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Everything posted by artisan

  1. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='194786' date='May 8 2008, 04:21 PM']PM'D AT LUNCHTIME you have my number[/quote] lol now there's a suprise
  2. you lucky bast*rd that is bloody lurvley.
  3. hi mate-what price are you looking for. SC on roseville road had one of those i fancied a few months ago.
  4. damn good post & a damn nice set of basses-i especially love the antigua jazz,i'd sell my left nut to buy one of those.
  5. i've had a few over the years but- by far the best sounding rig is my current one SVT3PRO & B410 HLF prettiest amp was a Hughes & Kettner Bassbass 600 & Ashdown ABM500 1X15 (sounded ace for about 6 years then went tits up) worsts rig (prepares to duck) Trace Elliot head (GP7SM graphic,can't remember the model-250 ish watts) & T.E. 4X10 & T.E.1X15 i just could not get a usable sound out of it try as i did. rig i trusted the least GK1001RB-11 & GK115SBX-11 sounded great but the speaker sh*t its pants quite easily.
  6. if you can find a used one i reckon an Ampeg SVT3PRO is a good option,i sold my GK 1001RB to get the Ampeg. i find it has bags more punch than the GK ever had,well at least for the blues/rock stuff i play.
  7. i bought one of the bay last year for £250,mind it was pink & a bit battered but played nice.
  8. [quote name='StevieC' post='193484' date='May 6 2008, 10:59 PM']No, I've got to ask...What happened then? Steve[/quote] ee there's always one lets just say it wasn't exactly in the same condition as it was supposed to be-played very nice though.
  9. hi Phil,i owned one for about a week (don't ask) & it played really nice,good tone & punchy as hell.
  10. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='190869' date='May 2 2008, 10:23 PM']A fat neck makes me feel inadequate when I go for a slash after playing. A J makes me feel slightly better about myself.[/quote] ah now its clear if you play a Jazz you're only a wee man if you play a Precision you're hung like a stallion
  11. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='190607' date='May 2 2008, 04:11 PM']I'd rather be plucking a Fender than f*cking a bender. p.s. Vote J.[/quote] pure genius-- i applaud you sir
  12. just kidding couldn't help meself.
  13. now this should be interesting--you little devil you. ok here goes P bass are best so there-cos i play one J basses are crap
  14. Lemmy now i reckon he is extremely over rated (in my own personal opinion of course) mind would you class him as a bass player or just a noisey b*stard
  15. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='188481' date='Apr 29 2008, 11:18 PM']sorry its taken so long to say this but..... great deal! great bass! i'd be more than happy to do my next deal with Neil! cheers for the mint jazz! [/quote] just spotted this,cheers buddy
  16. nice old axe & a damn good read, cheers from a fellow chip eating, blues playing northern fat bastard.
  17. [quote name='andy67' post='184330' date='Apr 24 2008, 10:52 AM']the b series ampeg gear is pretty good especially th b410hlf.[/quote] +1 i'm really impressed with my B410HLF. if your local SC stores are as good as mine they like a good haggle i got my B410HLF for £365.00 & my SVT3PRO for £669.00 12 months interest free--pretty damn good i thought.
  18. [quote name='tonybassplayer' post='180380' date='Apr 19 2008, 12:16 PM']The "Worlds End" is a lovely pub in a beautiful location and I must try to get us a gig there. Glad to hear you had a good night. Tony[/quote] thanks Tony. aye it's a real nice place to play & always has a freindly atmosphere too. let me know when you play there & i'll come for a listern & a few beers too. Neil.
  19. in a word awesome we played my local venue "the worlds end" in Knaresborough last night,it's the very first time i've used my new Ampeg rig in a band situation & man it was absolutley awesome,my bandmates & a fair few punters said my sound was awesome too. the whole band played really well,especially our drummer who's full of cold,& all band members recieved praise for their performance.the paypacket's not large as its only a small venue but getting £30 each for enjoying ourselves all night has to be a damn good thing. + they sell Black Sheep bitter on draught too roll on the next gig cheers.
  20. that looks really nice. if you really want it & you can afford it i'd say buy it & enjoy.
  21. sounds damn good to me Kev as for the speaker i had me auld 1001RB on half volume so the bloody thing should 'ave 'andled it. let me know if you're playing near me anytime & i'll bring t'missus to see ya' take care mate, all the best.
  22. ay up Kev,glad you got it sorted mate.was it just the crossover that was shagged then ? nice sounding cab eh. Neil.
  23. funny you should mention it--i just sold 2 jazzes & my warwick & bought a MIA 62 reissue P + a MIM P . why-well they just sound right to me & they're so uncomplex that i find i just get on with playing them instead of messing with onboard preamps et..hence i enjoy it more.
  24. ok i was nearly right so its E-B-D-A (+ a few twiddley bits ) my memory aint what it used to be.
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