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Everything posted by artisan

  1. I can definitely vouch for the MV basses,especially now I have both a P & a J
  2. Thanks guys Had a good play on it last night & after a bit tweaking it plays absolutely brilliantly. Build quality is top notch too,it is a lovely Jazz bass. There is a downside though,BD sold it as 9.5/10 condition,but alas the first thing I saw was a couple of fairly deep scratches on the top of the head stock 🧐 Not a massive game changer but not quite what I expected to see & still waiting to hear back from them.
  3. https://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Modern_Vintage_MVJ4-66_Gold.html Unfortunately it's been sat at home since 2:30 & I won't be home until 7 p.m. 😭😭😭
  4. https://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Modern_Vintage.html
  5. Sounds very much like the neck on my beautiful Modern Vintage P bass,it's really nice to play,wide & shallow but so so comfortable.
  6. Is this an overwater 🀣🀣
  7. Surf Green & tort' Does it for me
  8. With black curtains near the station 🀯😁
  9. Me with some stupid warbling idiot,err I mean our vocalist
  10. artisan

    Geddy Lee pedal

    I moved mine on a while ago,dabbled with some Darkglass stuff but now use 3 channel programmable Sansamp bass driver,which won't be going anywhere,it does everything I could ever ask of it perfectly.
  11. Thanks 😊 I haven't noticed any noise from mine at all,although I've only used it at rehearsal so far but it seems very quiet so far. I'll try it through the headphones when I get chance & report back
  12. Oh yes it is a beaut,so comfortable to play & sounds really nice. Punchy,warm & rich according to my guitarist. I'm thinking of selling my Dingwall Combustion & getting another of these.
  13. Really liking these
  14. Good job πŸ‘ Can't wait to hear your thoughts
  15. Indeed & a perfect description of this bass,it really is very good. What ever basses I own I always end up back on a P bass,if I just keep this one I'll save myself a fortune
  16. It's just as good in real life. I've owned loads of basses over the years,including many P's & this is a very nice P bass indeed. It was a bit of a gamble when I did the trade as I didn't get to play it until it arrived so was very happy with it indeed. My band plays classic sabbath tunes & the Dingwall just didn't fit,whereas the P fits perfectly,I can get my Geezer mojo going. I actually find it easier & more comfortable than the Dingwall too,so much so I'm tempted to sell/trade Combustion for another one of these.
  17. Used this baby at rehearsal last night & every member of the band commented on how good it sounded,I had to agree. It is a massive improvement over the Dingwall ABZ I traded for it sound wise. The Dingwall was beautifully made & played really nicely but I just couldn't get a sound out of it I liked,just never gelled.
  18. I've no idea,I usually use Dunlops,never used these type before πŸ™„ But I do like them.
  19. Mine arrived on Friday & fitted yesterday. I couldn't fit them over the strap for the life of me so had to unscrew the strap buttons & fit them from the back. Fortunately I made sure the strap was adjusted correctly first. They're pretty cool though & my bass certainly won't be falling off it's strap.
  20. Absolutely gorgeous bass 😍 These are cracking basses.πŸ‘
  21. Lol I can see that happening πŸ˜‚
  22. That's proper nice πŸ‘Œ
  23. Baaaaaa In my day "just after t'war" you'd be shot for 'avin' fret rattle. Mind we played proper basses in them days. Upright buggers None of this fancy stuff Tha naaaas 😁
  24. Awesome πŸ‘Œ Eagerly awaiting your thoughts on it. I really love mine,it just feels so familiar,like I've been playing it for years.
  25. My band plays exclusively early Black Sabbath songs so I'm playing at the base of the neck most of the time, so it's pretty high action for me on my P bass. However my Dingwall Combustion is set as low as possible without fret buzz,so I guess it just depends on what style/sound you are wanting to achieve.
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