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Everything posted by phil.i.stein

  1. [quote name='D-L-B' timestamp='1340460043' post='1704745'] What it looked like before I ripped it to bits last week. Watch this space for the latest incarnation... [/quote] ok, so i did PM you about your set-up on your stunning LP, but don't bother answering that particular question, it'll fry my tiny little mind ! looking forward to your new board !
  2. [quote name='Dingo' timestamp='1340437527' post='1704373'] ..Phil Mitchell was using one and I thought he usually played fingerstyle. Chatting to him afterwards, it turned out earlier that day he'd cut a finger doing some DIY at home, so had to use the pick... [/quote] that's some complicated DIY job .. [attachment=111217:phil.jpg] i also didn't know he was a 'lefty'
  3. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1340456892' post='1704688'] Funnily enough I was looking through Ebay yesterday seen this poster for sale. [/quote] is that one of the original Jackson Bollocks ? i could always splash some paint over it, if not.
  4. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1340456732' post='1704684'] Presumably for the obvious reason. The woman sitting at the check-out sees the words 'Bass Guitar' and looks up at you with a mixture of contempt and pity. I mean, be realistic, ffs. [color=#FFFFFF].[/color] [/quote] could always hide its' slender profile inside this month's 'Asian Babes', less embaressing perhaps ..
  5. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1340403468' post='1704231'] A group of us should start playing electric bass with a bow, that would upset some people [/quote] people usually like to take a bow and arrow when i play.
  6. [quote name='XB26354' timestamp='1340300036' post='1702599'] Who makes a living from music unless it's covers or functions, or one of the few fading bands on their last hurrah? [/quote] DJ's who err..., steal other people's music, and mix it up, a bit like paint
  7. i'm into aggressive fuzz too, and my fave so far is my Prescription Electronics Depth Charge. it is expensive to import though, that's the downside. i was mightily impressed with Shep's Fuzzrocious Grey 'Stache demo, and that would be worth checking out. have a listen to some of the demos on mr excane's youtube channel too, that'll throw some curveballs at ya ..
  8. [quote name='such' timestamp='1340315343' post='1702896'] does anyone has any experience with Tech21 Red Ripper? Some fragments of youtube clips sound very promising, but mostly they concentrate on the fuzz/distortion aspect of the pedal... [/quote] i had one for a while, it's a synthy/envelopey kind of fuzz with a massive amount of volume boost on tap. sold or maybe traded mine to Shep. i wouldn't call it a synth pedal though, i'd liken it to the 'prunes and custard' (a bit)
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1340302564' post='1702658'] RR-ROWWLL!! [/quote] is that one of his favourite wrestling moves ?
  10. [quote name='Stag' timestamp='1340302299' post='1702652'] Im listening to the Pumpkins latest effort, its a grower... [/quote] like Billy's ego then..
  11. not usually a pop fan myself, but this is the PERFECT POP SONG. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1ueZS8O6Ss"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1ueZS8O6Ss[/url]
  12. can't wait for Douglas to develop his new fuzz pedal .. although my bank account can.
  13. interesting development in the saga of the much loved b3k here : [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f36/darkglass-pedals-going-made-usa-now-892646/"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f36/darkglass-pedals-going-made-usa-now-892646/[/url]
  14. tonight Matthew, i shall mainly be illegally downloading U2's entire back catalogue (tax-dodging mf'ers), ..just for the pleasure of bunging it into the recycle bin immediately afterwards. (except the first couple of LP's, which were rather good, back in the day when making music meant more than making money)
  15. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1340145362' post='1700105'] I'm not a capitalist. SImply pointing out the sheer bloody hypocrisy of people who moan about the music industry being about just making money. Of course it's about making money. Record labels aren't charities, social enterprises and set up just to piss about. They're there to make money, that's what they do, wtf else did people think they were? [/quote] sorry mate. if music is about making money .... eeeuuuggh .
  16. Marvin, re-quoting myself, not being vain or 'owt : "that's nothing to do with just music. check out how many local pubs disappear every day. 'super' - market forces 'ennit" i guess, as a capatalist, you'll just have to accept market forces...
