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Everything posted by BenTunnicliffe

  1. Sidenote but I've found on some gigs there's people I've worked with who particularly want upright because of the visual aspect almost as much as the sound! I really get what they mean but upright not having a big part in what i'm into [bar that common track off the album 'Be' which everyone should invest in! Think it's Derrick Hodge?] and not wanting to shell out for the gear or estate car I decided to tell them to put up with a beautiful electric or stick it somewhere
  2. I'm not form the generation to have even come close to having vinyl as even a less-used medium to be buying and listen to music but a few years ago I started buying it from the odd record shop still around and searching through charity shop crates purely because I can get a bigger version of the artwork and quality pros/cons aside still get exposed to an album for 50p as opposed to £7.99 or whatever itunes and CD shops offer. I really like the sound a hell of a lot mainly because the bass sounds great and somehow they feel like something worth collecting (even new vinyl). If I was to release any kind of hardcopy of something I did with my own band with the aim being to SELL them then I'd release it as vinyl only, I don't see CDs as being a medium worth chasing any more seeing as downloads are the primary source people go to for music now.... Interesting watching things change!
  3. FOREVER underselling myself I swear! Big relocation and carless so it does need to go unfortunately.
  4. This for me purely because it's condensed down to nothing BUT groove in the sense that no one is playing anything that on the surface is inaccessible to most players and the magic is sat between the lines. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-tI_kg5AAU I did try and touch on some of the stuff about feel more within a solo but still around this context when I started my video blog last week but I won't hijack the thread Interesting topic though for sure.
  5. I think there's a particular vein of records and kinds of work that upright players end up doing that gives them a particular tone, time and phrasing that's specific to that instrument that makes them harder to emulate unless you went through the same schooling that they do approaching it all from electric. On a more basic level though a lot of upright players end up using a lot of open strings and 12th 'fret' harmonics to get around how physical it is to play in many respects or they shy away from certain hand positions for the same reason which makes the crossover of lines fairly blurry to me. I detune a 5string by a semitone on each string so that makes a lot of that impossible in a complete 'imitation' kind of way for me. Forgetting about the fact I play a fretted bass that sounds nothing like an upright of course
  6. ***WITHDRAWN - Left the UK on a cruise contract therefore now unable to organise couriers etc so the combo is no longer available until April 2013 *** Selling my Marbass CMD121P 1x12" 300watt combo (500watts with an 8ohm cabinet [not included) due to a big clearout and hoping to move to Aguilar gear at some point. I bought it from Kristo in 2011 through here and since then it's seen very light use but I did take it to a session at Incognito's session seeing as it was easy to carry on the tube in London with my bass on my back. The producer on the session said that between us we'd got the best tone he'd heard through a Neumann U87 which is as big a compliment any amp is ever going to get from an experienced producer. I've got the original markbass black and yellow cover that came with it which is also in perfect nick. I bought it for £450 and seeing as I can't do any deliveries myself and I'm up in North Wales I'm looking for £435 for a quick sale and taking into account that whoever can give it a home will need to cover courier costs. I'll have my own HD pics up asap tonight I"m just transferring them from my desktop. It isn't the smaller 'NY' or 'Mini' versions and the spec is as follows - [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]SPEAKER[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]1x12"[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]TWEETER[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]piezo[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]BASS REFLEX[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]rear[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]IMPEDANCE[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]8 ohms[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]SPEAKER POWER HANDLING[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]400W RMS (AES Standard)[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]AMP OUTPUT POWER[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]500W @ 4 ohm / 300W @ 8 ohm[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]PREAMP:[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]solid state[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]FREQUENCY RESPONSE[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]45 