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Everything posted by phil.i.stein

  1. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1376343905' post='2172665'] Huh? We share genes with drummers and sopranos? best, bert [/quote] there are one or two sopranos i wouldn't mind sharing genes with, but i've banned myself from OT for good reason.
  2. is there anybody out there ? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhTiLricTFI
  3. anything above the 12th is for musicians, not bass-players.
  4. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1376339189' post='2172543'] whats your band called Phil. If you dont mind me asking?... Don't worry, just noticed the above. [/quote] DESTROY DC, available on all the usual commercial social media we need to use. i've just edited my sig to show.(i'm not usually one for self-promotion, but times dictate measures, and i'm a contradictory animal, like the rest of the rat-race.)
  5. [quote name='jmchich' timestamp='1376333980' post='2172383'] phil.i.stein, saw your set. Good job. Acoustics are always a problem at Rebellion. Completely killed Discharge's set for me, it just came out as big, thumpy, echo-y mess [/quote] thanks man ! glad somebody witnessed the onstage, string-breaking carnage. if it were a school report, it would read "must try harder"
  6. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1376332402' post='2172333'] So which butt-naked fronted band do you play with? [/quote] last night it was HeWhoCannotBeNamed. err, i'll leave you to google images. edit: i should add .. we were his backing band for this gig, and hopefully it'll happen again in the future.
  7. if you can't always take your own amp/cab, and have to rely on house gear, but still want to try to retain your own 'signature' sound (for want of a better term), then i'd say effects (or at least a DI/tone shaper) are a must.
  8. played at Rebellion last night. hopefully it sounded better FOH than onstage. nothing to do with the engineers, who were helpful and professional, just very limited changeover times between bands, so soundchecking was limited to say the least, and i had a Marshall stack between me and the Ampeg fridge, so hearing myself or the bass drum was difficult. however, it was a complete blast and a huge load of fun; playing next to a butt-naked frontman who takes all the attention away from any of one's own mistakes kind of relieved any pre-gig nerves ! in summary : a winner.
  9. mind-blowing rhyming and deep groove [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cogepHX5uTU[/media]
  10. hope anyone on here who played had a good gig. possibly the worst accoustics i've had to deal with, both onstage and watching other bands. but a whole bag of fun too ...
  11. hmm, although i've never tried one before, this might still be up for sale ? http://basschat.co.uk/topic/190290-zoom-ultra-fuzz-amt-slap-bass/
  12. postage/tax on this would take it slightly over budget, but it's the best i've tried so far. i use it with active basses. quite aggressive sounding, so may not suit. try some demo's out. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-Prescription-Electronics-Depth-Charge-Bass-fuzz-distortion-GAIN-/251315914167?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item3a839885b7"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item3a839885b7[/url] Mastotron as previously mentioned is also great, but more synth-like, and no blend, although bass retention is very good. Fuzzrocious's offerings might be worth a look too.
  13. i have a Snarling Dogz Mold Spore (ring mod/wah) which developed a fault. Max at sfx fixed it for me and didn't charge much (can't remember exactly, but i seem to remember the postage was more than the repair !) try contacting him. [url="http://www.sfxsound.co.uk/mainpage.asp?page=home"]http://www.sfxsound....e.asp?page=home[/url] ooh, just noticed the price of this on Ebay. i might have to unload it for that kind of price !
  14. i'll be playing for HeWhoCannotBeNamed on Sunday. Arena 8:30. teaser : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gG0Gwa5qNZs
  15. i'm currently using a b3k (thin mode with blend halfway) going into an FEA dual-band-distortion (also blended), into amp. it really fills out the clanky edge of the b3k and is a tweakers paradise. if i want fizzy distortion layered over the top, i'll use a blender pedal with a Bogner Uberschall too. Mahoosive !
  16. yep. we're playing as the backing band for HeWhoCannotBeNamed (ex-Dwarves) on sunday night arond 8:30 (Arena stage). i've got loads of tracks to learn, and i'm about 80% prepared so far. looking forward to it big time.
  17. Ibanez for me. but i guess it depends on what kind of sound you're looking for.
  18. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1362079044' post='1995523'] That's the first decent cover I've heard of a cover band doing! [/quote] oh yes. exactly. covers bands need to be more interesting IMO.
  19. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1362004511' post='1994476'] What you got? [/quote] some leftover crack. yeh, really ..
  20. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1362003618' post='1994460'] I refuse to play songs all of the time. If I know it is going to be a train wreck..... [/quote] all together .. "well it's a marvellous night for a train wreck .."
  21. a move downstairs will be required. (for sale forum)
  22. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1362002489' post='1994433'] ...If people want Mustang Sally and Brown Eyed Girl etc, then its our job to give them what they want. [/quote] the right to bear arms has been covered in other threads ..
  23. hmm, the M25 already does 'highway to hell' southbound, and 'road to nowhere' northbound. f***ing chinese cribbers ..
  24. wounded paw are your other option, but yes, an LS-2 is fine. keep being gay.
  25. i have the FEA dbd which is immense. the other ones i'd look at are the triumverate and Iron Ether's QF2 [url="http://ironether.com/pedals/QF2/"]http://ironether.com/pedals/QF2/[/url]
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