  17. [quote name='Ben Jamin' timestamp='1340144221' post='1700074'] Oh I've come across a couple of new artists on Basschat, but there's nowt wrong with talking about someone's music and linking to their Bandcamp. I meant the streaming/download sites such as Deezer, Grooveshark, Spotify etc don't do anything at all to get new artists out there. [/quote] don't use them myself, so i can't comment on them. but, before i'm out of here, (for reasons of needing a 'kip'), music takes research, rather than spoonfeeding, and this is what the web is all about.
  18. [quote name='Ben Jamin' timestamp='1340143364' post='1700055'] Not really, I don't think. IMO people still get the same music, as advertised on the radio, in clubs, on MTV, Vevo. Just for free. As an 18 year old who listens to a lot of music via streaming etc. [b]I have never come across a new unsigned artist on these sites [/b]- music available on the frequented sites for streaming/downloading is always popular to an extent. [/quote] i have, from several BC'ers, here's one BC'er in motion : [b][url="http://alphamaleteaparty.bandcamp.com/"]http://alphamaleteaparty.bandcamp.com/[/url][/b] the 'What are you listening to' thread also yields a few beauties, you just have to find the time.
  19. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1340143020' post='1700042'] I was being sarcastic. If no one's getting paid it won't happen. Then all we'll have is a vast array of back catalogues to trawl through, yawn. As for this 'getting back to the values of the live performance day', what drivel. The only artists making money out of live music are the ones who managed to make money out of recorded music. Add into that the fact that not a month, neigh week, goes past on here without someone highlighting venues shutting down and struggling to get paid for gigs, where does that leave making money from performances? [/quote] damn internet sarcasm, it never works for me ! as for the 'live' thing, well, that's nothing to do with just music. check out how many local pubs disappear every day. 'super' - market forces 'ennit.
  20. [quote name='Ben Jamin' timestamp='1340142646' post='1700027'] By free choice d'you mean, a right to choose if you pay for something or not, therefore [i]a right to have something of value for free[/i]? [/quote] not as such, i meant that for a long time, the major broadcasters were hand-in-hand with the major labels, and so the big players got played and many others struggled for recognition. the field is slightly more 'even' now. i still miss John Peel.
  21. and to add, i love internet radio. the choice to listen to any station from anywhere in the world is a mind-blowing concept. the more choice, the better.
  22. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1340141957' post='1700005'] We live in a capitalist world system, hence music is a product, regardless of how it is presented whether that be recorded or live. Copyright was developed as an extension of property rights, without which they cannot be traded and ergo you wouldn't have capitalism. I am then, as an old unreconstructed leftie truly overjoyed to see so many on Basschat wanting to bring down the capitalist world order. I sincerely hope that none of you start grumbling if say someone starts 'not paying' for the goods or service that generates your income. After all if lots of people started following suite what could be done about it? [/quote] exactly ! downloading is the way to 'free advertising', rather than 'stealing'. networks, be it radio, or tv have found it too easy to join hands with major labels to sell multiple units, rather than multiple choices. long live free choice.
  23. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1340140014' post='1699934'] Its nothing to do with not seeing the value of music. I love music. I spend a small fortune on music, and gigs, and music merchandise. I will always continue to support musicians I love and music I love. I haven't downloaded anything illegally in years. But that doesn't mean that I'm just going to swallow the lie that illegal downloading is evil and wrong in every single way. The music "industry" has to face up to the reality that their "traditional" (I use the inverted commas because recorded music is still a relatively new invention) business model doesn't work in an internet world. You can either embrace new technology and new ways of doing things or you can stick your fingers in your ears and go "la la la la la la la thieves thieves thieves la la la la la la la" and wonder where all your money went. If anything, the internet is forcing a return to the pre-recording days when the "value" in music was in live performance. A concert is something that can't be duplicated or downloaded. The live experience cannot be replicated. We should all embrace that and do as much as possible to ensure that everytime we do a gig we make it as good as possible so that people see the "value" in what we do and make them want to come back again and again. [/quote] big plus 1 to all of this ! fact is, downloading, legal or illegal, ends up 'spreading the word'. if someone likes it, they'll end up buying it. the only people who really protest against it are the big boys. and, SO WHAT ?
  24. [size=5][b]buy this man's LP ^^^^^^^ ![/b][/size] i just did. it kills. [url="http://alphamaleteaparty.bandcamp.com/"]http://alphamaleteaparty.bandcamp.com/[/url]
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