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Everything posted by Dandelion

  1. would you be open for any trades at all?
  2. I like too. A very tactile looking instrument.
  3. Would you describe the cab as high fidelity Dusty?
  4. I have one too, same colour. I can't fault it. Essentially the same spec as a USA Gibson for a quarter of the price.
  5. [url="http://s200.photobucket.com/user/Dandelion_06/media/20130911_112048_zps47b57060.jpg.html"][/url][url="http://s200.photobucket.com/user/Dandelion_06/media/20130911_112150_zps1310c5b4.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s200.photobucket.com/user/Dandelion_06/media/20130911_112219_zpsb1ddb429.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s200.photobucket.com/user/Dandelion_06/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20140510_095323_zpsu8ymoax3.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s200.photobucket.com/user/Dandelion_06/media/20130911_112916_zpsfced0e81.jpg.html"][/url]A German hand built instrument with Delano pickup and Glockenklang 3eq preamp. Push / Pull, Active / Passive. Full bypass. An extremely versatile instrument. Not in mint condition, but no major flaws. Trade / Price includes original black pickguard. This is my best bass, but It is not currently essental to me as I use my T-Bird in my current band. It sounds and plays fantastic. It is somewhat wasted on me and I can't afford to have an asset lying unused when I need more gear. Would also prefer to deal face to face so you can try her out. I will post out in the ABS bass case if required, but at buyers risk and if they sort the courier. Couriers make me anxious. £400 Collection £440 with ABS case.
  6. That's a lovely bass. Are those hipshot tuners? GLWTS.
  7. My 2x15 cab also has an intergral horn. Last Thursday practice I elected to switch of the horn completely. Everything sounded a whole lot better without it. Much less honky and more warm. On turning the horn back on the sound became honky again despite much use of eq. Is this common with all horns?
  8. The ATK 310 is a 300 series but with a rosewood fingerboard. The 400 has an additional neck pickup. 700s have posh veneer and 5 ply neck. Any series containing a number 5 has 5 strings. There are also ATK1200s I think and other unusual oriental versions. I think.
  9. I can see a spiders web. .
  10. It is bloody heavy. Stairs would be a two person lift.
  11. Dennis Dunaway has a Gibson EBO called the frog strangely.
  12. I have one. It is built like a tank and has big nylon wheels bolted to the bottom. The guitarist in my band can lift it onto the boot Of my car on his own. I have difficulty. Its a nice cab though solid German build.
  13. Interested in a trade perhaps?
  14. To seem to think that Gibson T Bird pickups are manufactured by Bartolini.
  15. Or would it failsafe to Mosfet?
  16. Mine keeps plodding on too. But as the shuttle is single channel I presume that preamp valve failure would result in no output. Would this also be correct?
  17. Should I have a spare in case of failure whilst gigging? Or does failure hardly ever happen? Ta!
  18. A double bass should be ok too. With the aid of a shoe horn.
  19. Have they all been drinking night nurse? Very insipid.
  20. I have a classic pro. I am very impressed with the thick dark tone. Amazing value for money with Gibson USA pups too.
  21. Congrats on the offspring... From Greco to Graco !! http://www.gracobaby.com/catalog/pages/retailers.aspx?ret=The+Graco+Store&catid=10:44||1&catName=Strollers
  22. Is that facial hair or a stain?
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