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Everything posted by BenTunnicliffe

  1. BUMP! After a long time holding on to this great head it is now 100% back up for sale for £300.
  2. BUMP and price dropped down to £1100!
  3. BUMP and I've dropped the price down to £265!
  4. Hi everyone, I'm clearing out all the leads from my studio setup as I no longer have any use for them. The leads are from various manufacturers but the huge majority are from Klotz (manufacturers names aren't present on all of them so I can't be sure for all of them). I have never been one for buying flimsy leads and these have been looked after and tested to make sure they work fine. On offer are: [b][u]Speakon - Speakon (For PAs or linking your amp to your cab)[/u][/b] 2 x 15ft £10 each 1 x 6ft £6 1 x 5ft £6 3 x 3ft £5 each [b][u]Jack to Angled Jack Audio cables (Klotz high-end titanium with silent jacks factory fitted on the angled end)[/u][/b] 3 x 9ft £15 each (£40 to buy new!) 1 x 14ft £18 [b][u]Kettle Leads (Mains Power)[/u][/b] 2 x 7ft6 £3 each 5 x 5ft7 £2 each 2 x 4ft £2 each 1 x 5ft double ended £3 1 x 7ft4 double ended £3 [b][u]XLR to XLR[/u][/b] 4 x 11ft (Slightly longer than 11ft) - £7each 1 x 16ft £9 1 x 4ft6 £5 Of course if someone was to make a large bulk purchase I am happy to come to some arrangement as I would like to avoid posting dozens of separate packages. Thanks for looking and please check this link for photos of the items: [url="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5wplscpdv69uerc/AABXCU3Kyixc9YfuY9AXA5ewa?dl=0"]https://www.dropbox....uY9AXA5ewa?dl=0[/url] Cheers.
  5. SOLD! Hi everyone, Selling this Korg Pitchblack Pro Rack Tuner due to no longer needing it. The tuner has never left my flat and has lived happily in my studio rack since purchased new a year or so ago from DV247. Great piece of kit with usual ins and outs, a reliable cable tester facility and will also come with the factory-supplied Korg power supply. The item is currently sat with me in Cardiff but I am happy to post it provided that the postage is covered by the buyer or I am happy to meet up in person if need be. Pictures available using this link: [url="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/i57b3b9lmbb9say/AADxc85kUrKyfy79y8nCapBya?dl=0"]https://www.dropbox....9y8nCapBya?dl=0[/url] Cheers! SOLD!
  6. SOLD - PLEASE CLOSE/REMOVE Hi everyone, This sturdy SKB case has been knocking around my flat for a while now since I got rid of my Aguilar DB750 and I'd love to see it go to someone who can make use of it. The case has standard fittings and a deep design which makes it perfect for PA quipment, larger power/pre amps, rack effects, power conditioners etc. It is very light in its self which is a great bonus. It has light scuffs to it as to be expected from any good protective hardcase that's seen numerous gigs. These scuffs haven't come close to compromising the structural integrity of the case but for peace of mind please do have a look at the images to have a look for yourself. They're purely cosmetic marks. I'd rather someone pick this item up due to its size but if you would like to take onboard the cost of the case being posted then I am happy to do so. It is currently sat in Cardiff but I am happy to take it to Bristol if that was more convenient. Thanks for reading! Cheers. https://www.dropbox....zn_V4aogQa?dl=0 SOLD - PLEASE REMOVE/CLOSE
  7. SOLD! ---PRICE DROPPED TO £80--- Hi everyone, Moving on a bunch of my equipment so that they don't sit here unused now that I've had some huge life changes. Selling one, boxed (but used) MXR Bass Octave Deluxe M288 pedal that I bought new approx 18months ago or so. Fantastic pedal for getting an actual octave sound rather than the synthier tones of a Boss OC-2. The pedal is with me in Cardiff and I am happy to meet someone as far as Bristol if necessary. Happy to post the item or hand over in person to any buyers. No international sales due to it being more hassle than it's worth at the minute. The pedal does have the velcro (soft/fabric side) stuck to the underside for fastening it to a pedalboard etc but it should come off easily if you choose to do so after buying it. Thanks for reading and I look forward to this having a new home! Cheers. [url="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wq7lhu65gip9tbz/AAByiPhKa2TTo598vnd2TIqta?dl=0"]https://www.dropbox....8vnd2TIqta?dl=0[/url] --PRICE NOW DOWN TO £80-- SOLD!
