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Everything posted by Dandelion

  1. I have £500 cash burning hole in my pocket. If I stick it in by bank account it will just be absorbed by bills and mundane stuff. Thus, I would like to invest this in a "future classic" preferably from early 1980s. I play on an 1980,'s tribute band so it would still be used from time to time, venue permitting. I think Matsumoku would be a way to go.. Any advice or thoughts will be kindly received..
  2. I now have a super 12..hopefully I will be able to use it at war volume soon.
  3. Ryan's Super 12 arrived today. Looks like a nice piece of kit. Trouble free transaction throughout. looking forward to giving it a blast..
  4. Right sorted now... Thanks very much....
  5. Actually , one last question... Then I will clear off. I can obtain a preowned gen2 super 12 from here for about £600. But for £350 more notes I can order a brand new gen3 super twin with those new fangled drivers. Is it worth the extra cash?
  6. Ta.. That's sorted me thanks again..
  7. Last daft question. Is a gen2 super 12 "louder" than a gen3 super compact.?
  8. Grand. Thank Chaps.
  9. Just a quick query.. I have read all the blurb, but does the super compact really have the output to cope with large pub / club type gigs? It will be paired with 500w at 4ohm amp. Five piece band with a loud drummer. We do have PA support but I prefer to run solo as much a possible
  10. I have the 5 string version of this. I flippin love it. Everything about them is quality, nothing on them appears to be built to a price point. They are just good solid passive instruments. I have tried to think about how they could be improved and I just can't.. I have replaced the knobs on mine for some nickel ones, and the pickup selector knob has been replaced with a chrome one and that's it. Bargain price this too.
  11. Crikey that was quick. Thank you.
  12. I have a shiny black bass with a poly finish. It has a small dent in the finish, almost like the edge of a coin has been pressed into it. Is there such as a thing as a filler for things like this.. I imagine something like a black wax crayon would do the trick if I work it in the dent then buff it up. But is there a more suitable product?
  13. I bought Quents BB1025x 😀😀😀 Which is top banana.. 🍌🍌🍌
  14. I bought Quents Yammy BB1025x.. Excellent transaction. Plus I have found all the governments missing PPE. It was used to wrap the bass in. Cheers Quent.
  15. Quent... Your BB1025x is exactly what I need, right down to the colour... If, I can convince the wife to let me buy it before the TBird sells you will be the first to know. Take care.
  16. Epiphone T - Bird Pro 5 string. These are neck heavy and need a nice thick strap to stop them diving. But, this is a nice example. There is one tiny ding on the edge as seen in the third photo. About 4.6 kgs. Bass is active, full info available on the Web Case not included, as I need it for my other Thunderbird.. I will find an old gig bag if required. May trade for loud class D Amp? Or a decent 1980s vintage bass.? Matsumotu? Straight trade for tidy Yammy BB425x or decent multieffects unit. I can travel half way within reason. Feel free to ask questions..
  17. Traded an EBS preamp for a gorgeous Glock one. Seamless transaction. Thanks Tony... Great coms, rapid service, and bomb proof packaging. A+…..
  18. Holy hell.... This is a bass that could be by your side throughout your career. Aesthetics and function.
  19. Any know a remedy for this? They are really stiff to turn. The bass is a brand spanker so will this problem resolve with use? Thanks.....
  20. This used to be mine. I undersold it on basschat because I was in a bit of a financial hole. Lowregisterhead is passing on at cost,with no profit to himself because he is a nice, honest bloke. Yep, the neck is slinky, but not overly so. This bass is a companion for life for someone, and a total steal at £600.. This was my main gigging bass, I appreciated it and looked after it, hence the condition.. PINBALL. Grab it now..
  21. Dave bought the PK bass. Usual Basschat style clandestine carpark type transaction . A nice friendly chap he is too. A totally hassle free transaction. Trade with confidence. Thanks again Dave.
  22. Thanks for the info!! It is Statusy..
  23. I can't find anything on the Internet.. It is installed on a bass I have aquired.. Any technical info welcomed. Sounds nice.. What I do know is that the preamp the wiring and the pots were installed by Bernie Goodfellow.
  24. I will measure it when I get home.. Although the bridge allows for lateral movement so it is variable depending on where it is set.
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