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Everything posted by artisan

  1. hi,i just bought this yesterday & i can't decide wether to change the s'plate or not. what do you guys think, what do you think would look the best, i can't decide for the life of me, heylp.
  2. artisan

    me toys

    meet the family MIA Jazz + J-retro MIM Precision - just bought it yesterday from Sound Control in Leeds Corvette active fretless
  3. OMG :wub: i wish i had £700
  4. cracking basses,very similar feel to a jazz bass.
  5. sh*t the bed i feel for you mate.
  6. can't be arsed reading all those pages soz if someone already said this but my all time fave has to be "Badge" by Cream i just love it.
  7. put a jretro pre-amp in it,i put one in my MIA jazz & it sounds awesome,massive range of tones available-from a fat soul to a flea style type of thing- but it still sounds like a jazz-if that makes sense. it is now the most versatile bass i've ever owned. as for the pick ups i left the std fender jobbies in. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=33"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=33[/url]
  8. thanks for that Chris,much appreciated.i half thought that would be the case but wanted to check-can't afford to bugger up a set at that price. can't wait to here 'em-i just hope i like 'em. i just put of rotosound jazz flats on my 'vette fretless & i like them so here's hoping. cheers mate
  9. hi chaps,just ordered a set of Thomastik jazz flats for my jazz bass & i just wondered should i use through the body stringing or good old bridge tail stylee. will it make any difference which way i do it ? thanks guys.
  10. sorry chaps after much deliberation & beer i decided last night to keep this as it is the best jazz bass i've ever played,even my guitar tech,Andy Eagle,who has worked for Geoff Beck & Adrian Smith (or so he reckons )+ a few others says this one of the best jazz's he's ever seen. so i reckon she's a keeper. cheers Neil
  11. [quote name='Muppet' post='121772' date='Jan 16 2008, 11:42 PM']That's beautiful. You'll kick yourself if you get rid of it.......[/quote] thanks Muppet you know i think you're probably right-maybee i should pull this-mind this is only a feeler so i may decide to keep it.
  12. thanks guys,aye she's a beaut',i'm not shure i want rid,can't decide what to do
  13. ok here's some pics sorry for the sh*te photography-its not the camera-its the knob using it
  14. [quote name='Muppet' post='121058' date='Jan 15 2008, 08:12 PM']Doesn't exist without pics.... [/quote] true,i'll post some when i can be arsed-err-get the chance.
  15. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='121068' date='Jan 15 2008, 08:32 PM']Surely with the J-retro fitted, it doesn't have the S1 anymore?[/quote] o.k. no one likes a smart ass just kidding i only put that to let everyone know what model it is
  16. cheers guys,it is just the colour thats been marked the wood is fine so i'll stop worrying & just play it. btw its an ebony board.
  17. not shure i want to do this but-GAS attack. my jazz is about 1 year old in mint condition & hard case. it has a jretro installed & a tort' guard-plays and sounds f***ing awesome too. but i fancy a nice Warwick to go with my new 'vette fretless. anyone interested ? sorry no streamers-i just don't like 'em. cheers.
  18. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='120912' date='Jan 15 2008, 06:30 PM']Rotosound Solo Bass have worked for me for nearly 20 years on the same bass. Still no need for any repairs to my ebony fingerboard.[/quote] cheers i'll order a set & give 'em a try. btw the rounds arn't actually wearing the wood as yet they just seem to be lifting the colour off & it worries me a tad.
  19. hi chaps,just got a new Corvette std' fretless active which still has the roundwound's that came with it.these seem to be wearing the fretboard away already so i was wondering what you fellow fretless players would recommend. i love the sound of the roundwounds so thought about trying some groundwounds - will flatwounds make it sound dead (i don't like 'em on a fretted bass)- heylp
  20. sold to mr Rusty Shackleford cheers
  21. [quote name='Rusty Shackleford' post='107460' date='Dec 21 2007, 10:57 AM']p.s. not read a full review on it yet. what are the switches for?[/quote] no prob's the top switch - active circuit on/off rotor wheel adjusters - bass & treble cut/boost bottom switches - on/off for each pickup & 1 for series or parrallel (just like an S1 switch on new USA Fenders) + the usual master volume & tone control. its a very versatile bass really,in truth i wouldn't sell it but i have to pay for a fretless i've just ordered. as for ebay its got 12 watchers & finishes tommorrow so i think it will probably sell,if not i'll let you know. all the best Neil.
  22. [quote name='Rusty Shackleford' post='107352' date='Dec 20 2007, 11:46 PM']is it still on sale? harrogate hey....wish the scratch plate was a differnt colour.[/quote] ay up another harrogate Basschat member-how are ya yes its still for sale,although it is on ebay as well,but if you want to buy it let me know asap then i can remove it from ebay before any one bids on it. you're welcome to have a go on it if you like(plays really nice-new strings & a really good pro setup by Andy Eagle),as for the plate i'm shure they must be available from somewhere'although in the flesh it looks better than it does on the photos,slightly off white-vintage kind of thing.
  23. [quote name='chenzo_1' post='104715' date='Dec 15 2007, 08:08 PM']if you'd had put this up for sale a week ago i would of had it off you !!![/quote] bugger you could always buy it any way
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