  8. SOLD Hi everyone, As described in my other recent for sale threads, I am moving on most of the equipment I've relied on professionally due to a change in my priorities and personal life. For sale here is an Acoustic Image Clarus 1R Series II amp. It comes with a Rok Sak softcase in which it fits perfectly (as pictured) and adds to the merits of this already fantastically transparent head which is a go-to for double bass players, jazz guitarists, acoustic guitarists and on and on. It has a notch filter built in as well as a 4band EQ, reverb and a DI out which makes it perfect for pairing with a lightweight cab for jazz gigs etc. There is no damage to the amp that I need to report, it is in fully working order and has never let me down on any of the many, many gigs I've done with it. Please have a look at the images prior to getting in touch to make sure that you are happy with the item. The amp is currently sat with me in Cardiff and I can happily arrange a pickup, for you to demo the item or for me to travel to Bristol for the same arrangements. Due to my concerns for the item's safety I am unable to post it internationally, sorry. Thanks for reading and I look forward to it going to a happy home! Cheers. [url="https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1sce5zpub5ji97l/AADH6R4ssreP3y6ST4K6sCega?dl=0"]https://www.dropbox....ST4K6sCega?dl=0[/url] SOLD
  9. --- FINAL PRICE OF £850 BEFORE IT HITS ebay --- Hi everyone, I'm moving away from playing bass due to some changes in priority etc and can't stand to have such a nice instrument sat here not being played! For sale is my 1983 USA Fender Precision that I bought through Bass Direct approx the start of September 2015. Width at nut is 46mm. Weighed outside my flat on flat concrete floor and it came out at 4.2kg. It plays beautifully and I find this particular P to feel very fluid and not remotely cumbersome like some models do. The neck is comfortable, it isn't too heavy but still has that balance of depth and dirt that I frankly think bass guitars should sound have. It's a classic for a reason. The PBasses of this era had the upgraded Schaller tuners as part of standard issue and to my knowledge this bass is all original. The bass is with me in Cardiff and I am happy to arrange to meet if anyone would like to try it out. I could meet someone in Bristol if that is more convenient. Please note as in the pictures that there is some wear and tear to the paintwork on the front of the body and to the fingerboard. I have tried to highlight these issues in the photos so please do view them for your own peace of mind etc. The Fender hardcase would be included in the price of the sale. I am not open to any trades of any kind, sorry. I'm also not comfortable sending the bass internationally for worry that it could be damaged. I have previously had requests for payment to be sent through and for me to leave the item in the hands of a friend in the UK etc which is still a bit uneasy for me as it convolutes the sale process. Thanks for reading and I hope this finds a good home! Cheers. AUDIO AND IMAGES HERE: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/d6xfnrisrs9iuf1/AABHqRZZXu9cfYgyVt6oXHKOa?dl=0 (Audio is the bass recorded through an EQ-less preamp (UA610 solo) into an audio interface and you can hear me alternating between palm muted and pizzicato then some noodly nonsense) --- FINAL PRICE OF £850 BEFORE IT HITS ebay ---
  10. Danny bought my Aguilar DB751 from me some months ago and the communication, payment etc was all seamless even given the distance the item had to travel to get to him. Cheers mate!
  11. Hi guys. Sorry for the lack of communication. The head is still available for sale. BUMP
  12. Mal bought a Bergantino cab from me and payed promptly, provided all the required delivery address information etc with no hassle and let me know as soon as he'd received it. Top bloke!
  13. Dropped down to £1120. Looking to shift it before I move flat!
  14. Great head, just reduced the price 'cause I want it to shift. BUMPed
  15. Start of the week/Price reduction BUMP
  16. Payment Pending.....
  17. SOLD: £45 Hi, Selling a boxed Samson S-Phone 4-channel headphone amp that has barely been out of its boxed since I bought it a year ago. Even when it was out of the box it was mounted in a rack unit and I'm only moving it as I scarcely ever need to provide more than one headphone feed in my own studio. The box its self is scuffed in places from moving house and trying to keep the unit protected whenever it wasn't in use (see pics). Based in central Cardiff and I'm happy to facilitate a pick up in person, by courier or to split any driving costs to somewhere relatively nearby to meet up if needs be. UK buyers only please. The boxed item weights 3.3kg [i]without padding[/i] and is 61 x 30 x 12cm. Payment thru Paypal is preferred! Cheers, B SOLD: £45
  18. NEW PRICE: £110 Hi, Selling a Lehle 3@1 switcher pedal that I bought November 2015 brand new online from a UK stockist. The Lehle doesn't ship with a power supply of its own therefore I can't offer one as part of this sale I'm afraid. It takes 8-20v power supply (if I recall correctly) and I powered it with my Pedaltrain volto. It's a great piece of kit and I have used it with excellent results to make changes between electric bass and keys bass or electric bass and double bass look and sound much more professional by having them on separate channels with matched gain levels. True bypass unit! I'm not playing live anywhere near as much as I was therefore have less use for this great unit. It's lived its life mounted onto pedaltrain rails and transported in pedaltrain cases so it's in fantastic condition although you can clearly see on the back that I have attached a velcro strip to it (which will come off without any sticky marks by the way!) and had to remove the tiny rubber feet to do so. The Lehle is in Cardiff at the moment and I'm happy for any kind of pickup/courier etc as it is small enough to be able to post easily and rugged enough to survive the trip! Payment via paypal preferred. Cheers, B
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