Hz to 18 kHz[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]CROSSOVER FREQUENCY[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]3.5 kHz[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]SENSITIVITY[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]99 dB SPL[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]WEIGHT[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]29.3 lbs / 13.3 kg[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]HEIGHT[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]17 in. / 43.2 cm[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]WIDTH[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]15.3 in. / 38.3 cm[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]DEPTH[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]14.1 in. / 35.8cm[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Used it live a couple of times and it copes fine against a drummer etc without overwhleming anyone or feeling remotely [/font][/color][font=verdana, geneva, lucida, lucida grande, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=2][color=#000000]compromised due to its size.[/color][/size][/font] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]I'm on a cruise contract this coming Friday (14th) so really looking to shift asap but will be able to arrange the courier handover safely regardless if it's a couple of days after that weekend.[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Cheers,[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]B.[/font][/color]
  7. Mornin' all, I this as a snapshot of where I'd got to shedding Roy Hargrove's solo from the studio take of Strasbourg / St. Denis off the Earfood album. I'm still working on it now and that's a week old by now and I did post it in my own 'Bassist Available' topic but thought I'd chuck it here for the hell of it. Plenty of things from the solo I'm still working on, not least of all that some of it's wrong in that clip but I I definitely fall into the camp of 'If I try to force it into something perfect rather than just being a snapshot then I'll be [i]that [/i]guy who talks more than he releases' . Cheers for looking. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhpLU_y3puA[/media]
  8. Neck is still going and just took some rough pics to show the mounting screw holes on the rear (5 of them in total) and a pic of the from. It IS right handed it's just my macbook's camera mirroring the image, sorry about that.
  9. Hi guys, Moving house soon and having a big clearout so I'm putting nearly all my books up for sale with comments on the condition they're in and tried my best to band them in terms of cost in regards to if they come with a CD and how hefty a tome they are. Postage via Royal Mail is not included and I'm happy to accommodate any other postage means you'd like but any of the above is at your own cost. Payments via paypal or bank transfer please and I can get anything sent away after the weekend no problem. WITH CDs Beginning Electric Bass - David Overthrow - Been used with no permanent marks just a couple of earmarks, CD looks rough but works fine - £6 Intermediate Electric Bass - David Overthrow - No marks inside and the CD is also fine - £8 Mastering Electric Bass - David Overthrow - No marks at all and CD looks near mint - £8 Building Jazz Basslines - Ron Carter - Book not used at all, CD opened once - £8 Art of Walking Bass - Bob Magnusson - First half of the book has been briefly used, no marks, CD opened once - £8 Groove Mastery - Oneida James - Flicked through, no marks, CD used once - £5 Latin Bass - George Lopez & David Keif - Book perfect and CD is near mint - £5 Play Bass Today! Level 2 - Hal Leonard - One earmark in the book, CD pretty much mint - £4 NO CDs (as part of the original package) Complete Electric Bass Player Book 4 [Slapping Techniques - Chuck Rainey - Old book but perfect inside - £6 Teach Yourself Rock Bass - David Gross - Old book, light wear & tear on the outside but spotless inside apart from 1 bit of biro - £5 Nirvana - The Bass Collection - a D.S. sign and a Coda sign gone over with highlighter on one page,otherwise perfect - £7 R&B Bass Bible - Hal Leonard - Barely ever used, nothing visible inside at all - £7 Victor Wooten - Best Of - Mint condition inside and out - £9 Ray Brown's Bass Method - 3 earmarks inside and no other markings anywhere at all - £6 Ron Carter Collection Artist Transcriptions - Perfect never used - £7 TRUMPET Randy Brecker - Artist Transcriptions - Perfect nick only ever flicked through - £6 2006-2012 SYLLABUS Rockschool Guitar Debut - Mint condition book, CD really good bought for teaching I did but never used - £8 Rockschool Guitar Grade 1 - Light use CD perfect - £8 Rockschool Guitar Grade 2 - CD opened once, book never used - £8 Rockschool Guitar Grade 3 - CD opened once, book never used - £8 Hope these see a good home where they get used again/at all! Cheers, Ben
  10. My latest video is a snapshot of where I'd got to working through Roy Hargrove's solo on 'Strasbourg St Denis' and can be seen here... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhpLU_y3puA
