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Everything posted by Dandelion

  1. Is there currently a standout choice for bass, ideally for less than £100. I want to move around the stage a little more. Ta.
  2. Dandelion

    Hi All

    Is your guitar made from camphor wood? Can you play the "ohm" song. Only then will you be as good as Dave Lister. Welcome.
  3. These are actually quite nice units. In addition to its limiting function I also use mine as a clean boost to really get that preamp valve driving.
  4. The reflection in the neck plate looks like the word sh*te. Fitting.
  5. I had this problem with my Shuttle. It was solved by inserting and removing a guitar lead into each of the phono ports on the rear of the unit one at a time. I don't know how and this solves the problem but it does. I read about this on the internet somewhere.
  6. Mmmm much food for thought. Gonna make a few enquiries. Thanks chaps.
  7. They're a great bunch. A mishmash of hard working chaps. We have been together nearly three years, I really like the guys a lot. But,....... They're not very good. The new singer is awful. And it is hacking me off. The lads really are great, I feel like I am kicking a puppy when I consider leaving. I enjoy the band practices from a social point of view but musically they frustrate me. I would stay just for the social bit but another local band has just advertised for a bass player. I know what I need to do. But it's gonna chuffin' hurt. But then should I stay with them. I really am in too minds. Can't sleep.
  8. ALIEN? Welcome to Nostromo.
  9. Cort curbow. Dead light. Dead cheap, dead good.
  10. Ah I see.. As in " Look at that vocalist, He is exuding hubris?"
  11. Without having to resort to Google, what, pray tell, is Hubris? In all my 43 years on this earth I have never had the need to use this word. Am I missing out?
  12. "And who said they could use my numerals?" Said a Roman yesterday.
  13. Yup mine did the same. I bought a new tube online from "Groovetubes", They have reviews on different tubes on there if a remember rightly. I bought a super high gain one. Tis good.
  14. The Mission. Nottingham Rock city. Shame about the 10:00 curfew at the venue during the week.
  15. Dandelion


    Welcome to the world of Bass and puns. Blaggpool ha ha. I wish could sing and play bass.... I wish I could sing or play bass.
  16. Hoarse punks. The Sex Pastilles. Acne punk. The Sex Pustules. Brass punk. The Sax Pistols.
  17. Righto. Thanks for that Paul.
  18. They look great! Thanks for posting. Gonna get one when, less skint. I hope they Will fit the Epi classic pro? Gonna do some research.
  19. Watch every year. Never the same without Wogan though. Got the TV snacks at the ready.
  20. Thank you. Thinking about changing the bridge on mine..
  21. I wanna see the pics. Any chance of seeing the new bridge in situ?
  22. Thank God the speaker did not gape like a horse's collar.
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