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Everything posted by phil.i.stein

  1. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='1027242' date='Nov 17 2010, 07:47 PM'] I just love Squirrel Nut Zippers. [/quote] that's new to me and extremely welcome !!!
  2. [quote name='Stewart' post='1028636' date='Nov 18 2010, 10:51 PM']STAMP OUT CASEISM NOW![/quote] nO MOrE NATiONAL fONT!
  3. i wish i could play this game all night, but i'll be in trouble if i do ....
  4. here again.
  5. [quote name='BOD2' post='1027811' date='Nov 18 2010, 12:02 PM']Except the last part where it suggests disconnecting the AC ground to break a "ground loop". Don't ever do this. You might kill someone ![/quote] good point. although over-exposure to radio Stoke may well achieve the same result, albeit more slowly and painfully.
  6. some interesting info here, particularly regarding mics. [url="http://www.alectrosystems.com/tips/audio_tips/audio_tip_RFI.htm"]http://www.alectrosystems.com/tips/audio_t...dio_tip_RFI.htm[/url]
  7. Yo ! how's it hangin' ? i'm feelin that Cambridgeshire love ever since i f***ed off to Rutland.
  9. why not a spider-web ? any colour you want for background/web. green/black would be cool though..
  10. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1026350' date='Nov 16 2010, 08:45 PM']Got given a P bass yesterday but I don't what colour I should do it in, any ideas? [/quote] sunburst green.
  11. [quote name='Sue' post='1025044' date='Nov 15 2010, 07:15 PM']So, did we ever get the bottom of Pete's original question?[/quote] Sarah checked in. Zoe didn't. so halfway then.
  12. the dude from everything everything is havin' it large.
  13. [quote name='icastle' post='1024214' date='Nov 15 2010, 02:03 AM']Yep - it's 2 in the mornin' and I'm listening to this [/quote] and now i'm thinkin' it's you that should be nailed into a cab.
  14. visual and aural curiosity piques..
  15. [quote name='Ian Savage' post='1024166' date='Nov 15 2010, 12:11 AM']Looking for something to run straight into one of my PA power amps to avoid having a bass head kicking around the place, which'll give me some EQ control and a DI out for live sound; I've currently got a Bass Metaphors which I quite like but it doesn't play nicely with other pedals on the same power supply (a 'positive-ground' design, apparently) and I can't be doing with having multiple power supplies when I only use three stompboxes! Had a look at the Hartke Bass Attack, but where possible I try to avoid buying Chinese-made stuff on ethical grounds; the Sansamp Bass DI looks good but is a bit pricier than I can justify unless I find one secondhand - is there anything else out there that I've missed? Thanks in advance![/quote] Hartke Bass Attack is awesome, dismiss ethics in this case. mxr m-80 also brilliant. more versatile too. but there's something beautiful about that tone shape on the hartke vxl.. i got shot of the sans-amp bddi. didn't do the right thing for my ears. i would love to try some dha stuff..
  16. [quote name='steve-soar' post='1024093' date='Nov 14 2010, 10:30 PM']Had the pleasure of seeing Autechre, at the N.I.A. Centre in Manchester, ended up in the dressing rooms, smoking with an American, black funk band who were supporting. Can anyone help me out in remembering who they could have been? [/quote] i love Autechre ! you lucky ..
  17. [quote name='amnesia' post='1023451' date='Nov 14 2010, 02:52 PM']Afternoon all, Pointed at the forum by my good friend longtimefred...the noisy sod. Been playing bass for years and my midlife crisis is currently pointing me at a Gibson Thunderbird And that's ya lot. ttfn Paul[/quote] welcome. fantastic sig !
  18. try marlowedk on youtube nothing too flashy.
  19. [quote name='steve-soar' post='1023259' date='Nov 14 2010, 11:24 AM']You can have him the week beginning 22/11/10, right after his week with Skank. [/quote] Barearsed on Tour ?
  20. Red Snapper
  21. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='1022934' date='Nov 13 2010, 09:52 PM']I got some fingerless gloves for busking because it's cold. They are MENS FINGERLESS GLOVES I GOT THEM FROM THE ARMY AND NAVY STORES, and I am wearing them because it is COLD. I am NOT wearing Audrey Hepburn gloves like Nigel, I would like to make that VERY CLEAR.[/quote] mittens for kittens.
  22. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='1022944' date='Nov 13 2010, 10:00 PM']I've noticed while recording today that if I have to emphasise a note on the E string I come down on it like a ton of bricks and clip the preamp. Annoying when the rest of the take is OK. When you are recording, do you just give yourself more headroom on the preamp just in case, or do you use compression to stop it happening, or do you just have much better technique than me? [/quote] are you not mic'ing anything and just using d.i.? if so, might be too hot input signal ?
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