  11. Hi guys, I'm a bass player from North Wales having spent a stint living in London in 2011 but currently based back in North Wales between two cruise work contracts finishing late April 2013. I have been playing as my only source of income since 2006 with 2009-2011 including a full time job through an agency where I taught peripatetic in a series of primary and secondary schools. That said I'm not searching to move back to teaching as my strengths and sources of enjoyment sit much more in live playing, recording sessions and collaborating on writing from my instrument's perspective. I have performed in a huge range of venues across the uk from the floor up to the Royal Albert Hall, abroad with a variety of acts taking me to Sweden and France and more recently a further 24 countries as part of the cruise work I have done and I have numerous television sessions, recording sessions and theatre seats under my belt. I have performed with [url="http://www.huwwarren.co.uk"]BBC Innovation in Jazz Award winner Huw Warren[/url] on numerous occasions and have a great variety of standards internalised as well as access to the usual library of tunes that I provide at all gigs in that vein. Most recently I was the recorded bass player for the recording of Craig Adams' musical/concept album at Incognito's 'Cream' studio in London which you can [url="https://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/lift-original-concept-album/id530917198"]preview here[/url] [I recommend a preview of the track 2 to hear bass although the lyrics contain adult themes to those easily offended!] In 2011 I recorded bass parts for some of folk singer Chloe Leavers' debut EP 'All These Things' which was produced by Sam Jones who has previously worked with the likes of Corinne Bailey Rae, Alex Turner, Soweto Kinch, Stoney and Reverend and the Makers. [url="http://www.chloeleavers.com"]The EP can be heard here[/url]. I first performed abroad in 2008 where I performed with the welsh 'folk orchestra' who have received wide critical acclaim for their live performances and album release recorded before a live audience. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI1-yvOdMi0"]A video of myself with the orchestra here[/url]. * Folk Roots magazine reviewed Y Glerorfa's live album giving my playing a positive review "fiddlers and harpers fleshed out with Welsh pipes and flutes and a lightly funky bass guitar - huge thumbs up Ben Tunnicliffe - [url="http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l47yyzPSyM1qbvxn5o1_500.jpg"]complete review here[/url] * Around 2009 I played for the sessions of 'Last Choir Standing' finalists Glanaethwy's television series which were aired around 6months later on S4C. I predominantly use an [url="http://overwaterbasses.com"]Overwater[/url] Perception Pro-Deluxe 5string although have regular access to a range of equipment including vintage fender basses and stock models through all eras of music up to modern designs and I have a good knowledge of synthesis and an analogue synth I would like to include more in my work. [also some effects available] I apologise for the overload of information above although I do consider all the work I've done an incredible privilege and an ongoing learning experience although I do by now have the usual skills taken into account by producers and gig setters such as high-level sight reading, repetoire of function standards, jazz standards, good ear for improvised passages and a good sense of place within a band. Personally my interests currently lie in pushing the communication and improvising of jazz towards contemporary electronic music and the possibilities that could open up and within that vein I ran a weekly residency in North Wales in 2011 based around an extensive live band performing hiphop and similar styles of music. I have a personal recording setup that I am upgrading to be able to record more than demo-quality material at home but can easily arrange sessions to record bass tracks at this studio which could be done at an incredibly competitive price and with little notice for myself. [url="http://www.stiwdioun.com/en/about"]Stiwdio Un[/url] I have a full UK passport, valid STCW 95 course and a valid CRB check. Formalities aside I take a huge amount of pride and pleasure in what I am fortunate enough to be able to call my occupation and never shy from making that known as I perform and being only 21 that does make live appearances a right laugh and if there is absolutely anything I could try and be of help with then please don't hesitate to get in touch. I'm in the process of setting up a video blog on my youtube channel which can be found in the links below. Thanks for reading and hope I can help somehow, Ben. [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/BenTunnicliffe"]YOUTUBE[/url] [url="https://twitter.com/BenTunnicliffe"]TWITTER[/url] [url="http://bentunnicliffe.tumblr.com"]TUMBLR[/url] [url="https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ben-Tunnicliffe-Music/323580594338718"]FACEBOOK[/url] [url="https://soundcloud.com/bentunnicliffe"]SOUNDCLOUD[/url]
