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Everything posted by phil.i.stein

  1. just seen this on TB. might be of interest .. [url="http://www.vfepedals.com/VFE_Pedals/Triumvirate.html"]http://www.vfepedals...riumvirate.html[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtM4UxseSTA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtM4UxseSTA[/url]
  2. wounded paw super-blender has clean and three loops, two of which can be switched so one feeds into the other if required. seperate volume controls for each loop plus bass and treble controls on the clean channel. oh and a feedback dial on one loop. bliss. [url="http://www.woundedpaw.com/effects/"]http://www.woundedpaw.com/effects/[/url]
  3. [quote name='simwells' timestamp='1332454600' post='1588744'] Looking at the size of most of these units I'd probably be best to stick to the Hyperdrive I'm thinking! How about good more metallic sounding blendable distortion pedals? That may cover me for the sounds the b3k doesn't. [/quote] size ? [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuLu-Nb3nn4"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kuLu-Nb3nn4[/url]
  4. ah, nice of you to chip in Mr.Excane, that FEA looks awesome. wouldn't you include the Toneczar vault in that, or does that qualify as more of a fuzz ? your demo made me think that it had great distortion qualities.
  5. i've been looking at the fuzzrocious rat-tail myself. more expensive, but looks good. ... a rat-clone may be another option.
  6. [quote name='fatgoogle' timestamp='1332268027' post='1585874'] Looks like it would be handy bit of kit all around. Is it as simple as just taking a midi cable from the out of the alesis and putting it in the BEF. Also just after a quick look, would i be able to send a midi click to a synth or someones laptop? Im not great with these kind of things. [/quote] yes on both counts. you just set the click to output to midi (make sure you get one with a manual, as the menu is extensive) as for linking to a laptop, i'd output the click from the laptop into the sr-16, and out to the BEF. it has midi in and out/thru, and stereo jack outputs and headphone jack, so should cover everything. there are easier drum machines to program (the editting is by step, rather than diagram), but for the money, it's worth a look.
  7. [quote name='fatgoogle' timestamp='1332266484' post='1585839'] Ok, whats the easiest way to send a midi clock signal into my BEF pro, in a way that can be used live and without a laptop, preferably cheap. Also one that would let me send a click to the drummer and to the maybe one other instrument. [/quote] midi drum machine. i use an Alesis sr-16, which you can pick up for around £50.
  8. in answer to the b3k question. [b]YES.[/b] if mine broke, i'd buy another, no questions. (actually i'd bag a b7k in order to not require my Hartke VXL as a tone-shaper)
  9. i tried one after also trying the sansamp pedal. the distortion was a bit 'buzzy' to my ears, so if you're just after a DI/tone shaper, i'd recommend the Hartke VXL instead. much cheaper (although larger too)
  10. gigged in Brighton on Friday and Bournemouth on Saturday, supporting the Sub-Humans (great fellas !) Saturday was a revelation for me, as the larger than normal stage allowed me to place my Barefaced cabs directly [b]against the back wall of the room[/b]. this seemingly minor move made the onstage sound massively different . it felt like the PA was behind me rather than in front, and my onstage sound was crystal clear. i will endeavour to do this whenever i get the chance from now on. TRY IT !!!
  11. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1329504478' post='1543619'] That never occured to me! I'll try that out, thanks. [/quote] please report back on this issue, as i was only thinking laterally, but have had similar probs in the past ..
  12. could be the loop of the LS-2 at fault, try the 'other' one just in case, before ditching the fuzz.
  13. David Lammy. he was a lovely chap. horrible smelling hair products though..
  14. 1) about 50 % 2) with one band only OD is a must, with the other, all get used, so i guess that's a yes and a no.
  15. my old single collection. goth classic. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUg4I5fhTqU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUg4I5fhTqU[/url]
  16. without punk we'd have no Fishbone
  17. all of the above ^^
  18. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1329249378' post='1539637'] Nice touch parking this thread in Basses. Keeps the riff-raff out. [/quote] no it doesn't. for 'punk', read 'jazz' or 'rock' or 'dubstep' etc.. in fact, any genre of music that flips complacent elders into a tailspin.
  19. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1329252582' post='1539714'] What makes it a rare one? Fiddly preamp/unusual colour? [/quote] i thought it was the 'silver lining' ..
  20. i agree about the rubber feet being supplied rather than fixed. i have a bunch of 'em i stick on my trainers to appear taller and therefore more sexy onstage. the prized-off ones just don't stay on ..
  21. just a thought .. check battery if your bass is active, unless you have already...
  22. .. or spend a bit extra and get one of these babies .. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gkz3Z-6LRuU[/media]
  23. great board ^ ! .. you could always move the expression/volume pedal onto the floor for that exra space ?..
  24. today...some awesome metal alongside the best youtuber's home-made vid i've seen. the band being Dimmu Borgir. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5cOOaQ-8Ic[/media]
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