Its true.
Firstly, I am resigned that I will never be a bass virtuoso, I am a solid "plodder" at best.
But ideas in my head seem to translate better to the short scale, I can noodle along improvising on the EB0 and it all sounds right.
Do the same on the long scale and it does not flow the same, I become clumsy and inprecise. I have to think more..
My last gig I chose to take the Epi.
I find the Epi more intuative to play, but the Sandberg is obviously the better bass in everyway.
Amplified the Sandberg makes truly amazing noises, The Epi just thuds along in a dark and sinister manner.
The Sandberg has a nice low action with no fret buzz, The EB0 has a medium / high action, it hates low action and no amount of bridge adjustment and shimming can alter that.
The Sandberg feels and plays like the craftsman made instrument it is, The Epi is just agricultural in comparision.
Am I being a plonker to stick with the Epi while her beautiful sister lies unused in her case?
Would perserverence help?
It's messing with my head..
Would I be better off looking to trade the Sandberg for a better quality short scale?