  12. I'm no longer in the UK to be able to arrange the sale of any of the remaining items from this thread; departed on a cruise contract a couple of weeks after this was posted. Breaking up a 'parts' jazz bass I put together to fund the replacement of a new car and the bass is on a back burner due to me gigging an Overwater for everything I do so would rather see these get some use. Prices are PRE-POST but I'm happy to hand over to a courier or try and accommodate whatever postage method you'd like if the cost is covered and it's fairly straight forward. Paypal or bank transfer fine otherwise I'm located near Bangor in North Wales if anyone would like to meet up and make a cash exchange. Unknown brand black alder body with through stringing Black Scratchplate shaped for a standard jazz bass body - £10 Used with the usual faint marks around where the neck pickup sits but nothing major. 3ply I think. Other bits PBass style chrome knobs set of 3 - £5 I'll work on getting pictures together tonight/asap but the parts are largely self explanatory and I can happily refer people to identical images in the meantime but understand that any slight wear and tear needs posting to ease anyone's mind. Also have a combo going up for sale soon too. Thanks for looking. B
  13. Hi, I'm a working bassist currently on a cruise gig and been working professionally for quite a few years now and from November 12th I have 4weeks of shore leave. I'm just after some genuine recommendations for inspiring, well accomplished electric players in Leeds, London, Bristol and Cardiff as I'll be in those areas at some point from November 11th and thought it would be a shame to not pick up what I can. As of yet I haven't decided when I'll be in each city so could work around any dates any teachers are available except that I'll be in Cardiff between the 22nd and 26th of November. My main areas of interest are the between-the-lines aspects in music, improvising and reacting within a context, developing absolute time and how to move away from that and then just general technique and fluidity. I do also have a huge interest in modern arranging and production techniques alone with including effects etc to work within highly electronic genres although that's more of an afterthought than anything else. I've had lessons from non-bass players on various occassions to work on the above so would be more than happy to hear recommendations that move outside just bass players if anyone can help. Thanks for any suggestions!
  14. Good luck with the sale, amazing piece of kit. If it's still in your hands on the 31st give me a shout! Otherwise I'll keep checking in over the next few days. B
  15. Been a good while and I've resisted giving it a little BUMP so I'll 'ave a bash anyway.
  16. Hi guys, I'm Ben and I've been posting through here for years now and I'm moving down to N.London on the 26th of September with my gear. I'm looking for musicians in general to hang out with, write with, jam with and work with and personally I'm really from the straight-down-the-line groove kind of mentality and into a lot of that melodramatic 'RnB Revolution' thing along the lines of The Weeknd, Franc Ocean, OFWGKTA but also the alt. HipHop thing with Aesop Rock through to The Roots and some more oldschool pop stuff. I really dig tightness no matter what the idio and actually love playing live stuck to click to open up the samples thing and appreciate the musicianship involved in all that scene no matter if it's pop or straight up electronic stuff; not hugely fussy. I've got nice gear including a brilliant Overwater 5, transportable rig and a synth I've used for sub, wobbles and that kind of thing along the snappy electronic vibe. I've got a background in other kinds of music proffessionally including jazz, folk, rock, pop and theatre stints but I thought I'd send a feeler out for this kind of thing as a starting point as this is what I'm really into and get the most satisfaction from playing personally. I've had studio experience creating samples from a bass perspective as well as spending a lot of personal time taking apart vinyl to get grooves together etc and I've got a thorough grasp on triggering things live and the whole scene surrounding that whole process of re-humanising electronic music. Added to that is that my personal contacts in London are limited as I'm moving from N.Wales so anyone bassist or otherwise willing to just hang for a bit would be really appreciated. As mentioned above: - Decent gear - Great ear - Sight reader - Ex-Peri' teacher for 2 years - Willing to travel - Not just after said genres - Easy going - Flexible time-wise - Theatre, TV, Live + Studio experience - Willing live sample-triggering monkey - Really up for just having a laugh - Willing to work hard for the right project Thanks for reading guys if anyone has any ideas where people into this stuff hang out or fancy a pint that would be great. Cheers, B. P.S. I covered 26,000 miles in 12 months with my last car just going to gigs + rehearsals etc so although I won't have my car in London I'll gladly hop about here and there when something's working out or seems like the right vibe. Ta!
