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Everything posted by artisan

  1. i've recently got a '51 reissue P bass in butterscotch & i love it to bits. the sound from the stock pickup is monsterous-really powerful & really deep-my band love it's tone too. as for the stock bridge ok it's very simple & not very adjustable but hey it's a '51 reissue & it does the job,i've got my intonation set up pretty damn close so mine's staying stock. it sounds different to my other P basses but in a good way & the tone control makes a fair difference to the sound. the Sting sig' bass should be just the same except for the body contouring. get it bought,you'll love it.
  2. sorry but i'm not impressed at all,mind i'm not a Jaco fan either. somebody once gave me a Jaco cd to listen to & i tried to like it but to me it was just a load of self indulgent sh*te.
  3. bollocks it's a damn bass & rig. where's the tits man
  4. i'm really lucky as our drummer has an electric drum kit for practice only,so i just use my Roland cube 30 & it sounds ace so a bigger Roland would be a good choice. alternately if we practice at Bash studios in Harrogate i use their totally sh*te Carsboro bass bomber & man is it sh*te,but at least it saves me lugging my rig about.
  5. look like a Warwick to me
  6. PMT in Leeds sell them,maybee they can help you.
  7. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='357220' date='Dec 17 2008, 07:22 PM']Or if you can run to it a Fender American Deluxe Precision has P pickup in the sweet spot and a double J at the bridge. Expensive new but s/h can be got for £600 or so. I love mine.[/quote] well said i love mine too,the best bass i ever played period. if you can get one of these at a good price do it--you'll never regret it.
  8. nice collection-especially that '75RI Jazzer
  9. nice looking bass--even if it's not a Fender
  10. this guy sounds like a total prick,hope you get your refund. if it was me he'd be getting a good kicking anyway.
  11. i had a jazz with s1 switching & it did beef up the sound but it didn't sound much like a precision to me you need to play them both back to back & decide what you like best. i used to have both jazz & p basses but when gigged back to back i found the jazz sounds very thin compared to a precision & my band agree.mind we only have 1 guitar drummer & me so i need to fill out the sound & a nice thumping precision does just that. but as pointed out above a good precision with the added jazz bridge pick is the best of both worlds.
  12. i'm not a Warwick fan but that is a real nice looking bass(even if it is made from driftwood )--enjoy
  13. artisan

    my bass!

    beautiful bass you've got there mate.
  14. [quote name='Leowasright' post='355290' date='Dec 15 2008, 09:25 PM']Most of this surely proves Leo got it most right in 1960 with the Jazz. I have thought about Precisions, MM Stingrays, G&Ls, but I always seem to buy another Jazz.[/quote] nowt wrong with a good Jazz but give me a good Precision any day.
  15. [quote name='rjb' post='353363' date='Dec 13 2008, 10:20 AM']It's because you're a bunch of old hippie grandads. **runs away**[/quote] aarrggghh you young scally--i'll give ye a rite good thrashing-cheeky young git **attempts to run after** **beer belly hinders this** **old knees complain** **heart threatens to stop** **runs out of breath** **collapses panting** **oh sod it** **the youth of today** **what they need is a spell in the army-that'll sort em out-wasn't like this in our day- ect'-ect'..........**
  16. [quote name='jake_tenfloors' post='352862' date='Dec 12 2008, 06:17 PM']I'll be there and i'm going this way, [url="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&saddr=huddersfield&daddr=beech+ave+harrogate&hl=en&geocode=&mra=ls&sll=53.7755,-1.505127&sspn=0.583499,1.235962&ie=UTF8&ll=53.811193,-1.671295&spn=0.583003,1.235962&z=10"]http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&sadd...235962&z=10[/url] So if anyone needs a lift or anything i don't mind, just give us pm Jake[/quote] nice avatar can i have that little santa when she's finished with it----sniff sniff mmmmmm
  17. you sound pretty normal to me. i've been playing for 30 years now & have owned all sorts of basses--as in lost count--& i'm now back on Fenders for the rest of my life,although for me it's P basses. there's something about Fenders thats just right for us old farts i reckon.
  18. to cut a long story short i've had a pretty serious warranty problem with my Jazz bass & Fender were a bunch of cu*ts about it,but my local shop has fought my corner & sorted a replacment bass. i didn't want another jazz so he ordered me a '51 reissue P bass in butterscotch blonde.he's just phoned me to say it's landed & looks really cool,so i'm off to collect it during my lunchbreak can't wait to get it home & plug it in. when i've finnished masturba**** ,er i mean playing it i'll try to post some photo's. so three cheers for Phil at Rock Steady Music in Harrogate,he's a top bloke.
  19. good effort lass,damn nice looking bass too. wouldn't mind twanging your g-string myself buying a new bass is a great feeling eh. last time i went into PMT in Leeds my budget was £0.00 but i still managed to spend £950.00 on a new bass--just ace
  20. [quote name='BassManKev' post='351418' date='Dec 11 2008, 06:32 AM']is it the right time to ask that newbies shouldnt be aloud to post threads in the for sales forums yet??? or are the mods still gunna insist its up to the buyer to have the sense not to go into a dodgy deal, despite the person ripped off this time being a long standing member?[/quote] +1 infact why not make the for sale section for fully fledged members only & one who have made 50 or so posts in the general forum.
  21. [quote name='Allen_Baker' post='344222' date='Dec 3 2008, 05:15 PM']whats the consensus on this then? Allen[/quote] you are a twat
  22. if/when you drill it screw it to a chunky piece of wood first,makes it easy to hold onto & stops it flying about. unless you're post & can afford a pillar drill of course.
  23. [quote name='thebeat' post='349797' date='Dec 9 2008, 04:29 PM']Tthat's it i'm leaving this forum for good ...after i've made a poll obviously....[/quote] absolutley priceless
  24. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='349591' date='Dec 9 2008, 02:13 PM'][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=18500&hl=artisan"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...&hl=artisan[/url][/quote] cheers nice. it's a shame none of my happy buyers could find it
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