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Everything posted by artisan

  1. My new BB2 did it's first gig last Saturday & it sounded immense. good choice
  2. If you were to earn your living by playing any musical instrument,even if you are sh*te at it then you are in fact a professional musician or pro'for short. end of
  3. Well I think Fenders are crap (Runs away with cheeky grin on his face)
  4. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1422141017' post='2669265'] Well, if you are satisfied with the outcome (and I guess satisfied with Barefaced customer service), I'll lock this if you feel that way? [/quote] hi,yes please do, i don't want another flaming session - even though i started it. feel free to delete the thread if possible cheers
  5. thanks to every one who has responded,but please don't post anymore i really don't want to start a Barefaced Bashing thread,we have too many of them already
  6. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1422135568' post='2669196'] I'll have it if you're not happy. Neil, really hope you like the cab mate, but if not, I know how good they are so I'll have it for what you paid for it. thanks Chris,i'm sure i will love it,just feel very frustrated with the whole experience C [/quote] [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1422134490' post='2669183'] Hi Neil, I'm so sorry to hear that you feel like this. I know when you placed your order I said the current queue was "a month or so, though that depends on how smoothly things run here". You should have received a confirmation email from PayPal as soon as your order went through - I just made a purchase from our site via my personal email address and it worked but I know emails like that can vanish into spam folders. As you said, two days later I did send a confirmation email confirming your cab had been allocated into the production queue. When you got in touch on the 22nd Dec warning us of your next gig on the 31st Jan I replied that day to say you should have the cab before then (I don't think I ever say 'definitely' nowadays because knowing my luck the bloody building will then go and burn down or something...) As you'll recall you emailed on on the 13th Jan because your band were hassling you about not having a cab to rehearse with, so we jumped you a week up the queue and sent you a cab that day. I was very happy to read your overwhelmingly positive comments about the appearance and build quality of the cab and about the tone from your low volume tests when you received it and noted down that you'd asked for a receipt "but no rush whatsoever for that", so I was looking forwards to emailing you with that receipt and asking how your first gig (next weekend) had gone with the cab. I saw your email earlier today asking for your receipt again so I'd made a note to email it to you next week, as it must have been more urgent than I realised. I'm sorry you didn't get the cab before Xmas as you'd hoped (and obviously the Xmas break delayed it by another fortnight). I'm really sorry that you feel like you've been "pretty much ignored" and an "inconvenience" and I assure you that's not the case. Based on your email on the 16th Jan I'd assumed you were very happy with the cab and I was looking forward to finding out how it performed on your gig at the end of the month. The only unreplied email from you I can find on any of our accounts is the one you sent saying that the cab looks fantastic and asking for a receipt, which I was going to respond to the first week of Feb after your first gig - I will check nothing has vanished into the spam filters on our non-gmail accounts in case you sent one to the customer services address and it disappeared into the ether. I hope you understand that we didn't mean to disappoint you in the way your post describes and I wrongly thought we'd done a decent job of looking after you. ----- To anyone else who has been frustrated by our customer service, since we started in late 2008 right up to now, I can only apologise. Starting and growing a business which does all its design and manufacturing here in the UK has not been an easy ride and the challenge of simply surviving has sometimes caused us to drop far too many of the 'non-essential' plates that you have to keep spinning if you want to be a great company. With the investment we've put in over the last 6+ years I think we're finally at that point where we have products which are world class in all aspects, manufacturing processes which work efficiently (we're still sorting out some of our stock control and accounting processes) and we should be able to make sure that 99.99% of our customers have a great purchasing experience once we've tidied up some more of the details of how we deal with all our pre-sales, pre-shipping and post-purchases communication. I do have a list of things I want to address to improve the customer experience, the first being finally having cabs in stock or with very short lead times (at the current production rate this should happen in February) and the second being a nice printed quick-start guide to go with each model and a more comprehensive manual, so customers can get the most out of their new purchase. There's lots more but they're the first two. For a long time I've dreamed of the day when anyone emails and I can say you can have it tomorrow (or at least this week if you're overseas) and that's close to being a reality. If you did buy a Barefaced cab in the past and either returned it or sold it on fairly quickly because you were disappointed with our service or the cab itself, if you'd consider giving us a second chance then I'd be happy to consider loaning out some demo cabs. It's less of a gamble buying our stuff now we're better established but we really do particularly appreciate those of you who were brave enough to buy an oddball cab from a funny little British company run by an argumentative sod, especially when you fell foul of us being spread too thin to provide consistently good service... Best regards, Alex Managing Director Barefaced Ltd www.barefacedbass.com [/quote] thanks for the reply Alex.
