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Everything posted by phil.i.stein

  1. [quote name='THE MUSO88' post='1359288' date='Sep 1 2011, 10:18 PM']Hey there, I am a singer/songwriter/pianist & have been involved in music for 10 years & gigging for 6. I'm forming a band & require an experienced bass player. (preferrably aged 20-35) We will be performing original material & it is in the genre of Indie/rock/alternative. Influences are Arcade Fire, Bombay BC, The National & The Strokes etc. We are looking for somone that can perform well live & be creative in the writing of songs also. You can contact me via Email @ - [email protected] Cheers[/quote] just an idea .. add your location in your profile. would save you unnecessary mail perhaps.
  2. although the 101 is something i do want in the end, it is pretty huge and has another slightly inconvenient power supply requirement. i have heard reports (mostly on TB) that the Iron Ether Xeorograph can do the dub thing very well too, and in a much smaller encolsure. has anyone got one/compared them ? edit : demo found it's always difficult to get a precise idea from a ytv but, sounds promising to me.
  3. did i forget to say, he's quite prompt too..
  4. sorry dude, can't help you, but send Shep (pantherairsoft) a PM, he'd know for sure. he's an extremely helpful source of bass fx knowledge !!
  5. [quote name='bassjamm' post='1357078' date='Aug 31 2011, 12:43 AM']I've got a bank of Phaser's after my Fuzz, one's set to a [i]crochet[/i] value,[/quote] doesn't your tone get a bit woolly though ? .. i'll get my coat.
  6. yep. one smug-assed owner here. ! thanks for 'exotic animal petting zoo' ! they sound right up my street, investigation pending after work. if that's the tone you're after, then 'yes' is the answer to your question. i can't recommend this pedal highly enough, so i vote you go for it !!!! also, consider PM'ing bassman2790, he bought one after PM'ing me, and got back to me saying it was a 'keeper'.
  7. [quote name='Rasta' post='1355745' date='Aug 29 2011, 09:49 PM']Cheers for the relies chapsters. Just been watching the video of that Source Audio....wow amazing!!!![/quote] will be available at www.Thomann.de from oct 22nd, or so i'm told.. i'm waaah waah waiting ..
  8. [quote name='Rasta' post='1355727' date='Aug 29 2011, 09:36 PM']Cheers for the advice dude, i'm a bit thick in the fx territory as its all a bit new to simple dubber me. Whats a b.e.f. Pro or the xerograph? Can you use expression pedals with them to vary the filter bit ?? i'll google them now [/quote] i'll have a looky for the links too.. there she lay.. [url="http://ironether.com/"]http://ironether.com/[/url] [url="http://www.sourceaudio.net/products/soundblox_pro/bass_envelope.php"]http://www.sourceaudio.net/products/soundb...ss_envelope.php[/url] both expression pedal compatible, like the moog stuff. also may i point out this new beast of an idea.. [url="http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/deviever/dub-step-the-dub-step-guitar-pedal"]http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/deviev...ep-guitar-pedal[/url] ..this is suplus to your requirements, but damned sweet !! i want..
  9. [quote name='Rasta' post='1355613' date='Aug 29 2011, 07:59 PM']I'm trying to replicate the sound effect at 30 sec & 55 secs. I know this is digital bass but i'm looking to get something close live with my bass guitar, what could i need to make this sound?. To date I've been using my Boss ME6B synths sounds plus a little reverb and a JD wah to make a sweepable filter sound to good effect in a separate loop on a Boss LS2. Using the LS2 allows me to maintain the normal dub bass line and just wah the synth sound in the loop, its ok and sounds good but i'm sure i could get better. Also I am thinking i would like a decent synth pedal, one that can have an expression pedal added to control the filter sweep (not sure that is the right term ), and then i can do away with my ME6B and have all my pedals on one board.... any advice ? [/quote] sounds like low-pass filter and slight fuzz > expression pedal to me. there are plenty of ways of doing this, but my best recommendation on a budget would be the source audio b.e.f pro, ( when it becomes available over here in a cuppla months time ) or iron ether xerograph deluxe perhaps. with either of these you may still have to overdrive the input signal with some fuzzy low-end.
