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Everything posted by Dandelion

  1. Anyone fancy a thread about cats?
  2. If your combo speaker is 8 ohm. Then you will be able to simultaneously drive another 8 ohm cab. If you combo speaker is 4 ohm then you will not be able to drive an extension cab without disconnecting it.
  3. I have spent a few weeks refreshing a bass which I purchased of the E-bay. It required a total rebuild and set up using replacement screws and battery box purchased from the Status Graphite website. I believe that the bass is a series one but I am not sure. The preamp states it is a Series v1.1. I also discovered some writing on the base of the neck. [url="http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/lycanthropy1/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-03/IMAG0367_zpsjvnkdlci.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/lycanthropy1/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-03/IMAG0366_zpsgf8hiawl.jpg.html"][/url] The result is this. I quite like it. I have set it with a nice low action at the moment. I have stood it in my front room to see if I can attract any positive noises from the family, but no such compliments have been received. Heathens. I was hoping that there may be some suggestions regarding a definite I.D. I have sanded the old paint off and sanded out some imperfections before applying a few coats of danish oil. The bass was initially solid black with no hint as to the birds eye maple lurking beneath. [url="http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/lycanthropy1/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-03/IMG_20150319_131150_zpsxkjibin5.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/lycanthropy1/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-03/IMG_20150319_131049_zpslfpypz0j.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/lycanthropy1/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-03/IMG_20150319_131255_zpsbsagqzaz.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s1314.photobucket.com/user/lycanthropy1/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-03/IMAG0375_zps7cggzc0r.jpg.html"][/url] I have re-soldered the inside electronics, Not the best job in the world but all works ok!
  4. Shocked! How do we know?
  5. Is that artificial grass?
  6. One Bass = One handbag = one pair of shoes.
  7. Hiya Kaz!
  8. Because I am Sat here in just my Rickenbockers.
  9. Look, are the trousers on or off?
  10. Dandelion


    Does the cat have a case?
  11. Dandelion


    It does have two substantial graphite rods set into the neck though.
  12. Another couple of snaps.
  13. I have yet to receive a reply from Status. I have probably sent a request to the wrong address.
  14. Hiya! I need to replace the control knobs on my Status Series 1 / Eclipse. The pots on the S1 preamp have little black adapters on the spindles to take their diameter up to the standard width common to all potentiometers of this specification. Without the adapters the spindles are too small in diameter to afix knobs to. The pots in question can be bought in there entireity on the status website but they are expensive and I dont have the expertise to confidently remove the old pots and resolder the new one on the board. Really, all I need to do is replace the little black adapter things because mine are all chewed up. I have searched the interweb for replacements without success, and I have now resorted to winding insulation tape around the spindles to make there diameter large enough to jam the new knobs on, but this is unsatisfactory. Please assist. All suggestions greatfully recieved. Kev.
  15. Dead Hedgehogs.
  16. Congestion charge.
  17. Since finding religion Cliff Richards no longer sings "Devil woman" during his live shows. He now no longer sings "Power to all our friends" following the local friendly constabulary's decision to use their power of search on his penthouse apartment.
  18. Does he now make cheese?
  19. Yes, Welcome to the site.
  20. Chaka Demus often found work as an electrician. When called out to mend the local radio transmitter the locals all rejoiced "Yay, Here comes Chaka Demus!" To which he deftly reached in to his shirt pocket and produced his trusty multitool. "No!" He retorted, "Here comes Chaka Demus and Pliers."
  21. On medical advice the "Bat out of Hell" star has recently converted to vegetarianism, and shall from this point forward thus be known as Maltloaf.
  22. It was definately a factory finish, it also had an opaque cellulose undercoat which was a devil to sand out of the pores. The black still remains on the headstock, I did not want to remove that because it would mean removing the logo. I know that black was an option on the energy range. I have emailed "Status" to see if they can offer any more info..
  23. The headstock is still black with the status logo on the top, so I presume it left the workshop like that.. Seems a strange thing to do though, paint an "exotic" body black. It wasn't even a transparent black. All thoughts greatfully recieved.
  24. Looks like the second one down on this attachment?
  25. This was painted solid black when I aquired it, and it was in a well used state. i noticed that beneath one of the scuffs in the paint that there was a hint of laminate in the wood. So I sanded it all down and discovered a birds eye maple top with a Walnut stripe and an ash back. There is a thin lamination running through it too. I waxed it up to a sheen. The preamp is stamped with Rob Greens name and states Series 1. The head has the serial number stamped on the back. It was sold to me as an Eclipse but on further research the eclipse had a body which was shaped with a convex top. This one is straight. I have heard that there might be some hybrids out there. Any ideas?
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