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Posts posted by misrule

  1. [quote name='ape' post='542171' date='Jul 16 2009, 12:51 PM']Hi Mate, I've got a XL9 myself that doesnt look a million miles apart from the XL24, mine is more like a BC Rich warlock style body though, has the same machine heads, bridge and similar woods, dimarzio pickups but mine are P style and a few more swtiches on mine but I'd imagine the sound wouldnt be miles apart. They sound really great, very funky sounding bass but can get lots of different tones from them, they play really well as well mines a 20fret version so a fairly short neck and really easy to play. From questions I've had as I'm selling mine on here it seems that quite a few of them suffer from issues with the neck not being straight so I'd imagine thats the biggest thing to lookout for. Obviously with them having a aluminium neck they suffer from neck dive but I've never found mine uncomfortable to play. I hope some of this helps.[/quote]
    Thanks, ape. I saw yours -- but I'm really after the other body shape.

    Is the neck really heavy, then? You'd expect aluminium to be light.



  2. Hi, folks --

    I'm GAS-ing for a Kramer like this beautiful, but I suspect overpriced, one on Italian ebay:

    [url="http://cgi.ebay.it/Splendido-Kramer-XL24---da-musicista_W0QQitemZ140322578534QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxZ20090524?IMSfp=TL090524132001r2058"]Italian Kramer[/url]

    Does anybody know what they feel and sound like? And are there things I should watch out for -- like neck problems or dive?

    They look like a mid-Seventies BC Rich. But they sell for a few hundred dollars in America.

    Ta in advance.



  3. [quote name='OldGit' post='501113' date='May 29 2009, 05:08 PM']You censor "slut" and "bitch" with [i]that[/i] cartoon in your sig?
    I thought the website censor-robot would change them to something stupid.

    I am slightly surprised the mods never challenged the cartoon. I'm happy to photoshop it -- but nobody seems to be outraged. :rolleyes:

    Back to the OP, I'd say I'm glad I was sacked from my last outfit. They kept their egos and drugs and I moved on to a band I really enjoy.



  4. [quote name='Rich' post='500907' date='May 29 2009, 01:43 PM']No, I'm doing OK. I'm finding that I'm becoming less and less reliant on the Jane-shaped voodoo doll, and the dartboard with Duncan's gurning face on it. And it's only taken 29 years so far.

    [size=1]Jane and Duncan actually got married eventually. Some years later, they got divorced. When I found out, I chuckled a bit.
    I'm going to Hell for that, aren't I?[/size][/quote]

    Sing along now ...

    Oh ... she's a slag and he's a creep
    She's a tart, he's very cheap
    She is a sl*t, he thinks he's tough
    She is a b***h, he is a puff
    Yeah yeah, it's not fair
    Yeah yeah, it's not fair :)



  5. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='493180' date='May 20 2009, 12:29 PM']I fail to see how this would affect the tone of the strings. You're talking about how you cut the strings before inserting them into the tuning peg, right?[/quote]
    Yup. The set-up man, Chris McIntyre, claimed blurb on the packs told you to do it that way -- though I've yet to find any.

    I don't see the logic, either. But I follow his advice and they seem to last a fair while.



  6. The last time I took my bass for a set-up (with Chris McIntyre in Peckham) he told me to bend DR strings into a 90-degree angle then cut them past the bend. He claims they sound dead if you cut them straight.

    This may help you -- or it may be utter nonsense. :) But I now do it religiously.



  7. [quote name='urban Bassman' post='483923' date='May 9 2009, 06:52 PM']The Brighton shop is a separate entity to their online shop. They will check the "shop" stock if you ask them to however.[/quote]

    They claim they're separate -- but walk in to the shop and ask for something featured online and it magically appears. And ask them to match the online price and they'll wheel out the old 'we're separate' line, then match it. Or beat it, as once happened.

    Sorry, slightly OT.



  8. I'd say two things -- the future isn't something that happens to us, we shape it. So anybody who wants a different future to his will get up and change things.

    Also, history is littered with about-turns where people decide they prefer the old ways of doing things or want a radical new direction. By the time my kids have grown up, they'll be making and listening to music in ways we haven't even dreamed of yet.

    Hopefully, they and others like them will be in charge -- not some cynical record company, TV show or a nasty mixture of the two.



  9. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='473759' date='Apr 27 2009, 09:56 PM']I've never heard of lights causing squealing before - not saying it wouldn't happen but typically I've experienced it as 60 cycle hum though.

    I initially thought the cause might be microphonic pickups and high gain settings.[/quote]
    He definitely gets squealing -- so he brings a guitar with humbuckers to those rehearsals.

    The lights don't affect my PJ bass, though.



  10. Hi, folks --

    I've arranged a £20 discount for Basschatters buying ER25s from Specsavers, but only in Horsham, West Sussex, I'm afraid.

    They're usually £180 but they'll do them for £160 if you mention my name -- M*** F******. (pm me if you want it)

    I'm nothing to do with the company. I went in there and they quoted me £125 by mistake, then generously honoured the deal.

    I jokingly asked if I could tell you people about the price cut. The audiologist said no -- but she'd knock off £20 for anyone from Basschat who asked.

    It's not a huge saving, I realise, but it's better than nothing.



  11. Don't give up -- replace the people in your band or move on.

    I had a similar problem to yours in December, asked a similar question here and was encouraged to stick with it. I've now got an audition with a heavy metal band whose music I love. I would have dumped the previous lot without hesitation to land this gig.

    What's the old saying about doors opening and closing?



  12. [quote name='Buzz' post='402300' date='Feb 6 2009, 07:29 PM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=6172&hl=dha%20vt5"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;hl=dha%20vt5[/url]

    The build thread for the previous version of that amp series from the prototype onwards, note the revisions at the end leading to the VTX series.

    Has reviews too.[/quote]
    Thanks. I'll have a read.



  13. [quote name='umph' post='399876' date='Feb 4 2009, 12:24 PM']with my experience with that type of amp is that they kind of get the sound and work great for studio stuff, but if you want a proper valve sound without the weight look into something like the torres amps bassman it only weighs 15.6kg and is loud enough to keep up with a hard hitting drummer.[/quote]
    Thanks, umph. Sorry -- didn't see your reply until now. I'll check out the bassman.



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