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Ancient Mariner

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Everything posted by Ancient Mariner

  1. I'd be interested (about time I learned to refret too) but you're a bit non-local. Do you ever come down the M40?
  2. I prefer 10s in standard sizing for tonal reasons - heavier strings seem to lack the snap and cut of lighter gauges to me. I did try a set of light top-heavy bottom a while back, and they just seemed all unbalanced. Guess I'm still a guitarist who dabbles with bass.
  3. If it's the [u][b]same[/b][/u] amp then it's probably OK. I've seen a white horse guitar head + 4X12 - looked like it was made right down to a price, and I don't recall it sounding memorable in any way (neither good nor horrid).
  4. I like audacity very much - been using it for several years now. The only weakness used to be that it would occasionally crash, although I've not had that happen for quite a while now.
  5. Used to play tuba too. Started at school - wanted to play French horn, but made a mistake with the name when they asked what we'd like to learn Started on Eb, moved quickly to Bb with a Boys Brigade silver band and used to play a double Bb occasionally when we did carols - that was like blowing all the air in your lungs straight out of your open mouth! I started learning guitar at 16, and would work out the guitar parts from music by playing them first on the tuba and then transferring note-for-note to guitar. By the time I was 19 I was very happy to stop playing brass and concentrate solely on guitar work.
  6. Seems I'm just too late coming in with that joke. Maybe I should have been a drummer?
  7. I'm interested - in Bicester you say?
  8. Not free, but there's a fair chance this would work: http://www.ebuyer.com/341092-sapphire-hd-3650-512mb-ddr2-dual-dvi-agp-graphics-card-11129-06-20g
  9. That does look nice Pikeman. I ended up selling the blue body l had like that and buying the sonic blue one that started out with Gaf before going to Wayne. That's got a MM type pickup as well as the P type, and once I'd sorted the wiring out I rather fell in love with the tone. I bought one of those Italia necks that 2X18 was selling, but haven't fitted it as I've finally got used to the P size maple. Might still try the skinny neck, but I really like the way it plays and sounds right now.
  10. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1330463111' post='1558004'] For AM [url="http://www2.gibson.com/Products/Electric-Guitars/Designer/Gibson-USA/Nighthawk-Studio.aspx"]http://www2.gibson.c...awk-Studio.aspx[/url] I seen a quilted top one as well but kind find it on the gibson site. [/quote] That would be fuel for the
  11. For a home amp 1W is probably enough if you want cranked overdrive, though you won't get any bass thump from that. A 15W valve amp with decent speaker will be surprisingly loud*, and a 30W valve amp through 2X12 (like an AC30) overkill for modest gigs. If I could be cheeky, I'd suggest for a classic clean to rock sound looking at a Marshall Class 5, or if you want something with Fendery tones and more gain for distortion then consider a Blackstar HT5. There's a few around used, and you'll get a much better deal that way. Edit * for comparison purposes valve:solid state, I have a Tech 21 Trademark 60 (SS) and both my Marshall 18watt clone and 15W Fender-ish 2 channel valve amps are significantly louder and more musical.
  12. Probably the best PRS tone ever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFAGbZ9Ux-w
  13. Yup, the PRS SEs are good, ditto the yamahas. In fact there are huge numbers of excellent guitars around the £300 to £500 mark. Probably best to ask what sort of sound you like - if you're primarily a rocker then something with humbuckers may be better, but if you like twang and snap sometimes than a strat/Tele or something similar with single coils would be the way to go. Also look at guitars with P90 type pickups - big fat and powerful single coils that grit up wonderfully. P90 tone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_qHU_6Ofc0 Strat snap & versatility http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3e8O6H1YOds See next post down for the best PRS tone ever. Personally, my favourite electric is a strat. It'll play sparkly pop, fat jazz, country or hard rock. You can strum it like an acoustic or shred on it. FWIW I have had 3 Godins and still have one because it has a synth controller built in, but I still have my first strat (bought in '89) my second (bought in bits about 10 years ago) and also play my son's just for the sheer pleasure of it. I also have 1 acoustic, because 1 is quite enough.
  14. Tea contains phenols that may cause the lacquer to darken - certainly worth a try. We have a Strat here which the previous owner claimed to have tinted with brown shoe polish to give a nice vintage finish to the maple, and it looks authentic rather than orange as they often do.
