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Chest Rockwell

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Everything posted by Chest Rockwell

  1. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1228261' date='May 11 2011, 11:40 PM']The only reason Low End Bee can turn his OTB up so high is because he [i][b]doesn't[/b][/i] have a Barefaced cab. Rather than buying some AX7s with even higher gain, what he needs is a louder cab. Like a Barefaced. Like most attempts at humour, it doesn't really work when you have to explain it. [/quote] ah, thanks for the explanation anyway i thought i'd failed some bass guru 101 for a minute! any chance of a coupla links for these AT7 WA valves? im not versed in such technicalities and googling brings up all kinds of things except 'buy here for £X'. Incidentally I n00b goofed at a gig recently and didnt have a speakon-jack lead/adapter for the supplied cabs, so the soundguy DI'd the OTB. it sounded like farting. I imagine that is the issue you guys are talking about? he added some gizmo to the connection and it became more usable. I only heard enough to play with through the monitor but the audience assured me it was Big, Warm and Fuzzy, as is my intention.
  2. shame yer cant post it, or that i dont live in sensible driving range mind you, i'd Really like to try one before I dive in, but if i know it'd do what I need I'd likely be in.
  3. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1225339' date='May 9 2011, 05:41 PM']No ... but there are Barefaced cabs. [/quote] I have BF's and an OTB. i dont get the joke
  4. drummers? gig last night... me - hello? drummer - what's happening? me - well, it's 6pm and im outside the venue cos that's what we were told. Where are you? drummer - I'm still in work. he did make it tho and things went okay. I did one gig (first and last) with a previous band where the guitarist liked a few drinks and a smoke. in our wannabee trad heavy metal stoner 3 song set, we hit the 3rd 'epic' tune with the Sabbathian building intro, then into the first verse and immediately guitar hero busts straight into the middle eight solo!! singer looks at me as he's supposed to be singing 'whats going on?', i look at him like 'dunno!' , i look at the drummer, he's like 'keep playing!', we carry on hoping the guitarist will realise his mistake and come back in somewhere. he wails for a bit, we change into the chorus, he's looking around wailing and getting angry, then he's motioning angrily for the four hits on the ride which signifies the end of the middle eight, which we didnt get anywhere near!! drummer does a four count and we just stop dead. applause. embarrassment. good friends, but never again!
  5. im sure i've posted (and said) this before, but Im WELL chuffed with my OTB. I run it through a Barefaced Compact which I got from a fine gent on here, and teh both of them do just what I need. I gather there might be a little too much gain on them for some people, but that's actually my clean sound I use a Big Muff to fizz it up most of the time. When it comes to volume, I put both Volume and Gain on 6 at last practice, just fer fun, and the guy running the place was looking through the window like 'can you turn it down' my guitarist's jaw was on the floor thru awe, which is a nice feeling for a bass player i would Love to try an SP212 as it'd look much better in the living room than the Compact with a throw, but until I can find one that's postable, I'll hold off. excuse the mess and paw marks but it's the only pic I have. the combo (and the carpet) went a while ago
  6. Hallo all, just saw this, but also that it was postponed... i'd love to try an Sp212 cab thru my Orange TB if anyone can make that happen? cheers!
  7. erm, well, I haven't a clue when it comes to charts and things, and I dont do covers... but from a 'heavy rock write your own tunes' perspective, it's AWESOME when you have a group that can play well and are TIGHT! like 'riff 1, riff 2, repeat twice then stop and see what the sounds like... 1,2,3,4...' and everyone does it perfectly and then we have a quick chat, try something else and keep going. If someone comes in a with a few riffs my band can sometimes write a tune in one practice, we can fine tune it and add feel/dynamics/emphasis as we jam it later, but it's SO great to have guys that can just go with quick changes; changing notes, changing rhythm, emphasis, whatever SOUNDS good. I've been in bands where guitarists play too loud, too much gear that has problems, cant come in on time, get lost in sound, forget changes, forget everything, cant stop soloing, forget to start soloing, spliff breaks, fag breaks, hang on i just have to open another can, oh i cant find my can, drummers that get bored of playing slow and start playing different/faster beats even though you're trying to WRITE the song... JEEZ!! I also hate noodlers. Im a litle bit of a task master but people can noodle in their bedrooms, not when Im standing there waiting for them to stop and paying for the luxury! I give em 30 seconds and then i start staring, shortly followed by flying objects
  8. [quote name='Machines' post='1155043' date='Mar 9 2011, 10:48 AM']Max avatar size is 200KB. We have apx 12000 members, even if they ALL used an avatar at the maximum size that'd only be 2.34GB. I have more space than that free on my phone...[/quote] Thats my point. an ASCII character ("a") is 1 byte, 1kb = 1024 bytes, so 1 avatar = 204800 characters! (unless my shoddy math is mistaken!). that's not a lot of storage for yer average sale thread. anyways, i apologise for the digression and pedantry, im just pointing out the 'saving space' thing makes as much sense as raping the country to keep banks in bonuses.
