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Bucket Head

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Everything posted by Bucket Head

  1. thanks guys didnt know they made those paddle necks there good ill get one of them. what about pick ups? any ideas? cheers again
  2. hi guys im making myself a bass body but im not gonna bother with the neck as i dont think i could handle it to be honest. just wondering if any of you know a decent place to buy a neck (other then the almighty ebay). also if u wanna give me some pick up advice, its quite welcome, i was thinking of 2 emg-35dc's with a emg btc preamp or maybe a emg bqs preamp system, however im not sure i want this i was thinking maybe i would like somthing more like a jazz bass....or music man i really cant decide atm too much choice so help me out cheers guys
  3. which preamp would you suggest [quote name='bubinga5' post='789353' date='Mar 29 2010, 01:30 PM']IMHO they dont work well without a good preamp, there own curcuit is way to harsh...but i had them in a jazz with an Aguilar obp2 and they were awesome,[/quote]
  4. [quote name='Doddy' post='789046' date='Mar 29 2010, 12:17 AM']I like EMG's,but they are very bright sounding pick ups.I agree with Rich about the Nordstrands,they are great. I also really like Bartolinis. Since when did the word sick start meaning good? Whenever I feel sick I usually feel bloody awful.[/quote] ha well you know us youngens and our street speak, i dunno i like the way they sound in alot of basses i just cant understand why mine sound not so great thanks for the replys
  5. i recently bought a emgdc 35 pick up and a emg btc bass and treble circuit and wired them in with a volume switch. i dunno if any of you guys have had experience with these pick ups but i didnt really love it that much, altho every video ive heard and every artist that uses them sound sick. so im wondering if maybe its the bass i put it into, which is a ibanez ergodyne edb500, which is made of that luthite stuff and thought that could be the reason, the bass did sound like crap before i changed it anyway. well anyway im just wondering if any of u guys have any advice for me cheers in advance
  6. if you decide to split them up let me knowabout the multidrive and octobass dude
  7. what do you guys think is better, the gibson ripper or the gibson g-3
  8. [quote name='blackparkas' post='786457' date='Mar 25 2010, 11:02 PM']Just beware that amps made for US-market is run on 110v and for European market around 230v. I have a 300T and I´m pretty sure that there aren´t no switch for 110/240v.[/quote] ahhh i didnt even think of thatman uve saved me some money ha, or i could carry a massive transformer around with me as if the amp isnt heavy enough
  9. hi guys i know thers alot of people after this bad boy so i thought some people might be interested in this one on ebay, i would get it myself but its like 600 dollars shipping which is pritty massive [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250602406393&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...e=STRK:MEWAX:IT[/url] does anyone know a way to get cheaper shiping? im sure if u do ull get it urself but hopefully someone will get this bas boy
  10. Hi guys dunno if any of you lot went to see les claypool last night, but after loosing battle to try and get to the front i gave up and just watched. i was trying to get a pick of his pedal board to see what he uses so just wondering if theres anyone one on here who maybe did? or maybe even some of his back line of the cello players pedals too. it was a great show if any of you missed it. thanks in advance
  11. sweet much appreciated dude ill check these out do u have any experience with these? thanks again man [quote name='MythSte' post='763674' date='Mar 4 2010, 09:21 AM']Have a word with the guys at Wizard pickups. Let them know what you want and im sure they'll have something to suit! [url="http://www.wizardpickups.co.uk/shop.asp?category=Bass&sub=Jazz%20Bass"]http://www.wizardpickups.co.uk/shop.asp?ca...sub=Jazz%20Bass[/url][/quote]
  12. i know its a bit cheeky of me but just brought my self my first jazz bass and wanted to get a new scratch plate for it if anyone one has a spare thanks for reading
  13. alriteeeeeeeeee well ive just brought myself a mim jazz bass and it has the std pickups in it still so i want to change them for somthing better but not sure whts best. i have a pair of bassline/seymour duncan sjb-1's whcih are supposed to give a vintage sound to the jazz but i dont think thats what i want to be honest i wud think i wud want a more modern sort of trebley toney sound cos i tune down alot and use distortion and use a pick quite alot so im not sure if the sjb-1s wud be any good for me. ive had a look for a few other pick ups and the sjb-2s might be a option dunno but if u lot cud give me and of ur opinions that wud be great and wud help me out alot ;D let me know what u think guys cheeeeerrs
