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About Thor

  • Birthday 23/08/1968

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  1. I really enjoy playing there - great venue!
  2. That’s actually nicely done with the white pick up covers - I’m usually not a fan of the white covers, but in this instance it seems less invasive somehow😎👍🏻
  3. First time I’ve ventured into this area of the forum - that’s a proper bargain, sounds great and very nice playing👍🏻😎
  4. I guess it depends on what you’re playing it through, I remember my AH350SMX had a very similar EQ shape which sounded great to my ears, and my band mates ears (one of whom is currently, and for the last 10 years or so, has been Pete Townsend’s guitar/amp tech). YMMV
  5. Sarum’s Lot played Qudos in Salisbury last night, it’s one of our favourite venues to play, easy load in and parking, nicely run pub, well organised and most importantly very busy. Last night didn’t disappoint. We’re a local band and I’d advertised it lots so was really pleased to see the place busy when we arrived and many more friendly faces turning up whilst we set up. We played a few, new to us, classic rock covers and some slightly middle of the road pop rock covers that all seemed to go down well, despite one or two moments, there was plenty of singing and dancing and lots of positive comments at the end. Unusually for us we decided not to take a break as we wanted to get through as many of the songs as possible, so we ended up playing from 20:45 - 23:00. I used my Geddy Jazz, TT800 & Big Twin II, sounded great in the mix (to my ears at least). We’re back there in April and we’re really looking forward to it😁
  6. First song I learned from start to finish was ‘Sunshine of your love’ by Cream. First song I ever gigged was ‘ move it’ by Cliff Richard and The Shadows.
  7. We (Siren) played at Tuckers Grave Inn near Bath for their annual Wassailing Ceremony. Despite the cold the campsite was booked up around a fortnight ago, suggesting it would be a busy night - it didn’t disappoint! We had people dancing to the soundcheck and to every song we played thereafter. I used my Oly White 70’s reissue P Bass for the first set and My Geddy Lee Jazz for the second, used my TT800 through my Barefaced Big Twin 2 G3 - sounded great to my ears! Loads of positive feedback afterwards which is always nice. Next up for me is a gig with Sarum’s Lot at Qudos in Salisbury - one of my favourite venues to play so really looking forward to this one.
  8. That’s good to hear you’re chuffed with it, I know you’d been waiting on one for a long while, but didn’t realise quite how long…time flies n all that😊
  9. Hope you getting on with the TT800, Dave?
  10. Great work - well done Sir!😊 Which pub in Bristol out of interest?
  11. I've still got my VBA400 - I love using it, but only use it sparingly now with my GS412 in larger venues, I do like the tonal variations available and wouldn't class it as a one trick pony - each to their own of course 🙂
  12. I've always worn slim fit/skinny jeans - in my youth I knew things were cooking on stage when I could feel the pressure waves on my jeans😆 - I used two Trace Elliott 4x10's and an AH300SMX. No wonder I have tinnitus now...
  13. Thunderous - probably the noise I’d make when trying to move those cabs… https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/176613990468?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=JgZzq6V-SL-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=f-Sex3R3TOu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  14. Siren played The Pig and Whistle in Melksham last night, I’d forgotten just how small the set up is there, I’d been feeling rough all day and had dosed up on the Lemsip Max Strength but still felt awful. Tried singing but that was out the question about 6 songs in, so quite nice just to be able to play without having to worry about singing, a reasonable sized crowd was there, lots of positive feedback from the punters, rebooked for next year and home for about 12:45.
  15. I forgot my beloved Marshall VBA400 - how could I forget that? Let me have a ponder over the weekend...
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