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Everything posted by artisan

  1. No worries,I was being a tad over defensive I agree 😁 I hear you with the second had value as I have had countless basses over the past decades & lost thousands in the process,infact I've just lost £800 on a Canadian Dingwall that I just couldn't gel with. So far though I'm really liking this P bass & can't wait to use it in Monday's rehearsal
  2. Ah but it is a lot better bass than an MIA Fender. Massively better quality all round & a very nice roast maple neck. I don't get the bias just because of where it's made,my Dingwall Combustion was made in China & that is fantastic quality. Sadowsky Metroline made in Japan which is the far East,people pay much more for one of those & you couldn't possibly say they are lower quality than a MIA Fender.
  3. Nice 👍
  4. Oohh exciting indeed 😄 What model/colour are you getting ? You are totally right about far eastern quality,these basses are absolutely spot on quality instruments & absolutely worth their price.
  5. I'm not too sure on that really,the hardware is all very good quality,the build quality it totally flawless,it sounds just as you'd expect & it plays beautifully. Personally I really don't care where it was made it is a very high quality P bass & the neck,oh the neck
  6. £1399
  7. Thank you 😊 It's even nicer in the flesh,the photos don't capture the colour very well. I am very tempted to get one of their Jazz basses to go with this one.
  8. Thanks guys. I had a good play on it last night & am very impressed with it,especially that lovely neck,it has a very comfortable profile. Apparently @Dood has very recently done a video review on this very bass,so I'm looking forward to seeing that.
  9. OK so I fell out with my Canadian Dingwall ABZ,although it is undoubtedly a thing of beauty & plays sublimely well I just can't get it to sound how I'd like it in the band. Since I realised I was trying to make it sound like a P bass (which it isn't) I made up my mind I actually needed a P bass. After much research & browsing I didn't want a Fender as they are massively over priced,then spotted the Vintage Modern basses on Bass Direct. Contacted Mark & sorted a good trade deal out for this little beauty. It is a sublime P bass,sounds ace,build quality is spot on & it has a gorgeous roasted maple neck too. So I've gone full circle once again & ended up on a P bass. You'd think I'd learn 😁
  10. I play in a fairly loud rock band running a Darkglass M900 into a Markbass NY122 & couldn't be happier. Sounds awesome & dead easy to transport. Can't fault it at all
  11. I had an SSS one briefly & as above far too much to mess about with so I never gelled with it.
  12. I absolutely love Sabbath,but I would I'm in a Sabbath covers band 😁 Watching YouTube a while back & this came up as a suggested video,never heard of the band before but I love this.
  13. Neil Peart He was the greatest rock drummer in my opinion. He'd have made me look proper shite
  14. My first Dingwall had the exact same effect on me.
  15. Cripes That's in a disgraceful state. Good luck
  16. I had one a few years back,it was a nice bass & certainly well made but absolutely no better than any Fender Jazz. In fact I sold it & kept the MIM Jazz in this photo as it was a nicer,better playing bass.
  17. Straight grain looks like Ash to me
  18. Yes big thumbs up from me too,always very helpful & always great service
  19. artisan


    Not lefties but love both of mine. Both are light weight especially the ABZ,that is very light. Build quality on both is excellent. Fan frets are not a problem,I adapted to them in just a few minutes. I sold all of my vintage style basses after I got my first Dingwall as they are just so much better & more comfortable to play. BTW I owned one of the older combustions with the 2 band preamp & think they sound very bland,the later ones are a massive improvement.
  20. I've recently done pretty much the same thing as the OP. Got bored with my old school Fenders & Rickenbacker. Ended up with two Dingwall basses which I'm really loving,they have rekindled my love of playing bass & are definitely nothing like a Fender.
  21. My Darkglass MT900 has never struggled at all,in fact I think my ear drums would implode well before it ran out of oomph. It is insanely powerful
  22. It works surprisingly well in this piece of doom metal. Excellent tune too
  23. OK so at rehearsal I discovered my Harmonic Booster appears to be faulty making a deep pulsing hiss which proper flaps my speakers. It does this whether it is engaged or not. Didn't notice it at home on mega low volume with my ringing old lug 'oles. We checked absolutely every thing else but my HB is definitely not happy. Bugger 🙁
  24. I switched off during my secondary school music classes after the teacher,a Mr Weston,asked the class "Do any of you play a musical instrument" I stuck my hand up & when asked replied "I play bass guitar sir" At which point he scowled at me & said "Does any play a proper musical instrument" That did it for me,even at the tender age of 12 I knew he was a knob end.
  25. I've just bought a Darkglass Harmonic Booster & so far at home I'm really liking it. It's a very versatile & musical sounding clean pre amp Big test at rehearsal tonight but I'm confident it will be amazing.
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