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Posts posted by artisan

  1. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1445793644' post='2894236']
    Thought I'd revive this with some news.

    A drummer friend of mine went to the Jack Bruce memorial concert last night.

    "Morning all. Fun and drama last night at the Roundhouse Camden. Ginger Baker stormed off early in his second song when the other drummer Franky Tontoh continued to play along in classic Cream tracks! So I only saw the great man briefly :- "

    PS seen the film and enjoyed it, especially the animated links.
    He's not a great man,he's a w***er :)

  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1443860590' post='2878174']
    That is very bad luck. Get it sent back, get a good one and you won't look back.
    Thank you,it did sound very good indeed for a while,let's hope the replacement lasts longer.

  3. It's official I am the most unlucky bloke in the whole bloody world :(
    After my Hartke Kilo died for the second time during a gig in 5 months it went back to GAK & was swapped for this GK unit ( with me paying a little extra)
    Got in from work this evening,set it up & had a play for 40 minutes or so,so far good,great amp sounding great even at low volume.
    Switched it off for a minute or so then thought I'd turn it back on to impress the wife with the lovely blue & white lights.
    What happened ?
    Bugger all,my brand new amp is dead :(
    I've checked all the leads,tried changing the fuse,let it sit for half an hour - Bugger all :(
    Pissed off me ?
    You bet I am,I've probably got the only faulty one in the country so I guess I'm phoning GAK tomorrow.
    Feel my pain people,why or why do I bother.
    Think I need a brandy.

    Only last Saturday I had a problem with my bass guitar & had to swap it for something different.
    Sob sob ...........

  4. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1443643302' post='2876608']
    Just watched the performance on Later. I liked both tracks and thought they were very un-Floyd like, in fact I thought they were decidedly Roxy Music in flavour. Guy Pratt sounded great.
    +1 yes I really enjoyed it & fully agree with you,very Roxy sounding,I may have to buy the album.
    Guy is a great player for sure & he always looks like he's enjoying himself too.

  5. [quote name='Kirky' timestamp='1443456721' post='2874860']
    Neil. I have a GK MB Fusion. Not looking to sell but if you want to try it to see about GK cabs you're welcome to borrow it for a practice. Martin.
    Thanks Martin you are a total gent'.
    I'll let you know if I need to borrow it :)

    You have to love this place as Tom (TPJ) offered to lend me his amp' too.
    Top blokes both of you :)

  6. [quote name='invicta59' timestamp='1443452288' post='2874803']
    I use an RB1001 - no complaints here. I've not played through an MB800 so cant offer a comparison, but they both get good comments. Depends if you want to use the Bi-amping feature of the RB series, I guess, or prefer the lighter weight of the MB
    Hi thanks for replying.
    I'm not bothered about the bi-amping tbh I just want reliable power + it would be way lighter than my Kilo.
    I found the shuttle to be pretty weak so that put me off class D but I'm open to suggestions.
    RB 1001 is what i favour atm.

  7. As my Hartke Kilo died again during yesterday's gig I'm looking to find a warrant replacement unit that will keep working.
    This will be a warranty job through GAK,the kilo cost me £629 so I'm looking at amps of a similar price.
    My initial thought was the RB 1001
    Tom on here recommended the MB 800
    Any thoughts or suggestions,bearing it must come from Gak.

    I play pretty loud rockabilly & run into a Barefaced Big Baby 2 @8ohm

    * I used to have a GB Shuttle 600 that just didn't have enough power for what I need.

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