  17. Hi guys. Even though this was put up as a feeler I actually got a phonecall from a local mate who I did in all fairness give a first shout to last night who has now infact bought it. Really sorry that it all swung from being a feeler to gone so quickly; didn't quite know what was coming. Cheers for all the itnerest, PMs on their way. Ben.
  18. Hi guys, Here's a bit of an odd one and is in fact part of my rig made entirely of discontinued products. [u]Basically[/u] N.Wales Heavily Used (Line out gone iffy, SELF-rackmounted) US Voltage (transformer included) 6U Rack case included £350 I bought this around 2007 (I'll find the shipping docs asap) on the bay as I wanted a powerful, small bass head and liked the sound of these. I can remember the portabass range being one of the first lines of compact bass gear I saw around and this was their crown head the PB800 (PB-800) shelling out 800watts @ 2ohms or 550 @ 4ohms. The ampeg owners manual is here [url="http://www.ampeg.com/pdf/PB800.pdf"]http://www.ampeg.com/pdf/PB800.pdf[/url] The amp turned up from the states in its soft case which I'm not going to lie did eventually falla part due to the PB800 having fairly square corners which eventually messed up the inside of the gigbag; pretty silly design oversight in my view. What I did do however is rackmount the amp eventually which was for approx the last 2 years of its use although I did the job myself which is incredibly sturdy but did involve taking up some new holes in the amp casing. The case is SKB 6U I think with the Ampeg taking up 2U. Due to the amp being from the states I have a step-down transformer from Maplins to plug the US lead into which then has the amp working exactly as an UK amp should and I'll include that with the sale. Somehow the line outs, both DI and jack aren't fully working right now but I'll pop it into the shop and see what my tech says although for now I'll take that into consideration. It's a 2 channel amp with high and low inputs on each and seperate EQ on each which then bounce to a master out and take the same XLR or Jack line outs as opposed to seperate outs or volumes for each. I can't find any evidence of anyone else using one of these in the UK or at least not popping onto basschat and with how well used it is I understand it might be a bit of a question makr right now although I can vouch that I've used it for every gig I've done since I got it and it's never died and has consistently sounded brilliant. It's got plenty of that Ampeg punch and the EQ works great with punchable Deep/High buttons to add a bit on top and bottom and I've always had good responses to the tone from the rig. RRP on the amp was originally $1499 from Ampeg themselves, $995.95 from ZZSounds in the states and then by now it's heavily used, in a foreign country and discontinued so i'm thinking £350 Money is going towards relocating and getting a tiny combo for the tube so if anyone has a 1x12" really nice light combo and would happily wait for my Berg cab to shift then I could do the PB800 and the difference in cash from the berg as I'd hate to be amp-less. Sorry for another rant. Cheers, Ben.
