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Everything posted by phil.i.stein

  1. loverly ! so, how you finding the slicer as a useable effect ? i've always wanted one, but there's always something else that get's to the front of the GAS queue....
  2. it's FRIDAY. lettting loose with the stereo .., this cd : [url="http://alphamaleteaparty.bandcamp.com/"]http://alphamaleteaparty.bandcamp.com/[/url]
  3. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1341602695' post='1721787'] Surely the whole point of this unit is to add colour to the sound? [/quote] kind of. but call it a warm-light-pastel kind of colour.
  4. the cheap (but not crap) option for harmonics/light od : Hartke VXL. - DI and tone-shaper. one in the FS forum for £40. (not mine, i'm keeping it)
  5. [quote name='bottomfeed' timestamp='1341499082' post='1720093'] Well, I confess.... I've been a proper Ho in the past!...... [/quote] Moby did o.k. for himself though !
  6. my favourite example, like the title 'perfect pairs'.. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLmQSDMK-iE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLmQSDMK-iE[/url]
  7. low-pass filter before the trem ? (more subby)
  8. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1341414682' post='1718620'] I wouldn't mind seeing the original ad for The Spice Girls ... [/quote] same. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIWJ4_YvgB4&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIWJ4_YvgB4&feature=related[/url]
  9. also .. are you using high input gain on your amp, or other gain pedals in your chain ..? or sticking the mxr into an amp's fx loop ? either may be to blame .. (but the more likely explanation is dood's reply)
  10. i had a few lessons once with doctor-of-the-bass (Nick) he told me to 'sing' along with the notes i'm playing, and do this everyday, as a pre-practise exercise. as a test, he would turn around, whilst i played a note, anywhere on the neck, and he would then name the note. his accuracy was about 95% !! do i still do it ? err.. no, but obviously practise does make perfect.
  11. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1341251463' post='1715816'] If you set this to manual mode can you pull the cut off back to get a low static half-cocked Wah sound? So you could put it after fuzz and use it like an LPF to make the fuzz all dub and synth like? [/quote] yeh , kind of, but it's more mid-friendly rather than Low-pass, as it doesn't 'boom' with lows. better for 'funk' i guess. .. with a fuzz in front, it's 'Bootsy-esque'. does that explain anything ? errr no, probably not ..
  12. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1341258371' post='1716033'] Almost complete. Dual channel looper built by BC's Protium (Jackhammer in Loop1 and BDI-21 in Loop2). The space at the end where the cable is will soon be filled with a Dunlop Bass Wah and an I/O box to make my cable routing a little neater. The whole thing also needs re-cabling, but i'm skint at the moment and can't afford some quality cables. I also want to add an Octaver but finding the space for one might not be so easy. Liam [/quote] budge over the tuner, stick the octaver next to it. subs your uncle. but you'll probably want some right-angled jack cables too.
  13. [quote name='simwells' timestamp='1341239831' post='1715564'] Been playing around with my set up today, think this is about the most logical layout I can get to. Sadly no space for the volume, starting to think I may have a two board set up to cover everything rather than going with a huge board. [/quote] 'like-button' pressed.
  14. Payday is here again, so roll up ... c'mon, someone must want to try this out ? ...perhaps to a newbie to the world of envelope filters ? ..or to someone who already has, and is familiar with auto/wah/filters, and just wants a nice easy 'go-to' funk pedal (or wah with exp.pedal..) ??? either way, it's a bargain. don't let me shoot it off to the ebay. that would be tragic . £45 posted ... i'm tearing me' own arm off guv' ...
  15. not really settings, but i tend to really only make use of modes 1,2 & 5. 5 is a kind of octave down mode and will only track so far before the difference in pitch 'flattens out' or becomes inaudible. like i've already alluded to, [b]get an expression pedal for it # [/b]and tweak with the amount of resonance and decay that you want to hear with toe down. also mix with clean signal if you want that, as the sounds on their own can be a bit thin. a blended fuzz works nicely afterward, like an MXR blowtorch or similar. # .. it is about the only 'pure' synth pedal i know of that takes an expression pedal, although someone may correct me on that.. but anyway, it does make for a much better experience with the G5.
  16. [quote name='Bo0tsy' timestamp='1340967880' post='1712130'] Anyone who owns an OS know what I'm doing wrong or got any filter settings they could recommend? I'm playing a passive bass and have tried adjusting the global sensitivity VCF sens parameter on the settings menu and adjusting the VCF peak & sweep. I've got VCF mode in ENV mode. [/quote] make sure [b]VCF law is set to lin rather than exp[/b]. and try boosting premix db to 5 or more. postmix to mute, or whatever suits. here's one of mine, no idea how it compares to 00funk though. peak : 009 ini : 007 att : 050 sus : 028 sweep : 100 note : i tend to play nearer the neck pick-up with this setting.
  17. correct. i have an extra one you can borrow to try before you buy freddy's, if you like.
  18. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1340914972' post='1711587'] Playing music sounds better than it is. [/quote] [/the end]
  19. billion dollar question ! you have the right sonic equipment. it should all be obtainable from OC-2 and M13. you know where i live bud , come round. si
  20. for pure off-beat simplicity instead of harmonic/rhythmic complication, i would never have thought of this ... but i love it. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilcD1fHcGB0"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilcD1fHcGB0[/url]
  21. on headphone, one ear i still get 1&2 descending, 3&4 ascending. freaky how people hear things differently (or maybe not)
  22. try this with ONE speaker, and ONE ear, the stereo 'illusion' makes a difference ! report back later.
  23. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1340688903' post='1708051'] I shall get me one of those those when payday rolls around! [/quote] me too ducky !
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