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Cuz Locust

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  1. Hi all You do not have to be an Acoustic owner to post over on the [url="http://acoustic.homeunix.net/twiki/bin/view/Acoustic/WebHome"]Unofficial Acoustic Control Corporation website[/url] and forum. You will have to register with Yuku,this is free. Harvey Gerst and others from the Acoustic Control Corporation are seen from time to time on our forum. We welcome you to come and join us any time...The website is ongoing and it has a lot of historical information on the Acoustic amps past and present and things to come. Acoustic Control used Eminence and sometimes CTS speakers as OEM speakers in their front loaded bass cabinets,ex.model [url="http://acoustic.homeunix.net/twiki/bin/view/Acoustic/BassCabinet408"]408[/url], [url="http://acoustic.homeunix.net/twiki/bin/view/Acoustic/BassCabinet406wide"]406[/url],402,[url="http://acoustic.homeunix.net/twiki/bin/view/Acoustic/BassCombo126"]126[/url],136...They used the Aletc Lansings in the model [url="http://acoustic.homeunix.net/twiki/bin/view/Acoustic/GuitarCabinet261"]261 [/url]and the model 201 2x15 guitar cabinet. In the W box Folded horn cabinets,model [url="http://acoustic.homeunix.net/twiki/bin/view/Acoustic/BassAmpCombination361"]361[/url],301 Acoustic used the Cerwin -Vega 18" speaker. Acoustic Control bass cabinets are very efficient cabinets and when they are paired with and Acoustic Control heads they sound incredible and Loud!! I have had an Ampeg SVT ProIV (1200 watts rms)and a Ampeg SVT810E cabinet. I can put this up against my Acoustic 370 (275 watts rms) and my Acoustic model 406 2x15.. The Acoustic is louder and better sounding to my ears... I have a model 126 that I have put a Peavey 1504-4ohm speaker in. The model 126 amp is only rated at 100 watts rms.I use the 126 cabinet with my other Acoustic amps,so I wanted a speaker that would handle more power than the stock Eminence that was available from the late 70's.Eminence is now one of the premier speaker manufacturers in the USA and are making great cast frame and neodymium speakers.I would probably use Eminence if I were replacing speakers now. I also have 2 model 406 2x15s in my collection ( a wide and a narrow version) and I have loaded both with JBL-E140s (Which is what Micheal Winter also uses in his model 408 cabinet). Any chance you get to buy an Acoustic amp on your side of the pond I would for shure jump on it at the 1st opportunity!! BTW there is an [url="http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=15949664945&ref=mf"]Acoustic Control Corporation Appreciation Society [/url]on Facebook Have fun and Merry Christmas!! Cuz Locust
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