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Bucket Head

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Everything posted by Bucket Head

  1. bump
  2. hi guys, just wondering if you lot can help with a bit of priceing i got a status grafite 6 string, marshall intergrated bass system bass head and a trace elliot dirt box dirt pedal and just wondering what these things are worth, heres a link to the pics [url="http://s895.photobucket.com/albums/ac153/BucketHead1980/bass%20gear/"]http://s895.photobucket.com/albums/ac153/B...80/bass%20gear/[/url] any help will be appreciated cheers guys
  3. Bucket Head


    ahhh ok ill go for the mosfet version its just cos its specifically named with mosfet and i was confused and worried i would miss out on certain features or somthing but thanks for clearning it up for me guys big thanks to all postersssssssssssss
  4. Bucket Head


    Thanks for the replys guys pritty informative, the reason i asked is cos i was thinking of buying a fulltone bass drive but saw some have mosfet and others dont and was worried about whether or not i would get the right one ect you know. but u recon it wont make much diffence sound wise? thanks again for the replys
  5. Bucket Head


    what is mosfet in relation to pedals? wat does it do ect and what difference does it make cheers
  6. hi guys, just wondering if any of you guys can give me a hand with a couple of prices. ive got a status grafite 6 string in fairly good condition, an ibanez edb 505 which is in not that great condition, an american p bass good condition, ampeg pro3 svt, ampeg 4x10 classic cab and a trace elliot dirt box. I can probly get some pics if it helps, If anyone could give me any idea of the prices of these it would be awsome cheers guys
  7. brought an ebs wah one from derrick, great guy to deal with, and gave me some good advice about basses too, top bloke
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