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Everything posted by misrule

  1. These arrived today. He's finished spraying and has to let the body cure for a week before he puts the bass together. Sadly, that will be too late for the South East bass bash. Cheers Mark
  2. Honestly, what are these music-shop people like? Don't they want to stay in business? I've previously been in another (Denmark Street) store where the only member of staff was too busy eating his lunch to let me buy a PRS guitar. They need their arses kicked Cheers Mark
  3. I had similar problems on backing vocals. I slowed each song down to crawling pace then sang along to it. As you slowly speed up, your brain remembers the little cues to when you should be singing. Eventually, everything clicks and playing a song without singing feels strange. I also commute a lot -- so I play the bass part before going to work, then sing the harmony in the car. Cheers Mark
  4. I'm sorry to hear about your problem. I'd say you had a case originally but it's too late now. A solicitor's letter won't help -- it will just act as confirmation to him that he's away free, otherwise you'd have used your stamp to send him the court papers. In any case, he's in the States and knows how expensive and drawn-out action against him would be. If I were you, I'd just name the guy in your original post. That puts the ball in his court and acts as a warning to others. He's unlikely to sue you for defamation due to the huge cost, further bad publicity and your defence that what you posted was true. I'm not a lawyer, by the way. I'm sure one of m'learned friends is lurking here somewhere. Cheers Mark
  5. [quote name='Mike' post='36218' date='Jul 24 2007, 06:50 AM']That looks SO good! Wish mine was sprayed! I hope it turns out half as nicely as yours! That headstock....wow![/quote] Your time will come, be patient -- you're catching up fast. I haven't seen any change to mine in a month Bloody global warming and its disrupted weather patterns. We must stop cutting down trees to make .... Oh. Cheers Mark
  6. Lookin' good . Very nice stripes on the top. I also like the thin stripe (is it?) around the body and the way the back's smoothed towards the heel. Cheers Mark
  7. [quote name='RussFM' post='36095' date='Jul 23 2007, 08:11 PM']You'll be wanting a biography (pad it out as much as possible, big yourselves up as they say!), a gigs list, a photo and a demo. The bio should mention any positive reviews, or even just comments from reputable sources, like a local promoter. Hope that helps![/quote] There you are -- he knows Thanks, Russ. Seems my guess wasn't up to much ... Cheers Mark
  8. I'm in a similar sort of boat at the moment, and -- knowing as much as you -- I figured photo, DVD of gig or CD of tracks and a short CV with contact details. I'd keep everything short and sweet. I imagine they only want a taster. Cheers Mark
  9. [quote name='slaphappygarry' post='35189' date='Jul 21 2007, 12:45 PM']Just had another look. I love that colour![/quote] It's hard to know what it really looks like, what with the flash 'n all. But I'm prepared to put up with whatever comes. Cheers Mark
  10. I'll join the long queue of people from Sussex waiting to say hello. Welcome. Cheers Mark
  11. [quote name='skywalker' post='34547' date='Jul 20 2007, 11:51 AM']Might be an idea to ask the shop for a receipt for a lower value. Must shops will be happy to do that.[/quote] Just remember that the customs guys know, or can check, what a particular make and model is worth. They may want to know how you got such a massive discount -- and will accuse you of using a bogus receipt to avoid paying duty (which could amount to fraud). They will keep you sitting in an interview room until they're happy -- four hours, in my case. They could even keep all your stuff and release you on bail while they investigate. Would you fancy another return trip to Heathrow from your home in Aberdeen, or wherever, to collect it all? The best suggestion previously on this thread is to go through the red channel, prepared to pay up. There is very often nobody there -- a, er, friend of mine has twice walked through unmolested Cheers Mark
  12. [quote name='JoeS' post='26133' date='Jul 2 2007, 06:01 PM']Sounds like Billingshurst...[/quote] Except Billingshurst has a music shop -- after a fashion. JoeS, you have a personal message -- top righthand corner. Cheers Mark
  13. A dull (and overcast) update -- Bud is facing a delay on this bass because of heavy rain in Texas. He can't spray clearcoat in humid conditions so we're both twiddling our thumbs in the waiting room. But the parts and hardware are ready to roll and another firm nearby is building me a flight case. Cheers Mark
