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Everything posted by artisan

  1. well nice
  2. it would be a real shame to accidently stick a Fen*er logo on the headstock
  3. shops for me,always like to try a bass before i buy whatever the brand & usually find you can haggle a good deal. i.e. my active corvette fretless was £479.00 new from my local shop-now that was a bargain methinks.
  4. i wouldn't like to say (i.e. i don't know) but i would ask in here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=33"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=33[/url] John's a top guy & i'm shure he'll tell you. cheers
  5. most definately,sounds good to m8-just drop me a line & we'll roll.
  6. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='150855' date='Mar 4 2008, 11:26 AM']How weird. I've just bought a used J-retro via BC last week, and I'm in Harrogate too! It has done wonders for my jazz fretless, and £120 is a fair price. Sadly, this pre-amp does not fit my aerodyne, otherwise I'd be a customer.[/quote] thanks m8 how bizzare-just checked your profile-i'm a Harley rider too,an XL1200 Nightster to be exact. thats 3 B'C' members in Harrogate that i know of. i have to agree the J-retro is a fantastic bit of kit-i just fancy putting some stacked knobs (ala '62 reissue) & a pair of Wizard 84's in mine.
  7. i thinking of selling my J-Retro-as below (bass not included ) yes it was a G.A.S. attack-but TBH i'm a blues player really so i don't need it-i think it's only 6 months old & cost me £175.00 so i'm wanting as much as possible back, £120.00 sounds fair to me-but i'm open to offers. i can arrange postage if needed as i still have the box,fitting instructions & packaging it came with. 'tis a bargain 'tis
  8. i actually owned one of these a while ago-it was a pretty good bass too. if i remember the neck plate has a pic of Jaco "engraved" on it.
  9. of course we f***ing well are you daft sod & if any one says otherwise i'll f***ing smack 'em
  10. artisan

    BOSS LMB-3

    thanks for the info guys,having never used one before & being a bit skint,i've just bought a brand new beringer one off evilbay for £15.90 delivered. if i like the effect on my next couple of gigs (if it lasts that long) i'll buy a boss one & give this to my nephew. many thanks Neil.
  11. artisan

    BOSS LMB-3

    hi guys,i'm thinking of buying one of these here jobbies-i don't use any effects at all. so i was just wondering what you think of 'em how well does it work,is it worth the money or am i better trying something else. cheers
  12. [quote name='Tee' post='144358' date='Feb 21 2008, 02:28 PM']A lot of people here seem to like US Fender-bashing, i imagine due to the price tag. Yes, Japanese Fenders are built superbly but in my experience having owned both Japanese and US basses, i have to say i am a US fan.[/quote] +1 fekin agree
  13. nice on-glad you've seen the light i rekon mine is easily as good the 'ray i had previously. enjoy your new bass.
  14. [quote name='paul, the' post='144053' date='Feb 20 2008, 11:33 PM'] Not sure if you've bought one already, but I'd definitely go with a creamy/off-white/vintage white/eggshell colour.[/quote] oh thanks mate actually the missus has spotted me checking out various plates & said "what the bloody hell are changing it for i like it with the white plate on & besides which you've only just bought it,why don't you spend some money on the house for a change" oh dear me art's in trouble.again .
  15. John Paul Jones '61 Jazz Bass 'cos its his & he's a bass god + i 'appen like Fenders
  16. [quote name='jono b' post='142800' date='Feb 19 2008, 12:33 AM']Venom it is, they aren't bad, a little chunky but they seems fairly solid.[/quote] you are a star-many thanks i'll get one ordered & hope it fits ok cheers
  17. [quote name='lwtait' post='142737' date='Feb 18 2008, 10:56 PM']i think it looks good as it is, dont bother changing it. EDIT: if you do change it, dont go for tort! EDIT 2: by the way, what colour is that? and is it a mex standard?[/quote] aye its a Mex standard £325 new from sound control & i got 12 months 0% finance too. i think the colour is electron blue-rather nice colour is i say so myself
  18. [quote name='Hamster' post='142144' date='Feb 17 2008, 10:22 PM']Pearloid - aged, cream or smoke Hamster[/quote] after a lot of thoughti think you maybee correct-any idea were i can get one ? WD don't list 'em for an MIM. cheers.
  19. i thinks i'm swinging towards pearl white-mind i just checked the price & almost sh*t me pants
  20. artisan

    me toys

    [quote name='NickThomas' post='142081' date='Feb 17 2008, 10:03 PM']Nice stable . 3 very different sounds I love how the vibe of the jazz bass can change so dramatically with a change in pickguard ! ( As you can see in my thread , mine has white pearloid over sunburst). Nick.[/quote] aye looks damb fine with the pearl white too
  21. artisan

    me toys

    urr five string-gulp-i can only count to 4
  22. oh poo ,thanks for the replies guys some nice ideas,unfortunately i'm even more confused now. have to say though a white pearloid or gold anodised jobbie sounds very nice. but where the bloody hell can i get 'em-WD don't seem to do 'em for a MIM & i'm far too thick to buy a sheet of owt & make one meself.
  23. [quote name='The Burpster' post='142005' date='Feb 17 2008, 08:00 PM']I'd say yes, but I cant work out what'd look best yet.....[/quote] now thats really helpful
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