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Everything posted by Dandelion

  1. Nice guitar. Shameful service.
  2. The only 'number one' that I am likely to achieve.
  3. Childish?? Urine good company.
  4. T-bird and Ampeg. Excellente.
  5. I occasionally think about taking up crown green bowling. So I will have a head start on the others when the time comes.
  6. I have acquired this. Hand built in the 1980's by Lincolnshire luthier John Le Voi whom is noted for his acoustic instruments. http://www.johnlevoiguitars.co.uk/ It is my first dalliance with fretless animals. So far so good, plenty of Mwah. Sounds good with plenty of overdrive through my SVT 5 Pro. It has what I think is a coil tap on the neck pickup and two independent volumes and a tone pot. I think it is constructed from mahogany with ebony fingerboard. Very few about I believe. I know no more than that. I might take a trip to his work shop to see if the man himself can provide some more information. The previous owner told me that the jazz pickup was added later by Mr Le Voi at the owners request. [url="http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/lycanthropy1/media/tmp_31859-IMG_20170401_1530342150712544_zpsyzyvrapa.jpg.html"][/url][url="http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/lycanthropy1/media/tmp_31859-IMG_20170401_15311521993962153_zpschwsbpnc.jpg.html"][/url][url="http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/lycanthropy1/media/tmp_31859-IMG_20170401_15304321609029946_zpsaxwiwlkw.jpg.html"][/url]
  7. Music stand.. With the score to Moondance on it..
  8. The OP is still here and enjoying the evolution of the thread. All good stuff.
  9. My Tune bass maniac has a brass nut, my Sanyo has not.
  10. The best value bass ever.. I have one, it has the lowest action of any bass I have ever owned. The market value of these things is beyond ridiculous... I would never sell mine while they are fetching this sort of cash.
  11. Over many months I have managed to squirrel away enough spends for a EB Stingray. My question to you is this, As I already have SB Ray 34, will it really be that much of an upgrade? From my understanding the only difference is the place of manufacture. Both the EB and the SB are quality controlled and shipped from the same US factory I am led to believe. The only difference I can fathom is thay the EB has a compensated nut. Whatcha think?
  12. I have an Epiphony T-Bird...
  13. And Dennis Dunaway.
  14. Dee Dee Ramone. Lee Rocker.
  15. Okay. Sorry for the confusion. Thanks for the replys thus far. To clarify,Can anyone offer myself any advice with regards to achieving a similar sound to the bass in the video? I can hear a chorus effect, but is that all? Ta.
  16. Gibson's/ Epiphone's three point bridge.
  17. Look at the youtube vid, The Cult Live at the Lyceum. The Stingray tone. But with what? Chorus and some delay perhaps?
  18. She's pretty much mint too. Strings naff though.
  19. Yup. Trigger pulled. She lives with me now. [URL=http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/lycanthropy1/media/IMG_20170106_1546572_zpsc1z7ahjz.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t580/lycanthropy1/IMG_20170106_1546572_zpsc1z7ahjz.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  20. I am staying here in a hotel overnight. So I either pull the trigger tomorrow AM. Or leave it.
  21. [URL=http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/lycanthropy1/media/IMG_20170105_1450552_zpsdkprcswn.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1314.photobucket.com/albums/t580/lycanthropy1/IMG_20170105_1450552_zpsdkprcswn.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Just seen this. Whatcha think?
  22. Tastes lovely..
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