  19. Hi guys, Firstly I'll just point out that if I could I'd rather lose limbs than part with this cab but I'm just finalising a move down foggy Londontown and although unfathomably light a 2x12, bass and rackmounted head aren't ideal for the tube. I bought a brand new AE212 from Mark at Bass Direct about 4months ago before everyone stopped doing the whole neodymium thing and it did arrive with the usual, padded Bergantino case. It sounds absolutely incredible and really is a doddle to lift as a one man job and has a very neat, slim stage footprint due to its taller-rather-than-wider design. If you have a gander at Bass Direct they're now fully discontinued and out of stock and I payed a little extra on top of the cost of mine to get the case. Condition - Still smells and looks new with no tears on the sides, bent grills or anything ONLY thing worth pointing out is a incredibly tiny amount of frayed fabric ends at the bottom of the cover purely from putting it in and out of the car but it's not torn or anything. Never had a 500watt amp ran more than half way into it or been dropped or fiddled with. Thinking £600? I'm relocating to London and need a combo that I can hug infront of me with a bass on my back so it needs to be light and a single-speaker design, preferably a 12" as I've always used 12s and I don't get along with 10s. Need flexible features and all the usual line outs etc as well as as much clarity and wack at the top end as I can get. I also have a Ampeg PB800, the discontinued tiny heads they made that I will also be selling but I need to put the feelers out for the sale of that before I commit to selling the ber which is the only thing stopping this being a straight FOR SALE thread. I'm in North Wales but over the next weeks will head to Leigh and down to South Wales/Pembrokeshire on some particular dates but I'm happy to arrange something for petrol. Thanks for reading and I'll get this swapped to for sale asap. B.
  20. I reckon that's quite a while to be setting up and I've only had issues getting everyone's everything together in under an hour when there's been divas wanting stuff moved but then not helping to rearrange second only to people being late which really gets to me when I'm dealing with watch-owning adults. I like to get there with more time than it takes to set up and soundcheck and then have a nice amount of time with everything just sitting there 'cause I find it looks messy when the audience arrive and you're running around not in gig gear uncoiling leads and then losing the impact of one tune because you've ran a verse and chorus in soundcheck. Not always possible but that's what I like so I can chill out for a bit before jumping into it. Had any improvements? B
  21. Hello all, Bit of a cheeky update (first since last October so I don't think I'm pushing it really!). I did Aladdin the panto last december and just got booked to do a very short but fully authorised production of 'The Wiz' in July. I've also been working with various cover/function acts, jazz groups and a few singer/songwriters here and there on the gigging circuit. I'm planning on making the big move to the big smoke next year so I'm really interested in dipping my toes in any kind of short-term work that's knocking around in London if anyone is looking for a dep for something or other; any heads-ups greatelly appreciated. Currently really pushing myself into contemporary, groove-orientated unashamedly poppy music working in the studio I have at my disposal to work on recreating danceable hits that don't mess about with getting those hooks in there and getting people off their feet. If anyone knows of any projects with that backingtrack-aided kind of vibe with up to date grooves and sounds then that's something I'd be more than happy to go extra miles for. Still reading, my own transport, proffessional equipment, flexible timeframes, fast ear, enthusiastic, timely and easy going! Cheers for reading, B. [email protected]
  22. [quote name='Johnston' post='1204947' date='Apr 19 2011, 05:03 PM']Thats something my Mrs was confused about when she first went bass shopping with me. The shops around here unless it's the budget starter pack you get whats on the hanger the majority of times. She couldn't understand why you are paying full whack for something that "You never know who has had their hands on that" .[/quote] You have a Mrs who'll go BASS SHOPPING WITH YOU? Bass direct don't seem to stock those from looking in their catalogue so could you please enlighten me as to where I can get one myself? Glad your money back mate. B.
  23. Why is everyone who has nice 212's absolutely MILES away from me?! Not cool. Have a bump regardless.
  24. Hi guys. Thanks for all the interest there's been a good handful of PM's with which I'm sure I'll be able to finalise the cab's sale tonight so it's provisionally gone I'm afraid! I'll answer all the PM's this lunchtime I was driving to and fro a rehearsal last night and I'm at work this morning. Thanks again, will post if it doesn't go. Cheers, B.
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