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Everything posted by phil.i.stein

  1. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='1216153' date='Apr 30 2011, 09:47 PM']4. [/quote] 4 = square (wave) , good call i've tried other octavers (the aguilar is more natural) but nothing beats an oc-2, so far..
  2. [quote name='stoko' post='1216810' date='May 1 2011, 07:41 PM']Evening all - newby here. I've played drums and guitar for too many years to think about, but recently have joined a funk-esque band on bass. Now the first thing I thought was - how can I get to Bootsy?!? What sort of pedals/effects? My usual guitar set up is tuner>phaser>octaver>overdrive>compressor>digi delay, but I'm guessing Bootsy's thang is built around envelope modulation, flangers, space dust and loony juice? What else do I need to be buying? Any tips? Cheers![/quote] oct>fuzz>filter/wah is a good start. filters can lose or add low-end, so try blending a filter with clean signal. my favourite so far is the source audio b.e.f. as it can do loads of different types of filter. the octave (preferably OC-2) is optional, especially if a low b-string is available. here's the official demo, others are available. also check out 3-leaf audio. less versatile, but very very good.
  3. enjoying some old school U.S. punk.. nostalgia, ain't it brilliant.
  4. i'm seeing 'em in Leicester tomorrow night. yay !
  5. [quote name='Arrakis' post='1216077' date='Apr 30 2011, 07:30 PM']Thanks but its only a contact form on the website[/quote] Alex will be happy to help, particularly if you can describe what type of sound you're after (a link to a track you like etc. ..) i can vouch for my midget-t, it's stupidly powerful for something so small and portable. the super 12 looks really good too. seriously, fire him an e-mither, what have you got to lose ?
  6. and a quick nod from me to the Hartke VXL.
  7. [quote name='northstreet' post='1214257' date='Apr 28 2011, 09:54 PM']Just looked up from the laptop. In the corner of the living room lives my beloved Geddy Lee Jazz and a v nice SX acoustic bass. Upstairs there's an Ibanez GSR and a nicely modded P bass copy. Then there's my Crate practice amp and a Hartke LH500 and a pair of VX115s in the garage, plus a bag with a DI box and a couple of effects pedals. And I'm still looking through the For Sale ads! Is there any cure?[/quote] not without chopping off your fingers.
  8. if the G in Gas stood for 'girlfriend' instead of 'gear', i'm a victim.
  9. [quote name='Bassnut62' post='1213160' date='Apr 27 2011, 09:15 PM']How did that happen? And I was actually second in line!! Seriously, I'm happy for you tho.[/quote] also to clarify, a completely different BC'er spotted my reply and PM'd me with same offer/price if i don't get on with it, (and i am a fussy git , who likes to try things out) you'll be the first on my list to contact before i put it up here.
  10. [quote name='Bassnut62' post='1213085' date='Apr 27 2011, 08:18 PM']Sadly someone else beat us all to it. I am only second in line. Rats, I have such bad GAS now![/quote] i'm out of the equation too. but by being second in line i think i've secured another one, how lucky was that ?! stuff like that never usually happens to me..
  11. welcome. i recognise your area from the famous cycling team Euskaltel-Euskadi. i spend most of my time in the effects section. see you there.
  12. great track. i like. although i was familiar with some of their stuff 'back in the day', i never got into them that much. kicking myself now though. i'll investigate further.. cheers. you're right steve, what's not to like about a band that allows the bass to rip ?
  13. the 2nd bass i ever bought.. . goth nostalgia moment. hard to find a pointier bass, although to be fair, both it and i sounded rubbish. the sisters of mercy's 'alice' has probably never been played so badly.. [attachment=78414:dynastycase.jpg]
  14. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1211054' date='Apr 25 2011, 05:43 PM']The Way Huge Swollen Pickle has been getting a good shout on here recently. Chunk System brown dog looks good too, but the one that has me interested is the Monolith Lodestone (on looks alone).[/quote] the WHSP is another one i tried, but didn't get on with, although it was much more tweakable than the ehx muff. but, since trading it, i've heard that messing with the internal trimpot can yield much better results, so i probably messed up. it could just be the high output of my MM Sterling. however, i'm happy with an LS-2 blend of VT bass (@ subtle crunch level) and the devi-ever soda-meiser for insane balls-out mayhem. whatever works,,,
  15. i always found that the bass big muff pi got lost in the mix somewhat, but that doesn't mean it won't suit your gear, (everyones' gear reacts differently). the Ashdown James Lomenzo distortion seems to get a lot of praise for results/value, and i recently saw a demo of it on here. might be worth a quick search. i've been through a number of different options, have tried and traded a few, so i guess there is no one correct option. just try and trade on here. i've yet to find anyone on here i can't trust. edit: mcnach beat me to it. here we go :
  16. [quote name='Soliloquy' post='1209947' date='Apr 24 2011, 12:05 PM']I just had to google Justin Beiber to find out who he is. I've never heard of him before. Just goes to show I should get out more, and maybe listen to the radio lol.[/quote] or maybe not. sometimes ignorance = bliss.
  17. i'd do justin if the money was right. he's like ssooo cute.
  18. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1209669' date='Apr 23 2011, 11:33 PM']I'd work the bass. I'd play amps. Pretty much like this with backline: [/quote] you need Techno Animal in your life ( if it's not already )
  19. [quote name='dougie' post='1209667' date='Apr 23 2011, 11:32 PM']I`d get off with the charge,when yer as sh*t as me the worse charge would be impersonating a bass player n i`d walk due to lack of evidence.[/quote] top reply. i'm guilty as charged guv'.
  20. [quote name='Sawtooth' post='1209639' date='Apr 23 2011, 11:02 PM']Give that man a big fat cigar!!! (besides Doddy, who first started to think 'outside the box') You got it man! If the bass guitar was outlawed, I would try and make bass frequencies on other instruments (as I already do! ). It's the 'sound' I love fundamentally, not the instrument as such. What instrument would others turn to if bass was outlawed?[/quote] box ? where.. ?
  21. synth. nasty big dub synth & f**k the bass-police samples.
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