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Everything posted by phil.i.stein

  1. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='716276' date='Jan 18 2010, 02:51 AM']This thread needs more amp guts though, especially since I put two shots of the same part in and no-one noticed. [/quote] does the colour give this one away ?
  2. it'd have to be one of les claypool's freakouts for me. i like dissonance as much as melody. Tommy the Cat springs to mind, but there are plenty more, i'm going to have a quick listen to the 'of whales & woe' cd., and edit later. oh and of course, tom jenkinson's 'solo electric bass' stuff
  3. [quote name='iconic' post='714792' date='Jan 16 2010, 01:14 PM']well bash my balls with an iron bar, I managed to ask the question of the original bass player, but it seems it may have been something to do with the production afterall, very decent of bass player to return my mail from someone who doesn't even know.... , what a cracking guy ...I don't think I have ever met a bass player who wasn't decent guy[/quote] can you enlighten me further please ? , i'm curious !
  4. i wish i could change my head for just £700, ..
  5. [quote name='karlthebassist' post='715122' date='Jan 16 2010, 07:24 PM']I hope this helps...[/quote] it certainly might help me too, thanks for the advice !!
  6. [quote name='V4lve' post='715092' date='Jan 16 2010, 06:42 PM']You sure you aren't just playing too loud? How about you get someone else to play your bass and go round and listen to see what is actually happening.[/quote] lemmywinks has the problem when he's not even playing. that is...unless his neighbour is lying (the other possibility !)
  7. c'mon, there must be someone out there in bc world who knows someone who knows something about this type of thing ?? let's BUMP it for a few days...
  8. [quote name='Protium' post='715020' date='Jan 16 2010, 05:30 PM']I've had this problem before, you need to shoot your neighbour.[/quote] didn't see that before..
  9. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='715042' date='Jan 16 2010, 05:56 PM']Active bass? My washburn status ,kept picking up bbc radio,and local taxi stations at band practice a few times. It's now passive[/quote] correctamundo !! good suggestion for me, dunno about lemmy, i will try unplugging the bass and then make a phone call... nice lateral thinking...ta
  10. i'm no electrician, so i can't really go any further with suggesting any explanations. i have observed a strange problem in our practise room though, it is a metal trailer-type affair, with slightly suspect wiring, and whenever a mobile phone goes off inside, it interferes through my amp and also the P.A., so i suspect it is something similar. any "sparkies" out there who can clarify ? are these thing related ?
  11. also - any earthing problems or issues in yours/his supply ?
  12. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='714970' date='Jan 16 2010, 04:20 PM']My next door neighbour (in the adjoining house, we live in a semi) keeps complaining that he can hear my bass through his radio, even his battery powered one. He says even when i am not playing but the amp is still on he can hear interference. It has happened with my Hartke A70 and also my Superfly Tbh it's quite annoying, he was round twice today asking me to turn it off. Who listens to the radio ffs? It's 2010! Any ideas what might be causing it and how to get rid of it? Ta! Steve[/quote] is it analog or digi ? don't know if this makes any difference, but there could be a solution/explanation there.. also, can you experiment with moving your amp ?
  13. [quote name='oldslapper' post='714737' date='Jan 16 2010, 12:28 PM']or...scored some cog?[/quote] nice, that may well become new slang...
  14. sweeeet ! me like !!
  15. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='700141' date='Jan 3 2010, 11:41 PM'][font="Courier New"]My name is Dr Karl Magnussen and I am rector of Bulawayo Missionary Church of Latter Day Christ. Our sanctified mission is to educate blind, deaf, dumb orphans in the ways of God. Since Mr Robert Mugabe (Praise Him Hallelujah) became our patron, much of our equipemnt (fridge, washing machine, roof) has been removed and sold to raise funds for a swimming pool for the Minister Of Finance and our many orphans are now hungry, wearing dirty clothes and suffering from infected bites caused by monkeys dropping on them from trees which would not happen if we are having a roof. I am begging you please to ignore the selfish ravings of the rich Western man with his runny-nosed dog and to donate your electrical goods to me so I can sell them to buy a new roof for the crying, deaf, blind orphans who have no roof to keep the monkeys out. In the name of God and His Son Jesus Christ Our Saviour, I am knowing you will do this right thing, thank you, will you pay postage as well, yes, thank you, Lord Be Praised Reverend Doctor Karl Magnussen DD (Carlisle)[/font][/quote] you sir , are the osama bin laden of wit. that's twice this evening i've almost messed my pants laughing. please desist . edit - what the hell were weightwatchers doing in zimbabwe anyway ?
  16. photo/ dimensions of said flightcase ? very interested. PM me if u like..PM'd
  17. [quote name='Jerry_B' post='713781' date='Jan 15 2010, 02:18 PM']Cheers You might to check out the various 'acronym' bands of the time too: SNFU, RKL, early DRI (before they became a Crossover band). Another good band was Spermbirds. Also, you could go back a little earlier to when the US hardcore punk scene really kicked off - you can see the excellent 'American Hardcore' documentary [url="http://tinyurl.com/y87ssgu"]here...[/url] - that also kicks off with the always excellent 'Pay To Cum' by Bad Brains [/quote] whoa !! did you steal my record collection ? (runs off to check) no, o.k. i'll let you off.. edit - SNFU played in peterborough last year !!, like a complete tool i missed it. i think chi-pig is the only remaining original member though..
  18. [quote name='Jarhead' post='714351' date='Jan 15 2010, 09:18 PM']Pffft, lightweights for girls and people who care about their spine Check out mine. [attachment=40265:Picture_047.jpg] Zach[/quote] teehee! nice one zach ! looks like a versatile set up.. pity ya can't drive it anywhere yet... p.s. i get the girls to carry it for me too..
  19. in that case, yes i think it's worth it, but perhaps i'm a tad biased ! hopefully someone else will reply,who's tested out the same configuration as you're looking at and compared it to other competitors in a similar price bracket. can you get to test one out anywhere near to you ?
  20. hi, excellent work. once again, your technique puts most of us to shame ! keep 'em coming. i love the way that the frame speed can't keep track fast enough, and makes your hands blur !!
  21. here's one of my favourite bassists, showing you and i how to succeed in this crazy musical world of ours...! there are plenty more where this came from.. and they are all rather brilliant , enjoy ! oh yeh, and victims family are well worth a listen.
  22. [url="http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/info:amps:impedance_and_wattage"]http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/info:amps:impedance_and_wattage[/url]
  23. welcome !!! let's see your respective 'boxes' !
  24. shuttles are very clean, loud, and reliable hi-fi sounding amps. [b]what sort of music do you play ?[/b] if you need a dirty/overdriven sound [u]without[/u] using fx, then it's probably not for you. i have shuttle 12.0 which i love for it's versatility (in terms of fx loops) and it's awesome, but like i say, clean compared to others. a good booster like a sans-amp or the aphex x-citer really lifts it. i use plenty of fx for the stuff i play, so i like it to start clean, so i can blend in what i need when necessary. more info on your part would help anyone else who wants to recommend something appropriate.
  25. loved "wakin' up the neighbours" send it to tru thoughts ! sounds up their street.
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