms!) and see how they go. cheers!
  14. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1291573' date='Jul 3 2011, 10:41 PM']I've several times gigged my OTB with both my Barefaced Big One and my Barefaced Midget, both 8 Ohm cabs. I switched the amp to 4 Ohm load. Strangely enough, it has entirely failed to explode so far.[/quote] ok cool. why do you have to do that though? im not well versed in the 'science', i just glaze over, but maybe i need to start paying attention.
  15. [quote name='thebassman' post='1178508' date='Mar 27 2011, 05:36 PM']Has anyone tried or owned the terror with an Orange sp212? Would be good to get some opinions. Cheers Thebassman[/quote] yup! I have now, I haven't cranked it but so far it sounds very nice, full and warm. i have no doubt that it'll push put some heft once i get it to rehearsal. [quote name='Superbass' post='1196867' date='Apr 12 2011, 02:38 PM']This is prob a stupid question but im fairly new to the technical aspects of cabs and amps. Would a bass terror 500 have any problem powering 2 x SP212's? I want to make a mini stack and want to make sure i can optimise the cabs for big venues. Thanks[/quote] [quote name='Salt on your Bass?' post='1205753' date='Apr 20 2011, 12:58 PM']It's fine powering 2 8ohm cabinets. Might be better options out there than the isobaric stuff, but I dont know what you're after, and plenty of people here love theirs! best of luck.[/quote] [quote name='munkonthehill' post='1206437' date='Apr 20 2011, 09:22 PM']yeah no problems. The orange head is switchable of either 4 or 8 ohms. as these cabs are 8 ohms, you would select the head to the 4ohm setting. This means your overall load from the cabs will also be 4ohms which will give you your full 500watts from the head.[/quote] I think Im gonna be repeating the question above, but talking to a friend last night, he was quite insistent that the if I plug two cabs (8ohm, 600watt) into the OTB, it will 'fry' the amp. I've now managed to pick up an SP212 and already have a Barefaced Compact, both are 8ohm 600watt, and was looking forward to plugging them both in and giving it some welly at practice, just for the hell of it. I was under the impression that since the OTB has two speakon outputs, hooking up two cabs would be fine. My friend tried explaining the physics behind it, but I was baffled as soon as he started, not helped by the fact that I wasnt convinced as Im sure I've read people here talking about it and there are two outputs, so what purpose would they serve otherwise?? so, is the answer 1. switch the selector from 8ohm to 4ohm? (as per munkonthehill above) 2. get higher wattage speakers? 3. dont do it, your amp will fry? 4. it'll be fine, your mate is suffering from knowitallitis? cheers!
  16. hmm. I've found myself floating my thumb when just plonking around at home on normal tuned Pbass. It felt more relaxed. dindt realise it was an actual technique! I find resting on the string above difficult unless playing slow, so just floated it. I do find it a slight struggle to bounce around as im quite physical (i.e. Rawk > economy of motion!) when I play so i think i might try and incorporate that more into what im doing simply because it might help with those awkward stretches and make my movements more fluid. nice thread!
  17. I'm bumping this thread from 2009! I'd like to add vibrato ability to what I'm doing on occasion, but I have Never been able to do it. I can bend strings up and down wherever I like (and do!), but i cannot get a note to vibrate for longer than a few milliseconds and the note fades sounds unvibrato'd!. Im trying to move my wrist on a pivot sometimes im trying so hard my right/plucking hand and both arms start to shake!! i feel like my hand/wrist/arm are stiff and should probably be relaxed. is that true? im trying to send signals to my fingers but no significant subtle masterful vibrato happens! I've read and watched guitar clips and everything but i seem to be stuck. can anyone find any fretted bass vibrato video lessons anywhere?
  18. cheers everyone! I'm always interested in more stories if anyone wants to throw any more in
  19. hmmm! i did find the neck/frets a little sharp though I assumed it's cos i play it fairly low. I'm used to it now though. Im curious about your dissatisfaction with the tuners? you mean they're not tight? I do have a mild issue with it going out of tune, not horrifically so, but it tends to tune... UP! most basses I would imagine tune down as the tuners loosen but this one seems to be the other way I can only out it down to the neck moving because I dont tickle it and the fact that the strings on it are such high guage... It's never caused me major annoyance, but I would like to get em set so that they stay in, no matter how hard I play it. the intonation's fine (in tune at least?!) so I assume the neck is okay too. if there are corrections I could make to it, that Im not picking up on, I'd like to hear em. I guess im a bit of a workmanlike player and the jazz suits me due to the fast neck and the tone. I feel like Im cheating on it just suggesting it might need a tweaking! here's an 'action' shot, in a moment of calm. notice that thumb firmly rooted
  20. (advance apologies to those that have read me saying this before...) excuse the mess, the house has been refurbed since then, and the peavey's gone. over one year later one im still running the as-shipped OTB through a 2nd hand compact bought 2nd hand from a gent on here. for my needs (heavy sometimes clear but mostly a Big Muff distorted bass in a doom/stoner rock band) this setup is awesome. I cant believe (neither can my band ) the volume and oomff that it puts out. I rarely play past 5 on gain and volume, it's just too loud!! as for tone, im not as fussy (experienced) as most, but when i drop off the distortion it's nice and clear. i'd recommend trying it to anyone.
  21. I did a search and couldnt find a specific thread, so Im starting one. Just curious to know how many other people use these as their main bass? I've never gone higher in value than this bass, and i've never really tried anything other than Fenders and my 80's Aria ProII... but I am just in love with this bass, so I had to share!!!! the neck is smooth as hell, it's like it's not even there, and my clunky unskilled hands roll around it like butter. okay i dont know what im doing, but it's fun trying! my fingers are even landing on notes that sound right on occasion! I once again took my Fender USA Highway One P to practice last week and it has nothing on the BOOM of the Geddy. it's just TWICE as bass! okay we're tuned to drop B, and the B is 115 gauge, but it's still just awesome. anyways, wondered how other owners are getting on with em? if you can hear any bass in the tunes below, that's the mighty Geddy
  22. If I'm gonna be proved wrong with Paul McCartney, I'm more than happy to be wrong! damn, if Cliff is being compared with Paul McCartney, that's made the case for Cliff better than anyone could!
  23. er, dont forget he had a hand in most of Metallica's music and whether anyone likes it or not they are one of, if not *the* biggest Metal bands, and bands of any genre, EVER. and it's not just cos of some flash in the pan one hit wonder. They made three classic Metal albums and he was at the heart of all of them, and all this before he made it to 25 years old! Show me a better bass player at the AGE OF 24, and I'll show you someone who hasn't written anything I'll listen to for the rest of my life. yup, I bit too! I'm sure had he lived to a ripe old age he'd have been knocking out all kinds of cool music, but we'll never know. (not to mention the fun, charisma, headbanging, wildman, craziness, etc)
  24. cool thanks! think I'll give it a go. thanks to the OP too
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