  14. yea man well that sounds like a pritty good idea but is it worth getting a cheaper jazz such as a mim and then replaceing the pickups for wud the more expencive american jazz sound better with the new pick ups
  15. ha some mixed opinions i guess, what do people mean when they say mim jazz? also ive never heard of the classic series to be honest are they nice? also in reply to bubinga5 "i have a jazz...i swapped the USA pups for Nordstrand NSJ4se's and it blows me away...amazing the difference.." how much did it cost to get that done and get the pick ups and stuff ect and also too russfm what type of music do u play with it and stuff cheers for all the replys guys everyones always quality on this site
  16. just wondering what the differences are between the standard jazz and p basses and the deluxe versions other than them being active and haveing the extra controls and wether there worth the extra money in ur opinions cheers thanks in advannnnnnnnnnnce
  17. right, so i got an ibanez edb 500 like 6 years ago as like my second bass and ive always had a soft spot for it the body is nice and the contours ect, the only problem is obviosuly it sounds like crap. so i want to make it sound good and thinking that changeing the picks would do it? there the big soap bar pick ups so i dunno if there easy to replace. so just wondering what pickups u guys would recommend to do the job and any other advice about makeing it sound rad. it also has a Luthite body and neck so i dunno if that makes the sound worse at all aswell but cant change that ha. cheeeeers guyssssssss
  18. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' post='752448' date='Feb 21 2010, 01:41 AM']If the Cab is 4Ohms then it must be the Ampeg SVT410HLF your using, a cab with very nice deep lows and generally a great cab Also i have always found the "Ampeg Tone" works better with Passive basses, infact in general if its rock gritty tone i have always found Active can't quite do it, but thats just me, Maybe the lack of definition is the bass? Just a though, how much are you tuning down? I used a 410HLF with a P-bass and a Mckagen in london a few months ago and it was great! the P-bass tuned down to an A!!!! (it was a 5 string) and the sound was still great![/quote] well i tune down to c and occasionally use distortion which also doesnt sound that great, so its c g c f but yea i use medium gauge strings maybe buy a thicker guage. i was just thinking that maybe if i tryed a jazz bass it might help out thanks for the replys so far trying it all out
  19. nah its a 4 ohms cab its pritty loud really just i dunno muddy i guess not much definition on the low end , you mean gain by drive? or are u meaning the sansamp cos i have it completely off on the sansamp
  20. hi guys ive brought a ampeg svt pro 3 and i use it with an ampeg 4x10 svt classic cab also have a sansamp bass di and use a new american p bass. ive been dialing it and dialing it and i just cant get a sound that i really like to be honest, especilly the low end which some times i tune down and i dont really get the defintion in the low notes that i want, i like the crunchy sound that some bassists seem to get. i dont know wether its my bass being a passive bass with only the 2 pick ups that probly doesnt help. i dunno to be honest but if anyone knows some good settings for the old pro 3 or any advice wud be appreciated i have made quite a few posts on this site that have helped me loads hopefully ill get the same here its been driving me crazy cheers
  21. ahhhh i see yea i wasnt so sure that they were the same thing thanks for the replys btw guys, what would you say is a bass that sounds similar to it cos theres no where around here to try one out unfortunately but ive heard a few bands use them and what ive heard i liked. cheers
  22. i was thinking about getting one of those gibson g3 grabbers, i think there the same thing..... but was just wondering what other people think and what the average price is ect and any other general advice. cheers
  23. bump
  24. brought a voodoo labs power supply from toasted great guy to buy from
  25. rich generously gave away his ampeg footswitch to me what a nice guy, very fast posting great guy to deal with
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