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Everything posted by phil.i.stein

  1. cool. kind of a less comedic, guitar-playing Beardyman.. (who i think ?, used a GT6 ? .. can't remember)
  2. tc elecronic polytune also excellent.
  3. [quote name='Hamster' timestamp='1339521000' post='1689863'] I was amazed when I first used mine - how the hell does it do what it does? - It gives a big FAT yet spacious sound. Mines never been off my board since the day I bought it. [/quote] and it's a DI too ... Result ! in fact, i can't understand why second-hand prices are so cheap, when they retail for £150 odd.
  4. [quote name='Hamster' timestamp='1339511126' post='1689569'] Also IMHO something like an[b] Aphex Bass Xciter [/b]or BBE Sonic Maximiser will really thicken your sound up. [/quote] that's what i was going to suggest. pretty cheap too (used), arond £50.
  5. not sure if there's anything on BC that does what you ask, but a quick google turned up this : [url="http://www.gmarts.org/index.php?go=221"]http://www.gmarts.org/index.php?go=221[/url] as for envelope filters and/or auto-wah, think of them as wah triggered by your fingers and dynamics, which can be either up or down sweeps, and the parameters like release time set to your liking.
  6. nope. but PM me if it isn't your thing ...
  7. Rob Zombie rocked out the Commodore's classic for the film 'House of a Thousand Corpses', and it kills. not too complex either ... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMuvD7sK3L8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMuvD7sK3L8[/url]
  8. if music is worth listening to in a live scenario, it should be [b]LOUD.[/b] otherwise it should be on a radio or jukebox. ..ffs, a bass drum should be mic'd.
  9. [quote name='AndyW' timestamp='1339350105' post='1687254'] [b]I think the whole point of what Wampler pedals represent is being missed by a few of the posters here[/b]. This is a great opportunity for us to actually give some constructive suggestions on a potential new product. Fundamentally, as a couple of people have mentioned most of us would love to have our main tone intact then incorporate/dial the drive in as transparently as possible without losing low end response. For Wampler to do their magic, we need to give suggestions of the most popular 'amp' overdrives available and see if they can make a pedal that can give those characteristics. My first examples of great amp overdrive tones that would 'rock' in a pedal form would be: Mesa Bass 400+ Gallien Krueger Ampeg (the VT could still be improved) Pearce Preamps as not even Billy Sheehan has got an equivalent for those that he uses (with Compression built in would rock but not so important). The biggest demand/neccesity on the forums for drive effects is for a clean blend. Take a look at the popularity of the Darkglass B3K to see how this function is working for a lot of people in a big way. Other considerations that would be nice include: A compact pedal size where possible. Running on standard 9v or 18v for more headroom Heavily tested to work with Active Basses as well as Passive****Very Important*** Not just designed around a P-Bass played by a guitarist only using picks! Hope this helps and Wampler decide to accept the challenge! Cheers, Andy [/quote] true.,.. i'm not familiar with Wampler pedals, or vintage amps, as such, and so, answered based on what i'd like to[b], create, rather than copy.[/b] but 'what bassists want' does not necessarily mean vintage tones. a variable crossover and, as you said, the ability to deal with both active and passive are the more important aspects to my mind.
  10. [quote name='KingPrawn' timestamp='1339227923' post='1685491'] I'm annoying myself. (again). i keep going back to the same settings regardless of what i play. I buy new basses, amps, pedals etc, but end up making everything sound the same. i was sitting the other day playing my jazz, oh lovely and all that. Then picked up my MM, oh lovely again. thing is i spend all my time making to very different instruments sound the same. This is the same for various other basses. i really don't think i understand eq to be honest, which brought me to this question for you good people to consider. I'm aware their are massive spectrums in each of the following but what would be the starting point for each of the following eq wise? 1. Jazz 2.rock 3. funk 4. Blues 5. Motown 6 slap 7 others Im interested in what setting you use as a standard eq. i want to unstick my ears [/quote] without wishing to echo most of what's been said already, most of what you're looking to do is in the right hand either with fingers or a pick. although for slap, i'd say a mid-scoop is preferrable (to my ears). for more aggressive styles, then some OD might be required, and a decent pedal can save you from having to fiddle with an amp.
