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Everything posted by phil.i.stein

  1. ha ha ! thanks Paul ! make us up to 400 'likes' on fb if you're on it !! might have to think about commissioning you for a t-shirt design if we ever get paid for anything.
  2. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1384544215' post='2278057'] Moving forward, we will find a way of managing the [insert whatever] with more flexibility. Until we can find and implement that solution, [/quote] IT.-speak. bah-hah !
  3. cheers ! the audio recording was done about 3 years ago, when i was just getting back into bass-playing again after a 7-year hiatus, (bass and amp were stolen from rehearsal room). i would have liked to re-record my part, as i am now much happier with my fx/set-up/sound. but anyway, i'm just the bass-player, so no-one will notice. - except you lot. worth mentioning, our drummer wrote all the parts himself, and sings whilst playing !! much respect to Spike , it's amazing how a good drummer can help you lift your game. another video will be released soonish, and it'll be a more recent track, mainly written by our guitarist, and with a slight budget increase (about 4 pints at the Palmerston Arms. - best pub in Peterborough)
  4. merci ! we're going to do a fair few more dub tunes, and hopefully get him to remix them.
  5. very good Nige. i like stuff like this. that bass has a nice powerful pump to it too !
  6. so, we did a no-budget vid in our rehearsal room of one of our older tunes. the audio/video synch seems a bit off to me, but my internet connection is really lousy, so i'm not sure if it's out or not, but hey-ho, it's punk, so i'm not that fussed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLNl2hg45QE
  7. nowt wrong with a bit of slap in punk(ish) music. Victim's Family did it rather well.
  8. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1384370173' post='2275871'] My band have recorded three more songs, and I've been listening to the various mixes, constantly. Trying to come up with criticisms and ideas for production. TBH I'm getting a bit sick of them, and they're not even mastered yet! [/quote] give 'em a rest for a day or so, then listen to them in a slightly different state of consciousness (drunk or similar ..). fresh perspective, etc.
  9. there is a multi-fold problem in this debate. pubco's take the piss out of their tenants in terms of beer prices (being forced to buy overpriced beers from their limited list). successive govt's have increased duty on beer more sharply than that on wine and spirits (i wonder why ? ;-) ) supermarkets have been allowed to discount alcohol as a 'loss-leader' (i wonder why ? :-( ) jesus, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to draw any conclusions.
  10. [quote name='tayste_2000' timestamp='1384201473' post='2273995'] .., unless I join a punk band sometime soon [/quote] Do it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xSFi-Tn2_g
  11. well, it looks like an old russian tank.. does it sound like one ?
  12. aye. looks don't mean much. and to continue with my hangover cure .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vSbI7gTx8E
  13. this'll wake you up. astonishing playing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztuiiAs9bz4
  14. Gaz, i found this recently, and thought it may be of interest. probably backs up what we already know, but useful nonetheless. [url="http://www.seymourduncan.com/blog/tips-and-tricks/unlocking-the-secrets-of-bass-distortion/"]http://www.seymourdu...ass-distortion/[/url] edit : i like that the link abbreviation is 'ass-distortion' !!!
  15. requires something more than laptop speakers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKcz-RBFnMc
  16. i'm less interested in the solo (although relatively tasteful, as solos go ..) than the pick-up configuration.. what are they ? and why ? (excuse my ignorance) ?
  17. i used to power an MB Compressore with a Diago powerstation, daisy-chained with a bunch of others. i seem to remember that it was fine, and could cope with at least one 12v pedal, provided there is at least one 9v pedal also connected. FAQ's : [url="http://www.diago.co.uk/pedal-power/diago-powerstation.html"]http://www.diago.co....werstation.html[/url]
  18. i'm loving the B3. just got the expression pedal too, so i'll be tweaking away this weekend. the drives are o.k. blended, but i'm keeping my analog ones, as i've not really tested the B3 'at volume' yet . thinking of small gigs : B3 only fantasy gigs : ms60B > all my other fx > B3.
  19. at 1:15 >> they can http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jV3aZGiiAZU
  20. for the price, you can't go far wrong trying out the Zoom B3. several filter options available to tweak away with, including a Moog 101 copy, an autowah, and a specifically titled 'resonance filter' called the 'A-Filter', which is quite versatile. loads of EQ options too. i'm converted. (but still keeping some essential single pedals).
  21. just got a Zoom B3. at least half of my analog pedals will be for sale.
  22. pst62 thought the same as me ^^ , you sure it's not that ?
  23. another vote for the G-Labs Bass Wowee Wah. no tone suck, and choice whether to toggle on/off or leave on. plus variations on which frequencies get swept.
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