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Everything posted by phil.i.stein

  1. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1184054' date='Mar 31 2011, 10:54 PM']Si, don't buy smaller, buy THE LPF. Get the Moogerfooger and stop bein silly [/quote] yep, it's looking increasingly likely.
  2. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1183925' date='Mar 31 2011, 09:13 PM']There's a chap getting his mates bro to make an exp pedal based on the mf-101 [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=289&st=2420&start=2420"]here.[/url] The sinewave is hard to replicate because it's a pure fundamental sound that is smooth over the timeline whereas the bass reproduces several harmonics & sounds that fluctuate along the timeline. The hard part is removing the unwanted frequencies but retain the basics to make the sound over all the fretboard. A triangle wave is another hard sound to replicate. It's similar to the sine but has a higher harmonic content & not as much sub, it's better for cheap stereos that don't reproduce bass sounds so well.[/quote] yeah, i was in on that one .. i'm currently trying to get my head around my octavius squeezer. on paper, it should be able to do what i'm after (barring the exp input), it's just the lack of interface that's driving me mental. two dials/knobs and one display line.. aargh ! on the string front, flats are probably a good call..
  3. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1183819' date='Mar 31 2011, 08:11 PM']The moogerfooger? [/quote] smaller.. with an exp input.
  4. [quote name='DanOwens' post='1183772' date='Mar 31 2011, 07:41 PM']I've found sinewave one of the more difficult to nail, but an OC2 and LPF get rather close.[/quote] mmm, an LPF is next on my list. besides the moog, any smaller recommendations (anybody) ?
  5. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1183734' date='Mar 31 2011, 07:22 PM']I'm trying to get my core sound similar to that of a sinewave.[/quote] yeah, this might sound dumb to some, but how come i haven't seen a pedal that attempts to convert a bass signal into a sinewave ? i can get triangle, square, trapezoid etc.. , what is the technical 'hurdle' with the sinewave ?
  6. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1183056' date='Mar 31 2011, 10:24 AM']Yeah the fretless is a big part of the sound. They naturally have a little more bass and low mids, and most octave pedals, the OC2 included track better with more low end input. Also the naturally muted sparkle adds a little Low Pass feel to things.[/quote] could it also be that metal frets and assosciated fret-buzz add extra harmonics to the signal ? that would be more likely to confuse an octaver or synth pedal...resulting in more glitches ...i'm guessing.. i just got an OC-2 today from here, it's got that synth type square wave sound that others don't. i use a fretted MM Sterling at the moment, but am also on the lookout for a fretless for the dubstep/d'n'b stuff. again, like Shep i boost the bass eq and keep the rest flat, or even knock some treble off. i note that, as with my Aguilar Octamizer, open strings are to be avoided, they tend to glitch easier. playing near the neck seems to help keep things consistent too. by playing softly i can get down to F on the E-string. although amp/speakers seem to struggle to reproduce the signal well (i suppose it's just overtones i'm hearing anyway)
  7. worth noting (i'm sure Shep won't mind me pointing this out) that the bass used is fretless. what contribution this makes would be better explained by Shep than me. but i gather slides and tracking issues are probably two good reasons.
  8. [quote name='Albi' post='1181675' date='Mar 29 2011, 11:34 PM']It's one of my favorite pedals![/quote] looking at the demo [url="http://www.hexeguitar.com/pedals-bitcrush_e"]http://www.hexeguitar.com/pedals-bitcrush_e[/url] , it looks like it wants to be one of my favourite pedals too. now where do i get one ?
  9. if you want something more portable (for the practise room etc.), the zoom h2 recorder features a programmable metronome which can do what you're looking to do. expensive for a standalone metronome, but if you require the sync'd recording aspect, it's a handy piece of kit.
  10. tidy job Shep. with the correct alignment of settings, time travel may indeed be possible...