  15. [quote name='untune' timestamp='1329746344' post='1546624'] My mate just got himself a lovely Tokai Les Paul [/quote] My fave LP is a Tokai too - it really is a very lovely instrument.
  16. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1329902544' post='1549197'] there must be something more dull but I simply can't think of it at the moment. [/quote] An esquire or a Melody Maker.
  17. [quote name='JimBobTTD' timestamp='1329722694' post='1546264'] You mean "quality control"? [/quote] No. QC was done (or not done) at the factory, and the Rondo warehouse just a shipping and R&D facility. However they would inspect individual instruments before shipping if the customer was willing to pay a nominal fee to guarantee they got a perfect one. Things may have changed, especially as they've moved into selling instruments for >$500 now, where you would reasonably expect individual inspection, but this was when they were still doing most guitars <$300 and that kind of checking was outside the business model.
  18. Agile used to have a facility where you could pay a little extra for them to check the instrument over before shipping. Don't know if that's still available though.
  19. [quote name='leftybassman392' timestamp='1329668644' post='1545557'] I'm a big fan of Muse and like Bellamy's guitar playing a lot. As to whether he counts as a guitar hero in the way that guys like Slash, Bettencourt, Satriani, et.al. would depends on what you actually mean by the term. For me it is at least partly to do with technique - all the other guys mentioned here were known at least partly for their technical prowess, and much as I like Bellamy's guitar work, I'm not sure that I'd call it heroic in that sense. Technically at least, I reckon he's a better piano/keyboard player than a guitarist. [/quote] I believe Bellamy is meant to be a highly able player, but I cannot bear what muse I've heard - it breaks too many rules about what makes music enjoyable for me, and just sounds like someone trying too hard. Now back in my day.... mutter, mutter.... I'd go with Gilbert as being the last of the true heroes - just a phenomenal player, and really musical instead of merely shredding.
  20. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1329411705' post='1542127'] Whoever plays short solos only when they absolutely have to and always play for the song are my heroes. [/quote] I disagree in part. Play for the song, absolutely, but never cut a good solo short - it's what the song is for!
  21. Just measure the pacifica neck width (if it's the same then it should more-or-less drop in (you might need to create some new pilot holes for neck bolts too).
  22. I have a good friend who had issues with Feline & their luthier (can't give specific details because I don't have any). So if you get a good one then it's likely to be great, but do check it out carefully first.
  23. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1329217138' post='1538828'] Not as different as you might think. Especially if you put in one of the SD pups. [/quote] Not trying to pick a fight, but for me, the scale length and different dimensions would make that a very different guitar. I know some guys will play 'anything on anything', but for me a Les Pau is a very specific set of attributes and design parameters. A PRS singlecut - much closer to a LP than the nighthawk - doesn't feel like a Les Paul, though I'm told the SC245 is closer. As for SD pups, I've never found a pickup from them I've liked or would keep in any of my guitars, though they can sound OK in other people's hands. One of my Les Pauls (the best one, from Tokia) has burstbuckers, the other (a Heritage H150) has a T top neck and patent number bridge, both from the 70s. Re the Axcess - apparently there were a very small number made with a TOM, but don't expect them to be cheap.
  24. They did make something like that - a Les Paul Ultra* or similarly named - had a belly cut and specially carved heel for easy access to the dusty end. Not sure you're thinking of a Les Paul when you talk about balance though - every LP I've tried balanced pretty much perfectly are they are not known to have a problem. As for weight, there are several ways that's been dealt with, from the new routed bodies of standards, through the rather unscientific swiss-cheese process to the 'lite' range. Alternatively just try a bunch and eventually you should find one that's a reasonable weight - I'm assuming you're after something around 8 to 8 1/2lb, rather than an anorexic 6lb jobbie. TBH it sounds like you're a PRS buyer, as noted above. The nighthawk is a different kettle of worms altogether, having a 25 1/4 scale and odd pickups. Chambering. *Correction - it's the Les Paul Axcess: [url="http://www.gibson.com/en-us/Lifestyle/ProductSpotlight/NewModels/spotlight-on-lp-axcess/"]http://www.gibson.co...t-on-lp-axcess/[/url] If you're on a budget then you could try Agile/Rondo music: [url="http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b149/dspellman/al3200lpb3.jpg"][/url]
  25. Bump for a great amp. I used to know Martin through 18watt.com too - great bloke as well as a good builder.
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