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Everything posted by Thor

  1. So just finished building this up: Thanks to all that helped with assistance and advice - greatly appreciated! So we have a Mighty Mite Jazz body in seafoam green (photo taken under artificial lighting but it really is green), Custom World Guitar Parts maple neck with pearloid blocks (this is a really nice quality neck for the money, no fettling needed), Wilkinson tuners, Badass II (I know there's a lot of folk think these are ugly/bulky but I like 'em), I went for pick ups/control panel out of a Geddy Lee (a mate of mine had surplus), Tort 3 ply scratchplate, Rotosound RS66LD's. There's a couple of things I'll change, the VVT knobs were all I had spare, will replace with the standard skirted knobs and I made a bit of a schoolboy error with regards the bridge placement - I think I should have mounted it further back from the bridge pup but I'm hoping it sounds nice and gnarly - if not I'll have to move it (whoops). I'm considering adding a headstock decal - any thoughts?
  2. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1407853036' post='2524665'] Sharp pointed implement like a [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bradawl"]bradawl[/url]? Pierce the finish then flake it away in small amounts. The exposed wood will need darkening to simulate the passage of time - maybe a solution of water and fag ash (for that authentic vintage smell). [/quote] It's weird you mention fag ash... my go to bass for a good 10+ years was my Jazz Plus V - every time I open the case (not too often these days tbh) and pick the bass up all you can smell is cigarette smoke, it's a natural alder (IIRC) body and has yellowed over the years, I guess as a result of a fair bit of sweat but mainly due to the nicotine that was evident at pretty much every gig I played during those years. As a non-smoker it's not a terribly pleasant smell but certainly takes you back to some good old days of gigging & fuels the memory (although to get home without smelling of an ashtray is nice). The '69 on the other hand has no such smell to it? I guess it's just odd that whenever I open the case it takes me back to venues I played as a young man and have never played since. Getting back to flaky paint, I can only think the prep for the refin wasn't great - poor paint adhesion seems to be the logical factor IMO. I reckon something sharp to pierce the paint and then pick at it as Mr Delvar suggests would get you close - just remember though, sometimes less is more.
  3. I'm really tempted - have been after one for ages and they don't appear often - have spent way too much this month already though....
  4. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1407563881' post='2521781'] Yes but get the stuff with conductive glue and make sure it's earthed [/quote] That's a great tip - thank you!
  5. That looks like a winner to me! It's the same colour combination as my current project.
  6. [quote name='DNKimage' timestamp='1407080883' post='2517108'] [url="http://s147.photobucket.com/user/van_donk_III/media/fxbox3_zps9709bf9f.jpg.html"][/url] Noisy. [/quote] You clearly like a bit of Muff - respect! Me too!
  7. Funnily enough I had read that thread and it all seems like good news so think I'll go for them
  8. I have my doubts about this too, for me the headstock decal is the key thing that's wrong, mine's a Jap and has the T serial number in silver (a tad difficult to see tbh) here's mine: The rear body looks okay compared to mine IMO although there is no Made in Japan mark on the rear of the neck, they did make these in Mexico though right?:
  9. Bought one of Tim's Batman basses - top guy to deal with, very straightforward & hassle free! Thanks Tim!
  10. Cheers for all the responses guys, I do have another query, is it best to shield the pup routes with that copper shielding material - I'm guessing probably a must given the single coil pick up arrangement?
  11. So now with the neck on it's way and the body sourced I'm looking for some advice regarding pick up selection, I've been thinking about Fralin's? Having never really swapped out pickups on any of my basses, I'm amazed at the sheer number of types of J pick up to go for? I recently tried a Jazz with Fatboy pups in it and thought they sounded pretty darn good too? I have used EMG passive J's before and was suitably impressed but was wondering if anyone had used any other breed and what the general concensus was? I guess I really like quite a lot of attack/mids to my sound but also like to retain a good amount of bottom end (think Geddy Lee's tone on any later Rush stuff). As always any help/advice/opinions greatfully received. Pete
  12. Well after another afternoon of extensive searching I decided to pull the trigger on the customworld neck, I'll report back with regards quality when it arrives. I agree about the truss rod adjuster and reckon it'd be much better asthetically if the bullet adjuster will fit - I'll let you all know. Good to get some positive feedback regarding the CWGP neck too - cheers Al!
  13. Cheers for all the advice guys! Going by the photos the Custom World neck seems reasonable enough for the price point, I think I'll order one and see what the quality is like when it arrives, if no good then I reckon I may hold out for a genuine Fender neck on Ebay/TalkBass. Thanks for the help so far!
  14. Depending on when/where I could be interested in this
  15. Hi All, I've just started to source some parts to build a Jazz Bass and I fancy a maple neck with MOP/Pearloid blocks and white binding (similar to Marcus Miller specs but without the signature) - would anyone know if Mighty Mite supply a Jazz neck with pearloid blocks and white binding? I've had a good look around on google and can't seem to find one? I guess the alternative would be to order a Warmouth neck but the cost seems a tad eye watering - having recently built a P with the Mighty Mite neck I was very impressed by the quality particularly given the price. Or if anyone has used another brand of neck I may not be aware of? Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks in advance for any help!
  16. Here's the latest incarnation of my bigger board:
  17. Haven't done this for a while so here's what I shall be gigging tonight: Looking forward to trying out the Duality at a decent volume.
  18. [quote name='r16ktx' timestamp='1405706892' post='2504607'] +1 Why not buy & sell second hand for a while and see if anything grabs you? [/quote] That's a sure way to get GAS - I agree try plenty before you buy though. For my two penneth I'd go for the P too.
  19. Thor