  10. [quote name='fatgoogle' post='1355652' date='Aug 29 2011, 08:29 PM']Another thing i would want from it is to able to run multiple loops at the same time but they dont effect each other. So if im running loop one which has the moog in it and im modulating it, but have loop two just being effected by the original bass signal and running some extreme sub-bass underneath.[/quote] another way of doing this kind of thing (live) would be to have different amps/cabs running different split fx, with mute footpedals.. an idea for the future for me though..
  11. [quote name='fatgoogle' post='1354845' date='Aug 28 2011, 11:50 PM']Could volume/gain pots be put on each loop along with a switch.[/quote] not sure about this myself. the person to ask about specific builds would be Max at [sfx]sound. it's looking like i won't be in the position to bother enquiring 'til new year at the rate i'm spending what i haven't got. although i do have a deep impact gathering dust, so you never know..
  12. [quote name='fatgoogle' post='1354833' date='Aug 28 2011, 11:33 PM']Also were can i buy a 3 way looper, were i can turn off and on each individual loop. So i can have each one separate but mix them together how i like.[/quote] an idea i've been thinking about too.. ! unity volume would be an issue though.. so much gas, and so few pennies..
  13. [quote name='timbrewolff' post='1353657' date='Aug 27 2011, 04:12 PM']Greetings from the US- fellow dnb synth bass player here & spend a lot of time on US forums- but it hit me one day- this music started on the other side of the Atlantic so let’s see what they’re doing over there… Great thread you have here- read it from start to finish. I saw some mention of the Source Audio Bass Envelope Filter Pro- I got one about a month ago and it is everything it's hyped up to be. The filters all sound great & knocked the grove regulator 2 off my board (imo this is much more of a funk then synth.) The ability to trigger the filters multiple ways (envelope, hot hand, lfo) & add lfo's makes this one KILLER pedal for synth bass. I wanted to note that it can not (directly) do what the moog- mf101 or iron ether xerograph do as far as controlling the cutoff freq of the filter BUT you can work around it with backpage parameters and expression pedal control to still get awesome deep dubby sounds. Also there are some new exciting pedals coming out within the next few months (still in development) that should help achieve the live dnb dubstep synth bass sound, since I didn’t read anything about them on here figured I‘d give you all the heads up: [b]The Mini Expressionator[/b] will allow one expression pedal control for 3 expression pedal capable pedals. “It also will have the ability to use different taper presets such as linear, inverse linear, audio (where it ramps up at the end of the sweep) and a couple that are still being considered. the Expressionator uses digital pots to control each pedal input so depending on which taper you select that will be how your treadle (expression pedal) behaves. It will actually turn an audio taper into a linear.... correct it, so to speak. I would imagine that both your BOSS/VPjr will behave the same way through this box, and you would just choose whichever one you like best as far as feel, looks or what fits on your pedalboard. The Taper LEDs have a secondary function of being meter (kind of like those visual volume pedals) so it shows you how the pedal is reading your taper.... and the taper/meter LEDs change color depending on what channel you are on.” [b]Copilot FX[/b] is working on a new analog octaver named the[b] Cubic[/b]- there are clips floating around online- this thing sounds FAT and as blasphemous as it may sound it could very easily rival the OC2. It has more control over the Octaves tone & volume and also has a glich synth fuzz included in the circuit. [url="http://soundcloud.com/marcsterlingbass/copilotfx-cubic-prototype"]http://soundcloud.com/marcsterlingbass/cop...cubic-prototype[/url] [b]Red Panda Particle Granular Pitch Shifter/Delay[/b] this is a wild sounding pedal that chops the input signal into little grains of sounds to manipulate the sound. It can do the standard pitch shifting and delay sounds but also is capable of doing chorusy, ringmodish, modulated sounds. It really is a killer pedal. [url="http://redpandalab.tumblr.com/post/3351236430/prototype-granular-pitch-shift-with-feedback"]http://redpandalab.tumblr.com/post/3351236...t-with-feedback[/url] ‪Red Panda Particle - Granular Pitch/Delay - delay LFO mode‬‏ - YouTube [b]Subdecay Prometheus [/b]DLX www.subdecay.com/prometheus-dlx-deluxe-resonant-filter step filtering and super resonant filter. (I’m at work now and cant properly link to all of the sound samples/pictures because sites are blocked- but google searches will turn up some more info)[/quote] greetings to you too ! stay on here, and check out the 'live dubstep' thread if you haven't already ! edit : i forgot, it's already on TB the expressionator is going to be another game-changer, as is the b.e.f. pro, i'm having to wait for mine, but never mind..
