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Everything posted by phil.i.stein

  1. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1380661437' post='2228743'] I know, but this is a music forum, and they are a pretty popular band, so it's worth a mention at least. [/quote] i was referring to a track title !
  2. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1380804643' post='2230797'] was there an extended pause after they walked in? [/quote] no, nobody noticed 'em.
  3. it's not the end of the world.
  4. by 'static' i mean just dial in how much or how little of the upper frequency range you want to come through, everything else is just big fat bottom-end ! around 9 -10 o'clock on the frequency dial seems to work for me.
  5. it works a treat for dub as a static filter !! (keep the resonance at bay ..) the expression pedal is where the synth stuff comes in, just stick blended fuzz in front, and get massive swells.
  6. [quote name='crez5150' timestamp='1378912739' post='2206421'] We are looking to get a proper video done at some point soon.... anyone suggest someone around Essex area? This is just rough footage straight off camcorder - [media]http://youtu.be/hnkdY88Mi6k[/media] [/quote] tight playing, enjoyed that ! do you do 'originals' too ?, if not, then you maybe should !
  7. you could always have a comp before the octaver to even out the input signal, and a zoom ms60b at the end. this would give the best of both worlds and a whole load more sonic options.
  8. also cheap, but with a large footprint - Hartke VXL Bass Attack.
  9. [quote name='operative451' timestamp='1378051191' post='2195133'] I get quite a close approximation with a bit of compression going into a guitar Practice amp with the [b]kids scooped to almost nothing[/b] and the treble at about 9 o'clock! Don't try this on your mate's boutique valve amp... [/quote] therein lies the secret to a good tone.
  10. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1377852498' post='2192659'] Sure looks like it, I noticed that before anything else The guy is very good, so is the drummer, but I'm amazed that anyone would think this is the pinnacle of bass playing, amazed. There's nothing new here, in fact I've heard it all before and I only hear this stuff on Basschat. I think there's a fundamental problem in some people's perception of what makes an innovative bassist. Trouble is, people often don't hear subtlety, they don't hear the music, they forget that innovation is not just technique, it's also sound, space, harmony, texture, movement - COMPOSITION. If this geezer had never made this video, and you could only hear him on band recordings, odds on only a few people would have ever mentioned his name. Sadly, to get 'noticed' (if that's even important) you have to make videos like this, and it's not unusual playing and certainly not innovative. It's just a very good bassist and drummer. [/quote] echo.
  11. this : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HP7L8bw5QF4#
  12. phil.i.stein

    Zoom MS60-B

    haven't got one yet, but it's on the cards as my next purchase, although the B3 might be more suited for my needs. i think i'd chuck it at the end too, to utilise the comp/modulations. try it on it's own first (i.e. no gain/equalization before it), especially for the synth tracking issue.
  13. i'd rather Metal were pop than some of the re-hashed so-called 'folk' bland sh*te that seems to be popular among the checked shirt brigade in recent years. but yeh, metal stinks too.
  14. on topic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dKAX7Jp8wo
  15. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1377416915' post='2187173'] Great gig! KADE were excellent, nicely ambient with some lovely soundscapes, but a very short set :-( MiM were superb! My mate thought the bass player looked bizarre and intimidating, like a safari hunter stalking big game with a jellybean blunderbuss. I thought they were brilliant. They are the band that Daft Punk could have become, had they not opted for mediocre jarlsberg disco. Nice to meet you Shep. Mr Stein, sorry I missed you, was looking out for that mask! [/quote] my sentiments too ! a superb night out ! i was the bald one in the red t-shirt.
  16. 10 hours 'til kick-off.
  17. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1377202559' post='2184842'] I agree. I just meant within the context of the genre roughly defined as 'Gospel'. [/quote] correct. it's difficult to define music genres, they all collide, as do morals/idealogy. no sweat !
  18. listen to radio 6 'funk and soul show' with Craig Charles (available online) and check out the 'funk and groove' thread on this mighty site !
  19. having listened to your clips, Earth Wind and Fire, and some early Commodores stuff beats that hands down. passion need not involve religion. in fact, i'm passionately anti.
  20. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1377200885' post='2184799'] God-free Gospel is like alcohol-free beer. [/quote] LOL
  21. hmmm, you might the Neville Bothers first LP 'Yellow Moon' i have absoloutely zero religious persuasion, and there are one or two Jesus-y tracks on it, but it remains to this day one of my fave bass guitar LP's. seek it out. here's a live clip. (most of the LP tracks have been taken off YT for copywright reasons. Damn shame. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O87iUDZGDKs ooh, here we go, trust me, take a punt ! http://www.amazon.co.uk/Yellow-Moon-Neville-Brothers/dp/B000026MM1/ref=sr_1_3?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1377201079&sr=1-3&keywords=neville+brothers
  22. if you can afford one, put yourself on the waiting list for an F.E.A. Labs Dual-Band-Distortion. it's more of a crossover-based overdrive. you can dial in anything, in fact, it's almost got too much control. http://www.fealabs.com/products/DBD-0001.html oh NO, sorry they've stopped doing them !!! ok, so mine has now raised in price ! fantastic kit for a clean amp-user like me. keep an eye out for a used one.
  23. not my usual bag, heavy rocked-out psychedelia. with a vaguely raunchy vid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PTQqCIPxqg
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