    DIY Effects

    Cheers Si, I knew this would be kinda tricky to explain, the old switch has the pins mounted vertically and I suppose what I mean is that the pin currently mounted in the top left corner is wired to the input jack (the shorter terminal on the jack), I guess what I'm trying to get at is if the switch is mounted in the casing 180 degrees out, the top left pin on the switch would now be bottom right, so I'm concerned (as i don't really understand how the switch works) whether i could cause damage/further problems with the pedal. Apologies if this makes no sense, I've been up since 5am and brain is a bit frazzled, thought this would be fairly therapeutic, but instead has me worried! Perhaps I should reconsider on my day off?
  20. Thor

    DIY Effects

    No laughing now! Probably another dumbass request for help - I've got a free evening so thought i'd get on and replace the 3PDT switch on my Grey Stache - so I've taken the back off the pedal and photographed where the wires go etc but my question relates to the orientation of the new switch, I was thinking (wrongly I reckon) that this should be a fairly straight-forward operation, I'm now concerned I could mount the switch 180 degrees out and potentially cause all sorts of problems - I'm a total noob to DIY electronics as you've probably guessed! Given there are 9 pins and no markings whatsoever to give me a clue I thought I'd ask you very kind souls for some advice. Perhaps I should find a local electronics engineer and trust the job to him/her?
  21. Well the Duality has arrived today - excellent service by Prymaxe from order to delivery took 8 days - got home and have given it a quick try and so far am really impressed by it, looking forward to the weekend to gig it.
  22. 7/10 for me...and i guessed at a couple of them!
  23. +1 on the Mighty Mite neck, I just finished building my first project P Bass and am still really pleased how it ended up - it sounds huge! I did take my time in setting up the bass, had to file the nut a fair amount to get a decent action but it was well worthwile doing and is a dream to play.
  24. Just spotted this thread ( hence the pm Kev)! I reckon I shall pull the trigger on a Dualiity today, just depends on how something I'm watching turns out on Evilbay. I find the Doom is a bit of a disappointment and am always running it alongside some other dirt pedal to get what I want from it, although I find it turns into a different beast at gig volumes and can get some thunderous tones from it? Had a TAFM and sometimes wish I hadn't moved it on, fave fuzz pedal for me is a tough call, loving my grey Stache but the Prescription Electronics Depth Charge is a permanent fixture and has been for the last 2 years now. Think the Duality sounds similar - probably why I'm so keen to get one. 😃
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