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Ancient Mariner

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Everything posted by Ancient Mariner

  1. Like this? Google images: Faith Venus guitar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrNtfkjEVSo
  2. It's the player, rather than guitar. You're almost certainly fretting too hard and bending the strings sharp, and the duff A chord is a major clue. I can't use anything less than 10s most of the time for this reason. When true jumbo frets first appeared it caused lots of problems/complaints when the higher than usual frets allowed strings to get bent sharp. I had a mate who bought a new Ibby Artist with these incredibly tall frets (for the time) and it was a real problem because we all used 8.0 gauge in those days and they'd bend if you breathed on them..
  3. Thanks for that. I've been using DR acoustic strings for their lower tension for a while, but should try the newtone jobs some time.
  4. PVA wood glue. That way, when you have to remove the nut (someone may have to, one day) it will come away easily and the slot can be cleaned up without power tools.
  5. The APX series are good stage guitars, and the 8 should be one of the better models. As a bedroom guitar it would be OK, but un-amplified they can struggle a little with a crowd. Shame about the SG (I can mention it) and it's one I'd love to own, but have neither need nor cash for such an instrument right now.
  6. For some reason, pre-sets have always been a bad idea. I've just started playing again recently (guitar) and took along a reasonably decent pedal board for the first few practices before dragging out my old Korg AX30G processor that I carefully spent hours setting up 20 years ago (literally). Cue instant fat warmth and sparkle. It never sounds as good as separate pedals through a great amp on a good day, but most of the time it's plenty good enough to get the job done.
  7. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1379109665' post='2208910'] The Mooer Phaser is outstandingly good, in their defence. [/quote] Which one is that (don't they have 2?).
  8. [quote name='fxpedal.co.uk' timestamp='1379242315' post='2210116'] We have no end of testimonials from customers who have used this power supply with no noise: [url="http://www.effectpowersupplies.com/9v-dc-regulated-power-supply-with-integrated-6-way-daisy-chain-2-p.asp"]http://www.effectpow...y-chain-2-p.asp[/url] [/quote] Including me. I did have a bit of noise, which I tracked down to one particular pedal & it disappeared when that was swapped out. That's a chain with 12 pedals powered from that one supply.
  9. That demo sounds good - and a lot better than a typical Mooer demo. I've had a few Mooers now, and they've not been bad, but tend to colour tone quite heavily. The ensemble chorus does a decent copy of the Boss CE2, the shimveb was a nice reverb (but the shimmer effect was useless) - I rather wished I'd kept that one - and the Elec Lady is actually quite a decent Flanger if set up right and is on my board.
  10. The Pitchblack does not draw current when switched off, even when left plugged in. I have one and leave a battery in it all the time, plugged in on a pedalboard. If occasionally I need to use it separately I just unplug it & use the battery that remains inside. This is different from almost every other pedal I have ever used, and as James observed, lesser pedals are powered up as long as they are plugged in. The Pitchblack is also an excellent tuner.
  11. The Thomann unit looks nice, but would not be adequate for many digital pedals, at only 120ma per output. My programmable delay pedal draws 300ma and the tiny Mooer Reecho takes 128ma. Fine if you're running all analogue, and they're drawing 5-50ma though. I use a Soundlab unit that's a bit like this, and it's fine with all my analogue pedals. I couldn't find rating information about the Belcat unit, other than it uses a 15V 1A supply, so hopefully as long as the total draw isn't more than 1 amp all should be well.
  12. I suspect it's really Hot Slag, but adding an 's' might work for you as it did for the motor industry. I don't need more gear right now, but that's a great price.
  13. Nice pic wayne.
  14. I had a DC-9 - completely changed the tone, with a loss of bass frequencies. Maybe they fixed them a couple of years back? To the OP - I have a GLX BLM-1 limiter that's a Boss clone you can have for 20 quid if you want to give it a try. All metal case (not plastic like Behr) excellent condition with velcro on the bottom. It worked well, but I just don't need it since I don't really play bass much right now & have all sorts of other kit. PM me if you're interested.