  11. [quote name='Phil Starr' post='1179825' date='Mar 28 2011, 06:15 PM']It's an interesting graph the even harmonics are showing a very different decay to the odd numbered harmonics, I wonder why. I'll bet there's some sort of series in the maths.[/quote] good observation. looks like two different attacks repeated alternately. could this be the differing pick-up phasing/mixing ? edit : after re-reading the article, i'm definetely interpreting that it is the pick-up phasing causing this, but i might be wrong.
  12. [quote name='51m0n' post='1179801' date='Mar 28 2011, 05:53 PM']Its always a case of experimenting, the sweet spot and angle are dependant on the cab, mic, room and volume. One point to note though is that a DI will provide all the frequencies that the tweeter does, and if you are looking for those you probably arent using a lot of distortion. If you are and like the sound of distortion with the tweeter up then you may find you dont need to mic at all. Usually though IME you dont really want a lot of tweeter in a mic'ed overdriven bass sound (I know of one notable exception to this, that I have recorded, and they want plenty of ultrafizz to mix into the top end of the guitar and synths - worked great for them, but highly unusual). Rememer that volume is related to distance with the inverse square law, in other words if you move the mic twice as far away from a source the signal is 4 times quieter. I nthe case of the midget if you mic closer to the edge of the 12" cone pointing at the center (as a starting point) you would get significantly less tweeter due to the inverse square law and the likely diminished ability of the tweeter toradiate sound almost at 90 degrees to its transducer. MOve the mic in to the center of the cab to add more tweeter top end. Balancing this lot with the DI will take patience, but the result should still be excellent.[/quote] nicely. thanks, i'll give it a try next time we get around to doing proper recordings.
  13. [quote name='51m0n' post='1179183' date='Mar 28 2011, 10:03 AM']If you DI a high gain signal you'll find a massive amount of high frequency fizzy nastiness. If you listen to a cab's paper cones they cant get up that high and so act as a nice filter removing the poop. Fact is you're getting more gain because you are hitting harder, however compressing the signal (and I do love my comrpession) before the gain stage will just remove that expressiveness so I wouldnt recommend it before the amp. Instead get a cheap decent dynamic mic (Senn E835 is defintely up to the task) and mic the cab. Set up your DI, mic the cab as follows:- 1. mic 1" from the cone angled at 45 degrees to the axis of the cone pointing at the center of the cone. 2. Set recording levels for the mic and the DI signa.l 3. Group the two signals to one channel so you can monitor the combined level 4. play an open string and move the mic slowly back and forth watching the level on the group, when it is at its highest the two signals are in phase. 5. Check the mic'ed signal sounds good, but only worry about the top end, if it doesnt capture the big bottom dont worry, its the grind you are interested in. When mixing take these two signals, filter them and group them together. When filtering you want a low pass filter on the DI set to around 150 Hz and a High pass filter on the mic set to the same frequency. Dont be afraid to eq the seperate channels a little. You can apply compression to the bottom end (DI channel) to keep it super tight and consistent as the top end provides all the dynamics, the overdrive circuit will compress the top end a little anyway. Treat the combined signal as a single sound, applying overall eq and compression as necessary to sit it in the mix right. Sit back and bask in the glory of your perfectly tracked and mix bass part. Yes its a little more work, but it provides a lot more control, and a massively improved final result.[/quote] thanks for that advice, it makes good sense thinking about it. can i ask a related question on the mic'ing issue ? i have a Barefaced t-midget which i love the 'bite' of. the tweeter is located centrally, i.e. in front of the centre of the 12" cone. where's best to place a mic in this instance. or should i just experiment ? edit - i.e. i would need to balance the tweeter brightness with the more bitey mid-range output of the cone...maybe turn the tweeter right down ?