  9. [quote name='Mlucas' post='1155000' date='Mar 9 2011, 10:07 AM']It would possibly be a more sensible alternative for the buyer or seller to print screen the thread or PMs as a personal record, thus saving space and having evidence of the sale[/quote] I dont see how that's sensible, but I do see how it's not carbon friendly besides, what's this talk of 'saving space'? that makes no sense in the context of the constant miniaturisation of technology and increased storage capacity. text still takes up the same amount of space as it ever did, it's the pictures and whizz-bang clever web stuff that takes up space. so delete your avatars if you want to save space.
  10. [quote name='chris_b' post='1153530' date='Mar 8 2011, 10:44 AM']The rule should be to put SOLD alongside the post title and leave the detail for others to view. Some of us have been requesting this for years.[/quote] I have been mostly lurking as I have the basses I want/need/can afford right now, but I did raise this issue a while ago. As someone that was trawling the site for info and new bass options, I found it rather annoying to suddenly see an item I was watching suddenly be sold and all info deleted. or older items also wiped. it made trying to work out what was the best price for similar items, i.e. a price I'd realistically have to pay, very hard. it made it difficult to see what the value of different attributes (neck/pickups etc) made to otherwise similar basses. besides I generally think it looks like 'I've sold this now and you were no help so im gonna take my ball and go home'. the only plausible explanation I've heard anyone give is that they dont want their house robbed, but that's the Buyer, not the Seller.
  11. youse guys and your widdly widdly stuff. i feel like some kind of hobgoblin oik that should never touch a bass, but then just cos Sinatra and Pavarotti rocked the heights, didnt mean James Hetfield couldnt bring something to the table. All that stuff is very impressive and clever, but when does it stop being a BASS and start becoming a piano or a violin or... Have a look at my bass world... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikLDoO2Yv4A"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikLDoO2Yv4A[/url] (of course, if I had the time, energy and talent, I'd be making youtube videos of myself playing that intricate awesome stuff too!! )
  12. I just love P sunbursts with tort plates when done perfectly, and that Tony Franklin above is just incredible!!!
  13. this combo has now been sold!
  14. [quote name='bluesparky' post='1030487' date='Nov 20 2010, 03:02 PM']What's sludge metal??![/quote] ye'll have to google it for a world of knowledge
  15. sounds okay to me, that note's probably the best part of the tune, but then I do listen to a lot of Doom and Sludge Metal
  16. now that is dumb.
  17. finally started recording our band's demo/EP yesterday and the guitarist brought in his Orange gear. I had to take a pic of my TB on top. I have bass for days and no intention of changing my gear anytime soon!
  18. got 4 for wolverhampton on the friday. will make a mission of it, stay over, get drunk, not remember the gig at all
  19. try the end of this thread... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=107115&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=107115&hl=[/url]
  20. [quote name='LemonCello' post='1005225' date='Oct 29 2010, 02:30 PM']Hiya, Does it have castors? Lc[/quote] Hi, Um, yes it does, I put some on ages ago. I see you're in the 'Diff, you're welcome to pop round and try it. House is a bit trashed at the moment as got DIY work going on. If anyone's interested, PM me, just in case I miss the thread cheers Neal
  21. Just took delivery of a Squire VM Fretless Jazz, well packaged, tip top condition and great communication! Many thanks! (Now I have to find out how to play it )
  22. popped into B&Q on one of never ending DIY visits, found those bits, but they were only in white!! gutted!
  23. [quote name='beyond' post='995407' date='Oct 20 2010, 10:46 PM']I couldn't bring myself to drill holes in my "beloved" so got these stick-on rubber pads from B&Q. Put 2 near the neck and 2 near the bridge (work great £1.99) [/quote] wow!!! that is genius!! I bought a thumbrest too, but havent the heart to stick it on my geddy! nice one
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