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Posts posted by misrule

  1. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='365034' date='Dec 28 2008, 06:46 PM']Any recommendations where to shop (pref. online) for good quality Speakon-speakon cables for bass amps - cabs without paying daft money?
    Our very own obbm does a mean Speakon to Speakon.

    [url="http://www.bassic.co.uk/"]Bassic bits[/url]

    Nice work delivered super-quick :)

    Damn -- ~tl beat me to it.



  2. [quote name='bremen' post='360801' date='Dec 22 2008, 11:16 AM']If a 21-year-old strolled over to me and showed me his bank statement I'd think he was such a w@nker that I wouldn't want to have to do business with him anyway.[/quote]
    Whatever they think of rich w@nkers personally, retailers have to remember that these people pay their bills -- more so than ever these days.

    I've had loads of run-ins due to my scruffy appearance and skinhead haircut. Staff at a posh Regent Street shoe shop once refused to serve me -- though you'd have thought badly-dressed people might be most in need of decent shoes. I also had trouble with an arrogant, rude deputy manager at the climbing/trekking store Snow & Rock. He apparently had form and was sacked after I complained about him. I felt no guilt whatsoever -- he deserved to be out on his a**e.

    People like him -- and many music shop staff -- deserve the Ab Fab line: "You only work in a shop, you know. You can drop the attitude." :)



  3. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='360391' date='Dec 21 2008, 06:40 PM']When did you last go into a car dealership and find the sales reps too busy driving the cars round the lot because they all want to be Lewis Hamilton?[/quote]

    I agree totally with your points -- but I used to hang around in Audi forums, and car fans moan about dealerships in exactly the same way we do about music shops.

    One 21-year-old son of a millionaire told me how a salesman shouted at him across the floor: "Get away from the car, you can't afford it." He strolled over, showed the bloke his bank statement then replied: "I was going to buy a car today but I'm not now."



  4. Either -- keep it in the car boot, then play it when she goes out. I spoke to a guitar dealer recently who has a client with three or four acoustics hidden like that.

    Or -- tell her it belongs to a friend, who lent it to you. It will soon become a fixture and she won't ask again :)

    Anyway, hope you enjoy it.



  5. Super-fast service -- I ordered a Speakon to Speakon cable on December 10, it arrived December 12. And it's a beast!

    Dave is a great bloke to deal with.



  6. [quote name='Waldo' post='347577' date='Dec 6 2008, 10:59 PM']You what? :) You think we should set up a basschat bailout fund?[/quote]
    No, a private fund moderators can draw on, at their discretion, if this were to happen again.

    So Jake's refund (once you've eaten your lizardskin fedora) solves any future problems instead of going to charity.



  7. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='345317' date='Dec 4 2008, 12:57 PM']No you can't you have to pay the court bailiffs to go round and they are useless.[/quote]
    A mate of mine recovered the money he was owed plus costs through the bailiffs when he sued a garage -- it worked very well.

    I hope things work out for you, Beedster.



  8. [quote name='Beedster' post='345269' date='Dec 4 2008, 12:32 PM']Thanks for the above guys. Allen's been on this site this morning (in fact he was on this thread a few minutes back), so is clearly aware but choosing not to respond.

    As several of you are pretty good private eyes, I now have
    1. a photo of him (he wouldn't be difficult to identify in a crowd trust me)
    2. his address
    3. his place of work
    4. a list of his upcoming gigs

    What am I going to do? Well I'm tempted to phone my mate Rich who's local and is a bit handy, and ask him to go round to have a chat. Am I going to? No, because I'm going to give Allen the chance to do the right thing. If he doesn't I - and BC 's generally - just learn another lesson along the lines of the Jake thing. If this is the case then I've lost £116 but he's lost the goodwill of a significant proportion of the UK bass playing population. I know what I'd rather have
    You could also try the small claims court now you have an address -- it costs around £30, I think, and you don't need a lawyer. If the case goes in your favour but he still refuses to pay, the court can send round a debt collection agent at his expense.

    You have PM.



  9. [quote name='chris_b' post='342755' date='Dec 2 2008, 10:44 AM']It really is a problem. At the gig last night I was pestered rotten by Kate Moss. Couldn't shake her off!![/quote]
    You must stop selling drugs :)



  10. [quote name='Shaggy' post='311272' date='Oct 21 2008, 01:17 PM']Rather like Hendrix’s flambéed Strat, it would probably be worth ten times as much with the bloodstains.[/quote]
    Hendrix's Strat was refinished and is or was owned by Frank Zappa's son, IIRC.

    Is that right?



    Edit -- Er, nearly [url="http://petersenmuseum.com/default.cfm?DocID=502&ArticleID=12"]see here[/url] It was restored.

  11. People usually suggest getting a strap with something non-slip like suede on the inside.

    I play a Thunderbird, which has a similar problem to yours. I actually use quite a slippery strap -- and just live with the problem.



  12. [quote name='xverminate2' post='296086' date='Oct 1 2008, 12:33 AM']Hi,
    I have just started sifting through yrs of collected items with the view of selling etc and have found a box of guitar
    pedals i had sealed up since the 80s.
    1 pedal is an Ibanez Overdrive OD-850. I was intending to let this go cheap,but have since searched and found some silly prices up to £395, is this right?
    If they are worth more than a few quid! :huh: I might be getting a new bass.
    I will make full list later this week.
    If you have a fair idea of old gear from pedals to amps and recording Please help!

    Don't expect too much. I recently dug out my 1980s Ibanez FL-9 flanger after hearing they were very much in demand. But the last one on ebay went for £36.

    You might want to hold on to yours until the economy picks up (another ten years? :) )



  13. Is it an SVT-3? If so, I'd say take it along.

    Dial in lots of mids, turn the graphic EQ on then slide the level dial (No18 in the owner's guide) up to full.

    And the tube gain knob gives more distortion to the left, less to the right -- the opposite of what many people expect.

    It should be great -- have fun :)



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