  14. [quote name='MorphineGhost' post='1176801' date='Mar 26 2011, 01:22 AM']Hey there, i'm laura the vocalist in the goth punk band Morphine ghost. we are looking for a reliable, committed, bassist who will show enthusiasm and turn up to practice. we are looking for someone in the greater manchester area who will travel to red wall studios in bury every monday we practice at 1 but the time could be slightly altered if need be. we are looking for someone between 18 and 22 it will cost £4 per week each for the room, so good deal! all you need to do is bring the bass. we are also putting our name down for haigh festival on july 3rd so keep that day free. we are currently recording some newer, better quality demos but if you want to hear our songs. rough demos at www.myspace.com/morphineghost and our acoustic stuff www.youtube.com/morphineghost anything else, just ask. thanks, Laura[/quote] best wishes for your project Laura, you clearly posess the cojonez to succeed ! if only i were 20 years younger and 80 miles north. good luck. bump for your thread.
  15. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1173155' date='Mar 23 2011, 12:17 PM']I think a good pedal board that has your sound & is fairly compact (if needed) is worth it's wieght in gold. I'm scared to think what wieght Shep's board would be! [/quote] i went to see his first gig with that set-up. it ripped. i did advise him to fit castors to the board though. there are 1K+ lightweight rigs that weigh in at less. nothing sounds that good though.
  16. [quote name='0175westwood29' post='1173901' date='Mar 23 2011, 09:17 PM']are the planet waves ones crap? andy[/quote] i've had reasonable success with the planet waves ones. no noticeable noise, etc.. but the plugs are slightly inconvenient at certain angles/with certain pedals. just try not to move them too much if they are tightly connected. ,i.e. get your set-up sorted first. i have recently bought George L's, but can't yet comment on whether they sound any better than the PWs. ask me in a couple of weeks.. My later edit. just be gentle with all of the connectors..
  17. pedalphile porn if i ever saw it. btw.. i 'm interested in the sfx split/mix, but have no funds til April. stick me somewhere down that list.
  18. [quote name='alexclaber' post='1176538' date='Mar 25 2011, 08:52 PM']Some of these articles may help: [url="http://barefacedbass.com/bgm-columns.htm"]http://barefacedbass.com/bgm-columns.htm[/url] The one about strings and harmonics is probably the key one![/quote] i just read that article, i must've missed that issue of bgm. a great way of visualising the 'maths/music' as a concept or relationship. i love it when science boffs like Alex both educate and consolidate your own experience/knowledge at the same time. i would love to see a cool visual (artistic) interpretation of the harmonic spectrum, be it western or otherwise..
  19. i enjoyed that. nice tone and fluent playing. the track progressed nicely and held my attention to the end. the beats were really nice too. some nifty fills that sounded 'human'. good work sir.
  20. [quote name='0175westwood29' post='1171468' date='Mar 21 2011, 10:43 PM']not the most friendly board for my feet but im getting used to it[/quote] might be easier the other way round. looking good.
  21. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1168984' date='Mar 19 2011, 10:55 PM']Well… It's done!!! We'll prob re-master it shortly as theres a tiny bit to much gain on a couple of opening notes and in certain areas of 'Face 4 Radio' making my speakers shake a little too much, but I'll swap out these tracks when we do that. Its a minor point. The mix is done and here's the EP. Performed live with a few technical tweeks from Johnny Carter in the studio. Everything you hear that is not a drum beat came from my bass & pedals... [url="http://ourhelicalmind.bandcamp.com"]http://ourhelicalmind.bandcamp.com[/url] Lemme know what you think (and buy it if you're feeling generous!) Anyone interested in what I used for sounds on certain sections etc just ask. On the dispute of Octave pedals which has gone on a fair bit during this thread, each track uses my OC-2 set to Octave-1 at full and Octave-2 and dry off (So just a pure Octave down) on all 3 tracks start to finish. Shep[/quote] sounding good on my wharfedales. nice work.
  22. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1165336' date='Mar 17 2011, 07:50 AM']I can have my entire setup going in about 10 mins from arriving at a venue/studio.[/quote] did you get your new set-up done on tuesday ? wouldn't mind seeing a pic..
  23. judging by the results, slap is not like marmite.
  24. bought some george L jacks. good communication all the way, arrived promptly. received with thanks.
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