  11. no dice grandma !, back up for sale.
  12. oh yeh !, these are getting better and better ..
  13. bargain. wouldn't part with mine bump. although i don't use mine as od, just a great tone-shape.
  14. nice move Sibob or Shep ?.
  15. a combined o.d and distortion circuit with crossover and sensitive controls. currently waiting on an FEA dual-band distortion for that reason. ..now... if you could add a fuzz ciruit that 'blends' nicely with the combined aggressiveness of OD and distortion, you'd win in my book ! , but that's just me... and it would cost more than your proposed figures.. i've seen Wampler pedals in Hot Rox, Nottingham, btw..
  16. [quote name='EskimoBassist' timestamp='1339076815' post='1683292'] The Orbit is a crazy one - it morphs from a tight gated fuzz (which the Oxide does very well too) to some mental ring moddy craziness, which just gets more crazy when you add an expression pedal to the mix. I think I'll need a little more time to figure this one out and decide if it's for me. I was taken in my the electronica styke capabilities of the pedal but in truth my band don't really do anything like that any more so perhaps it's a little superfluous... Great pedal though regardless. [/quote] i had great fun with it, at home, especially running other fx into it, namely OC-2 and g5 synth, but decided that it was too wild to tame in a band setting too. i also ran it into a feedback loop for some whacked out sh*t. the expression pedal is a must.
  17. [quote name='funkyspuke' timestamp='1339016739' post='1682615'] I think the OC3 has an overdrive or distortion setting actually .. not sure how it works looking at it! [/quote] ah, news to me, thanks yep, you're on the money. never bothered looking, as i always liked the OC-2. my curiosity is piqued. damn.
  18. [quote name='AxelF' timestamp='1338973106' post='1681707'] Thanks for all the suggestions - I guess its more complicated than I thought it would be... If I've got it right, it the monitor goes between the bass and pedal board its gonna need to be powered and finding a small, light, battery powered one that doesn't colour the signal as it passes through is gonna be tough. If it was to go between the board and amp head, or between amp and cab it could be passive, but then there's the issue of trailing a headphone cable from amp head or floorboard to me, which I'd really like to avoid.. The easy solution is looking like maybe a wireless transmitter on the floorboard running to a wireless pack on the strap, that would solve the issues of power and signal colouration but it seems a bit of overkill for what I need and the distance the wireless signal would be travelling! Hopefully I'm missing something simple somewhere! [/quote] how about getting a cheap (used) multifx pedal (in bypass mode) after your main board with headphone output, and an extension cord ? i realise this won't solve the lead trailing thing, but just trail it along with your bass input lead up to the board ? .. i may not be thinking along the right lines here ..
  19. we just kidnap people and force them to listen.
  20. thanks for posting this. a contender for the 'why use effects ?' sticky.
  21. [quote name='lxxwj' timestamp='1338982530' post='1681885'] The distortion on the Boss pedal sounds pretty good, actually. I haven't played with it in awhile though because the knobs don't do anything for some reason.. [/quote] sure it's not the odb-3 you're thinking of ? or am i missing something ..
  22. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1338931890' post='1681422'] Any news on the Pitch Box(es) ? Andy [/quote] [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/176575-mooer-green-mile-and-ana-delay/page__pid__1672124__st__20#entry1672124"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/176575-mooer-green-mile-and-ana-delay/page__pid__1672124__st__20#entry1672124[/url] 'After some time spent with both, the Pitch Box a definite keeper it is. Yes a little wobbly it is on the higher sounds but for it's price it's the best 'budget' pitchshifter I've had my hands on and perfect for my smaller board it is !' - misquoted from Shep, the Yoda of fx.. still waiting for a demo vid, mind..
  23. 'umph' is located not too far away. not sure exactly which pedals he can sort, but ya never know.. ..worth PM'ing him at least.
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1338917081' post='1681090'] Me neither. I'm very attached to them. [/quote] there is no 'subtlelty volume' control on my PC unfortunately, but i guess you heard me anyway..
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