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Everything posted by misrule

  1. I'm just coming to the end of learning 26 punk and hard rock songs for a similar stand-in. I have the band's two sets on CDs to play along with at home plus copies in the car to learn the backing vocals. I don't bother with tab -- it's usually wrong. I just plod through the songs one by one -- and I've really enjoyed learning them. One thing I'd suggest is to work the stuff out at a basic level, then concentrate on songs you find hard. I've had to play some painfully slowly over and over to learn tricky tempos and sing harmonies on top of contrasting lines. You might also get lyrics off the net, even if you're not singing. They act as a prompt to me and I can scribble notes on them. Good luck. Cheers Mark
  2. I once played a £10,000 classical guitar before it was sold, sight un-seen, to Jacques Villeneuve -- who apparently collects these things. It was nice but not worth the money. However, I bought a Brazilian rosewood Amalio Burguet at the same time which I love. I'm no expert but it's a delight to play -- and I hope it will one day contribute to my pension. It'll be ten years old next year Cheers Mark
  3. [quote name='clauster' post='152495' date='Mar 6 2008, 04:51 PM']Thought that might be the case, but not keen on spending that sought of cash on a bass I can't play first. Maybe I'll finally go and see my aunt in Florida.[/quote] Good move Cheers Mark
  4. [quote name='clauster' post='152435' date='Mar 6 2008, 03:24 PM']I've sudenly found myself gassing for a Ric, not the 4003 but the 4004. Anyone know of a UK stockist for the 4004? I've tried the usual (GAK, Bass Gallery, etc etc)[/quote] I was interested in a 4004 a couple of years ago. I emailed the UK distributor to see if there were any in the country -- but they said they had no way of knowing So I gave up. It might be easier to see if you could get a US import. Cheers Mark
  5. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='143571' date='Feb 20 2008, 10:23 AM']How about; 'Bolinforsoup' 'bolinbolinbolinkeepthosewagonsbolin'[/quote] Nice looking bass with a -- dare I say it -- Les Paul vibe. You could be Marc Bolin Cheers Mark
  6. Les Paul bass? I've never tried one but they're said to be similar. Cheers Mark
  7. [quote name='Shaggy' post='138679' date='Feb 12 2008, 09:31 AM']Very little advertising compared with other commercial stations - is that the root problem?[/quote] Probably. Advertisers obviously want to reach as many people as possible for their money -- so they won't bother if the station doesn't have many listeners. I'll be sad to see Planet Rock go, too. Where else on the radio will we get the old, screamy rock stuff? Cheers Mark
  8. I don't know if any of them would be any good -- unless you're talking about replacing the whole unit. Here's what the real thing looks like, with fuse and without: You might be better off contacting the UK Ampeg agents, even if it's a battle to get hold of them. I put the fuse details on your previous thread. Good luck. Cheers Mark
  9. I was wondering what the benefit of eco-friendly CD cases would be, given the plastic and resin in the disc itself. Out of curiosity, I looked around online for info on how harmful CDs are to the environment. I didn't find a great deal -- but there are a couple of places selling paper cases, including this one in the States. [url="http://www.megalodon.com/Eco-Friendly-tray-pks.html"]Megalodon[/url] Hope that helps. Cheers Mark
  10. [quote name='Absolute-beginner' post='131321' date='Jan 31 2008, 03:00 PM']I used to do CP work for a lot of 'names' god theyre all dull! Hiding demi moore was bloody funny! AB[/quote] What's CP? Close protection? Cheers Mark
  11. And the fuse is a five-amp T5 slow blow, I believe. Available from all good electrical shops. I must admit when I got my SVT 3 I looked at the fuse holder and thought: I doubt that will stay put for long. Cheers Mark
  12. [quote name='OldGit' post='127690' date='Jan 25 2008, 12:53 PM']Type of wedding: social[/quote] As opposed to what? Type of wedding: abusive and menacing? Hey, I'll sign up right away. Here are my bank details ... Cheers Mark
  13. It's 17.5 per cent VAT plus 3.9 per cent duty. Cheers Mark
  14. I can help with The Times and Sun if you pm me your address. You want January 19, presumably. Cheers Mark
  15. misrule

    'Ignore User'

    [quote name='Wil' post='121461' date='Jan 16 2008, 01:50 PM']This thread is full of blanks! [/quote] I was going to say "Why has nobody posted in this topic?" But I guess nobody would have seen my post Cheers Mark
  16. Well, I just listened to it again -- the song goes solo, chorus and straight into what I posted above. Just play it faster Cheers Mark
  17. There was a similar post to this recently. It included all the details of which form you needed, from somebody here who works for Customs and Excise. A search would probably turn it up for you. Cheers Mark
  18. Open E, D (on the A string), C#, B, C#, G (pull), B, A, B, A#, B, B. The guitar plays that twice, you then play it twice together, then you move the whole shape up to the A string. So A, G (on the D string) etc. I think that's right Cheers Mark
  19. misrule

    custom bass?

    How about the one on the right of these two? [url="http://www.lecomptebass.com/acidjds/"]Bud's Acid Jazz[/url] Not quite the same, but getting there. Bud makes a lovely bass -- and look at the price. And he'll build custom designs. I should say that before anybody points out that these basses look nothing like each other Cheers Mark
  20. Great-looking stuff -- and I also love that P. Cheers Mark
  21. [quote name='ste_m3' post='116189' date='Jan 8 2008, 01:47 PM']could a mod please embed this? Anyway yeah, Was a real long night of filming. and i dont think its turned out too bad really. Enjoy! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BH5J492qjNI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BH5J492qjNI[/url][/quote] Great stuff. There's a huge melee of band members, though -- how do you guys ever make money? Cheers Mark
  22. + 2 = 1163. Cheers Mark
  23. Yet another West Sussex-ite Welcome. Cheers Mark
  24. Thanks -- I've not had time to really investigate yet, but I shall in the next few days. Cheers Mark
  25. Thanks, guys -- particularly for those links. I'll have a look. My family might not want to spend £287. But we'll see if Sibelius is worth it ... Cheers Mark
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