  14. i'm pretty sure that you could approximate that sound with the bef., although to my ears it sounds blended with a more clean/slight overdrive sound. i usually use an LS-2 for that type of thing, but i think the pro version has a blend, so that wouldn't matter !! but do drop a PM to itswac with the same link, he'll tell you for sure, although you may have to wait a day or two for a reply.
  15. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1353503' date='Aug 27 2011, 12:16 PM']Thanks! What's it like for the more subtle stuff? I'm not really a funk player, I like the sounds but with the settings whacked up, I can't tell what it'd be like for more phaser type sounds. Think some of the tones used by JC from Tool in slower sections, is it capable of that type of thing?[/quote] i can't really comment on the Tool sounds, but it does have two phaser settings, and the depth of them can be tweaked aswell as the frequency range, so i'm sure it would do what you're after . any link to a specific youtube clip as an example ? i also took it to Shep to try out, and it was these settings that impressed him the most, so i guess that's a good endorsement ! if i get it back fixed in the next couple of weeks, i'd be happy to send it your way to try out, as at the moment i'm getting into the octavius squeezer filter section (time consuming due to the user-interface, but good fun)
  16. i do also own the original version (not the pro). it is the best filter i've tried and very versatile. but .. it's not working at the moment. i'm sending it to Max @ sfx this week in the hope that it's just an issue with the output socket. if it's more than that, it'll have to go back to the good 'ole US of A., as it's all-digital. don't let this put you off though, as i have a feeling it was my fault when i removed it from my board whilst the jack was still connected - it was heavily velcro'd ! Max says he'll only charge me return postage if he can't do anything with it, Top Man !! Source Audio are a very helpful bunch too. contact Will Cady ('itswac' on here) if you have any questions.
  17. i ordered mine from Thomann.de a couple of weeks ago. it promises to be awesome. however, i followed up my order yesterday, and they're not back in stock until 22nd October , so don't hold your breath.. still, more time to save up for it i guess. not sure of any other suppliers over here, but apparently Warwick distribute their stuff aswell ?
  18. Darkglass b3k. you get (more than) what you pay for. Seriously. [url="http://darkglasselectronics.com/products/microtubes-b3k/"]http://darkglasselectronics.com/products/microtubes-b3k/[/url] refund available too..
  19. aaaaaaaaggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh !!!! massive-gas-attack. the woman is a twisted genius. [url="http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/deviever/dub-step-the-dub-step-guitar-pedal"]http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/deviev...ep-guitar-pedal[/url]
  20. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1350540' date='Aug 24 2011, 05:56 PM']I want an MP-201 (will get one one day), but if you haven't the funds for one, then you definitely need to get an expression pedal of some sort (I use a Moog EP-2 & hopefully getting another until I can afford the MP-201).[/quote] yes. best budget solution.
  21. [quote name='bassjamm' post='1350494' date='Aug 24 2011, 05:23 PM']Thanks for all the input guys and gals, really interesting stuff indeed! I had a feeling the LPF would be the weapon of choice to begin with...looks like the most usable for my situation. Just one thing you mentioned though Shep... Isn't the MP-201 just a controller for the other pedals in a round about way? In other words, don't I need a MoogerFooger for this to control before it's of any use to me? Sorry if I've missed something here, just thought I'd clarify it is all. Thanks in advance folks... Jam[/quote] you'd probably not realise the benefit of the moog units without the correct controls. unfortunately, it's an expensive business..
  22. cue Shep..
  23. [quote name='silddx' post='1348456' date='Aug 22 2011, 09:45 PM']Your LIFE is what is important. Live it and you will speak though your bass.[/quote] absolutely. heard an interview with Peter Hook on the wireless not so long ago, saying something along the lines of .. 'there's something to be said for musicians staying poor, in order to create good art' -not my favourite bassist, but a well made point, all the same.
  24. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='1347553' date='Aug 21 2011, 09:24 PM']And the EMG pup and pre that he installed... [/quote] ah yes, granted.
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