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Everything posted by artisan

  1. Just got back in from rehersal & my word this thing kicks ass,where some jazz basses can sound a little thin this baby has a really meaty punch,you'd almost think it was active. For me it just blows my old stingray classic away & I can now hear every note I play,including the G string. Happy me. I'll try & post some pics tomorrow evening
  2. I'm glad I got this on Saturday then,otherwise you may have nabbed it first 😀
  3. [quote name='gthyni' timestamp='1502576979' post='3352333'] lovely. Love my old L1000 and are craving for a better Jazz Bass. How is the neck profile on those compared to a Fender American Professional (which I feel very confy with)? [/quote] Hi I've never played a fender american professional so I can't compare,sorry. It is a very nice neck though,G&L #8,it reminds me of an overwater jazz bass I had a while back.( except the G&L has a perfect body to neck joint,unlike the shoddy amateurish one on the overwater "hand made" bass)
  4. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1502576213' post='3352323'] Congratulations, can't wait to see the pics. Drew sold me my lb100 a few months back and I can't put it down still! [/quote] The red one I remember drooling over that bass,I was frantically trying to sell my double bass at the time so I could buy it. Congrats to you on your lovely bass
  5. Ok I know,I'll post some pics when I can 😁 Just been to see Drew at GBBL to trade my stingray classic for his beautiful USA G&L JB. Finished in 3tsb/rosewood + tort' By 'eck it's lovely,So easy to play compared to the stingray & sounds really good. They really nailed that vintage J bass tone & the build quality is exemplary,I mean it's perfect. Can't wait to get home a play with it (I may even play my bass too 😁) So chuffed
  6. I had a Kilo & while it sounded immense, sadly it didn't do so for long. Had it repaired' then a couple of gigs later it died again. The most unreliable amp I have ever owned,zero backup from hartke ( it was brand new) so not for me.
  7. [quote name='radiophonic' timestamp='1502289222' post='3350487'] Well its a question of where you would move it to. BD has a small car-park shared with some other units. My experience of the place is that it's basically gridlock during the week (vehicles on grass verges, delivery trucks blocking the narrow roads etc). Moving beyond the shop's slots means leaving. Asking a customer to move out of the customer parking doesn't seem like much of a business strategy. [/quote] +1 Especially when that customer is likely to drop a large wedge on a new bass. Totally unacceptable,if I did that to a customer here I'd get a proper bollocking. It's just bad manners
  8. Trades? I have a nice musicman stingray classic 4
  9. Musicman stingray classic of any interest to you ? Mint condition Black with birds eye maple neck & fretboard I'm in Harrogate too so pretty near to you. Cheers
  10. Dave's the man 😁 Never heard of him until I read this thread but I've had a good old laugh watching the videos,so thanks for that. Plus even though they may be crap,I still fancy a nice blue one.
  11. No probs Thanks anyway. I do like my stingray too,although I may have to sell it to fix my damn car
  12. No worries matey Cheers
  13. Could you be tempted by a black & birds eye maple musicman stingray classic?
  14. Trades ? I have a lovely musicman stingray classic I may be tempted to do a deal with.
  15. I use an Ashdown James Lomenzo Hyperdrive & really like it. Light overdrive to pretty heavy fuzz.
  16. I'd be on my way for this if my old Mercedes wasn't knackered
  17. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1499801268' post='3333749'] A company re-visiting a policy is one thing , but when a customer is obviously genuine and spends £5K when dropping the basses off in the first place , it should surely show £30 worth of goodwill ! [/quote] Exactly,it's a pretty crappy thing to do after that kind of sale. I'd be shopping elsewhere in future.
  18. Love mine too,it's the best amp I've had to date,sounds great & massively powerful.
  19. Nice I'd love this,It'd be perfect in my Sabbath tribute band. Sadly I have no cash.
  20. I've just recently got a classic 4 in a trade deal & must say it is one of the best basses I've ever played. Construction is perfect & it's very versatile sound wise. As for the neck it's bloody lovely
  21. Give me a gloss neck any day
  22. I must say I'm finding the tone on my classic very versatile depending mainly on where & how I pluck the strings. A lot of people seem to play over the pickup, I rarely do.
  23. Many thanks & I have to say I agree with pretty much everything you said there. Cheers
  24. Thinking of you must be my favourite bass line of all time.
  25. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1494144454' post='3293529'] That's all very well, but you just don't do that to good friends, which is how the OP has described him. [/quote] + 1000000 Thank you There's no way I would loose a friend over a band,we'll just have to try to tune him up a bit.
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