  15. [quote name='Qlank' timestamp='1377612805' post='2189379'] I picked up a Soundlab 450 from Maplin. 6 outlets, no noize as far as I can hear so far. Quite happy with it. [/quote] I have a soundlab 450 on my other board, and it's been fine, but it's quite bulky and doesn't have enough muscle (NUX Timeforce draws 300ma alone). I'm running 11 or 12 pedals including the timeforce off the one supply, although everything else is analogue.
  16. I used a processor (Korg AX30G) for more than 10 years, playing out once or twice a week, and after having carried pedals loose in a bag it was completely wonderful to just turn up, plug in 2 cables and 2 mains plugs and play with all my patches sounding great. But. It never sounded *as good* as a *very well* set up set of good pedals through a great amp, and needed careful matching to the right amp. I ended up going to separate pedals because the amp I had used died irreparably, and I could never find another that worked as well. However I did buy a medium sized pedalboard with lid that allowed me to carry my separate pedals around, all wired together with a power supply, and keep all the favourite settings. It's the best of both worlds. I think you've made the right choice for now, but if you do go down the separate pedals route then it's hugely better if you can put everything in a pedal case for transport.
  17. I'm building a new board right now, and wanted a power supply for it. There's lots of options at various price points, and I was considering a Diago unit because of their reputation for quietness, but they were quite expensive. Came across a company through ebay that seemed to know a little more about what they were doing than most of the vendors, and bought a 1.3 amp wall-wart type supply with daisy chain from them. Construction quality isn't astonishing (though not bad either) but for something that will be a fit and forget item it is perfectly acceptable. Tried it last night - there's not a trace of hum through a pedal that was quite noisy with a couple of other power supplies I have. So that's my recommendation: a quiet supply at a good price. Here's the suppliers web site: http://www.effectpowersupplies.com/power-supplies-8-c.asp
  18. [quote name='bobbass4k' timestamp='1376847496' post='2179897'] New toy, Adam Black Apollo, been after one for ages, thru-neck with Grover tuners for under £200, couple of small dings but otherwise great. Sure it's not a custom shop les Paul, but it's an incredibly playable guitar. Pics from the previous owner: [url="http://s58.photobucket.com/user/martynscott/media/ebay2013/P1011199_zps22f93ee5.jpg.html"]http://s58.photobuck...f93ee5.jpg.html[/url] [url="http://s58.photobucket.com/user/martynscott/media/ebay2013/P1011203_zps3e248568.jpg.html"]http://s58.photobuck...248568.jpg.html[/url] [/quote] That's nice Bobbass. I DO like a throughneck.
  19. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1376425161' post='2173895'] All the above are good suggestions, but do the guitars have decent preamps? No amount of processing will make up for a cr*ppy sound source. Just a thought.... [/quote] Hence I suggested a Fishman modeller. Agree with BRX really - although an acoustic, even with heavy use of effects, will have a different tonal spectrum from electric and therefore suit some applications differently. Subtle use of chorus set at low speed can make a guitar sparkle instead of just munging up the sound like excessive chorus tends to. It's like broadening the tonal spectrum, rather than adding a heavily effected tone.
  20. As Clauster said, compression, reverb & delay, an EQ pedal, possibly a flanger if you're adventurous, maybe a really nice quality Fishman modelling unit if you use a piezo pickup.
  21. Strictly speaking there isn't really an equivalent for chi in English: ΙΧΘΥΣ. In the circumstances icthus probably replicates the sound of the Greek word as well as ichthus. In Greece very often chi is translated as a H, and would be pronounced the same was as the H in Ahmed.
  22. [quote name='Angel' timestamp='1374840396' post='2153894'] We could do with a pic for any kind of ID. I suspect that 'ichtus' could be just a red herring, [/quote] I think one might take a jaundiced view of Ichtus, but there's certainly something fishy about it otherwise.
  23. There's more clarity from the RAT than the eno, but the eno is a little fuller sounding. Might be a case of just tweaking a little.
  24. Done
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