  14. [quote name='steve-norris' post='34324' date='Jul 19 2007, 08:27 PM']i would get the router out and fit these[/quote] A couple of Dark Stars would cost more than a new bass, surely? But it [i]would[/i] sound good ... On a more helpful note, DAB, I have a Gibby Thunderbird and I'm not a great fan of the three-cornered bridge. I'd find something better, if there is such a thing, but I have no idea what to suggest. Cheers Mark
  15. [quote name='David Nimrod' post='34035' date='Jul 19 2007, 10:38 AM']Having to pay a £1000 deposit, sight unseen? Sounds crazy to me...[/quote] I don't think any of us would send off a £1,000 deposit without first checking that the builder was reliable with a good reputation and many satisfied customers. The rest is all down to taste. I didn't order a custom bass to get *exactly* what I wanted -- I just fancied something original and beautiful (to my eyes at least ... ) And say hello to West Bridgford for me -- I used to live just down the road from the Trent Bridge Inn as a student. Cheers Mark
  16. Nice ... and you're catching up. Mine's not here yet. Cheers Mark
  17. [quote name='Dan_Nailed' post='33942' date='Jul 19 2007, 12:52 AM']It's unreasonable for them to ask you to produce a receipt for a bass that you've owned for a while, if that's your story.[/quote] It may be unreasonable -- but that's what they do. They would, probably quite rightly, expect you to take the receipt of a new bass with you to prove you hadn't bought it abroad. They also understand the serial number, which will tell them when the bass was made and probably where it was sold. When I was stopped, they had a huge printed serial number manual which told them when my guitar was made (I told them I'd bought it second-hand). Don't mess with these people -- they have horrible powers. Cheers Mark
  18. [quote name='Toasted' post='33669' date='Jul 18 2007, 03:00 PM']Big D, you'll pay: ((((Price on recipt + 3.9%) + 17.5%) + handling fee) - Price on recpit) The handling fee will be I would guess £5 ish.[/quote] You only pay a handling fee on deliveries, as far as I'm aware. Customs don't charge you that, at least Cheers Mark
  19. [quote name='Toasted' post='33617' date='Jul 18 2007, 01:57 PM']Just pay the money.[/quote] Yes -- good advice. I got nicked bringing in a guitar. Customs confiscated it, then conducted a mini-trial in the interview room which resulted in a £150 fine as well. I then had to buy my own guitar back from the Queen's Warehouse. The 'old case' trick doesn't fool them, either. They target people with guitar cases -- then ask detailed questions about where you bought the instrument, what you paid for it and how. They want to see a US receipt, or a UK one to prove you bought it here, before they'll let you go. And they know a lot about makes and serial numbers. It's better to visit the Red Channel and cough up the 17.5 per cent VAT and 3.9 per cent duty they'll demand. And that's on the whole value -- they don't deduct your allowance Sorry. Cheers Mark
  20. More points to ponder -- diorscore, based in Gainsborough, Lincs, seems to be the only dealer of DC Montana stuff on Ebay. There's nothing on the American site. That's strange, from a supposed American firm with a 20-year history. But -- he makes no claims about the brand on Ebay nor does he say the basses are made in the USA. He only implies that we already know about "the amazing DC tone". There's nothing to link diorscore with the DC Montana website -- unless somebody knows more than me. *hint, hint* Cheers Mark
  21. It's also interesting that neither the yellow nor white pages in the States have listings for a DC Montana company in Pigeon Forge, TN -- nor the Montana "family members" mentioned on their website. And they're not members of the Pigeon Forge chamber of commerce. There's a guitar shop in town -- maybe I'll have a chat ... Cheers Mark
  22. [quote name='dlloyd' post='33204' date='Jul 17 2007, 07:01 PM']They generally go between £10 and £40 on ebay.[/quote] May I suggest you keep it, since it's unlikely to be worth a fortune? It'll eventually bring back great memories of your grandfather. Cheers Mark
  23. [quote name='obbm' post='32233' date='Jul 15 2007, 10:09 PM']Rudgewick is great event. I played there with Old Blue Moses a few years ago. The Bash starts at 10:00am so there will be plenty of time to come there and go on to Rudgewick later.[/quote] Fair enough. I'll have to bring the wife and kids to Rudgwick, though, or I'll be a dead man Cheers Mark
  24. Rudgwick Music Festival is the same day as the South East bass bash -- but I'll say hello if I get there Cheers Mark
  25. I've bought a Thunderbird, Ampeg amp and cab in their store with no problems. They're helpful -- when the bass section is open -- and will haggle to at or below their internet price. I've also twice dealt with the online section, and have twice been buggered about. So now I always buy in person. Cheers Mark
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