  7. [quote name='paddy109' timestamp='1422095040' post='2668576'] Artisan, I have recently placed an order for a super midget after some good email conversations with Alex. On paying a deposit I had a confirmation email, this was a few weeks ago. I have since had a reply to a further email giving me an update of where my cab is in the build and an approx delivery date. So far so good - just thought I would pass on my experience. When spending an awful lot of money (for me this is a major once in a blue moon purchase) I would expect nothing more from a British company dealing directly with their customers. So far for me I couldn't expect more. I will update this post once I have paid balance and received cab on how this part of the process went. Paddy [/quote] Hi Paddy,I'm glad you got good professional service from them,unfortunately I didn't & it's left a sour taste for me.
  8. last year i enquired about buying a new bass cab mainly for use with my upright bass,all of my emails were promptly replied to & Alex recommended the Big Baby 2 for me. last November i again made enquiries & once again my emails were replied to promptly. so i placed my order & paid my deposit,no confirmation email,receipt or anything which i was a little worried about,i ended up emailing to ask if they had recieved my order,after a day or so i got a reply but this was several days after i placed my order. since then some emails i sent were not replied to at all & i felt i had to chase Barefaced for a reply. i recieved my cab in January,which i was pleased with but had to push for a delivery date,now i wasn't in a massive rush but had heard nothing at all & was concerned my cab wouldn't arrive before my first gig of the year. since my cab arrived i sent another email thanking Alex for sorting my order out & saying how pleased i am with the cab,so far, & guess what,yes no reply. Barefaced need to sort out their customer service as if they wish to operate as a top flight company then they need the level of customer service that goes with that,as it is i just spent £699.00 with them & feel pretty much ignored,like i am an inconvenience to them. i work in retail & no matter how busy i am i look after my customers properly,if i didn't i'd be out of work pretty damn quick. having said that my cab is awesome,first gig next saturday,but i'd think carefully before i ordered anything else from here. rant over,as you were. Edit: I just remembered I also emailed Alex asking for a receipt/invoice for my cab & he's ignored that email too. totally craps,if my cab doesn't really impress me next Saturday he can have the sodding thing back !
  9. just got a Combustion in trade yesterday,my first try with fanned frets & i was a little worried that i might not like it. well suprise suprise i started playing it & didn't struggle at all,as said above it just felt right.
  10. No problems with my D it sounds awesome,much better than the nylon junk that was on it.
  11. I can recommend Blast Cult Tone Mongers,E & A low tension steel D & G plain gut. they have very even tension & tone across the set,slap or pizz. they have certainly brought my bass to life with a wonderful rich,punchy tone & are a delight to play. I have tried various nylon strings over the last 3 years & none sound anything like guts,plus I find these significantly louder than any nylons too. no more plaggy strings for me
  12. I owned an AVRI '62 Jazz quite a few years ago & I am pretty certain the decals were glossed over. however I am getting old so could be wrong
  13. [quote name='Kirky' timestamp='1421391211' post='2660623'] Looking forward to hearing this, when's the next Doghouse Doctors gig? [/quote] Hi,the next local gig is Feb 14th at the cross keys k'boro We are playing at the myrtle tavern in Leeds on Jan 31st if you fancy that one. if you do come please say hello
  14. Thanks for the replies chaps I won't get chance to give it some until next rehearsal so will let you know how it goes.
  15. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1421358855' post='2660436'] How much does it weigh? [/quote] bugger all 13kg according to the specs but it feels lighter to me.
  16. Aha many thanks for that Lozz I was thinking I'd got a pup
  17. so my Big Baby 2 arrived this morning, i am well impressed with both the build quality & just how light this cab is,i walked home at lunch time carrying it with no problem. i had a quick very quiet play through it during my lunch break but had to be very quiet so as not to upset the neighbours,which leads me to my question. at very low volume the crossover doesn't seem to do much & i won't get chance to crank it up until my next gig is this normal ? will it have more effect at high volume ? cheers
  18. Bubinga5 I'm with you mate,Fender's do nothing for me at all I find then dull as a very dull thing, these days there are far better instruments out there for the same money. Alas though it seems to be a cardinal sin on here to dare say anything negative about the big F. I sometimes think I'm on Fenderchat
  19. Are you supposed to play that far down the neck ?
  20. Well done that man
  21. Pm'd
  22. We have a Kia Carens 2.0 CRDI & I can't fault it,we have owned if for five years without any problems at all. fairly cheap to buy,good fuel economy & a cavernous boot area. we like it that much we are currently in the process of buying a newer one.
  23. Where's my sickbag. that is f*****g awful
  24. The Genz Benz NX2-212T I just sold sounded immense,best cab I ever used,just my dodgy knee didn't like me carrying it around.
  25. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1419950001' post='2644222'] I think it looks gorgeous and if the SR prestige basses are anything to go by I imagine it will play and sound fantastic. Saying that (when taking exchange rate into account) these are roughly the same price as as ACG custom (starting price of one at least). [/quote] I agree about the prestige basses but the bass here is one of the premium range,still brilliant basses but made in Indonesia,like my SR1605. so while it seems to be over priced I'm sure it will be a fantastic bass but you can buy a better bass with £2000 or so,IMHO.
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