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Everything posted by Dandelion

  1. Trace Elliot 1518 cab. This is the 500w 8 ohm version. £130 Here is a pic. Obviously I am just refering to the bottom bit of the rig. Thanks.. [url="http://s200.photobucket.com/user/Dandelion_06/media/20121028_003245-1-1.jpg.html"][/url]
  2. Ayup Stephen! I value your opinion. I appreciate what I have here. I need to sleep on this.
  3. Not sure about this, but I have a musical itch that needs scratching.. Anyone whom is familiar with the Basic 4 knows the score with these. Glockenklang 3 band Preamp. Sandberg power humbucker. European ash body. Active / Passive. Hand made in Germany. Think Stingray. I am totally torn. But It's my time for a Precision. It has a few minor imperfections but you have to look for them. I have the scratchplate. ABS Case negotiable. I would prefer to trade face to face, but may reluctantly post. Drop me a pm if you interested and want more information. [url="http://s200.photobucket.com/user/Dandelion_06/media/20130911_112048_zps47b57060.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s200.photobucket.com/user/Dandelion_06/media/20130911_112150_zps1310c5b4.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s200.photobucket.com/user/Dandelion_06/media/20130911_112206_zps3c65166d.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s200.photobucket.com/user/Dandelion_06/media/20130911_112219_zpsb1ddb429.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s200.photobucket.com/user/Dandelion_06/media/20130911_112248_zps51687ab0.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s200.photobucket.com/user/Dandelion_06/media/20130911_112258_zps409654a5.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s200.photobucket.com/user/Dandelion_06/media/20130911_112039_zps4914f81f.jpg.html"][/url]
  4. Could you tell me more about the mark on the back of the neck please?
  5. Gibson SG bass. Epiphone classic IV thunderbird. But I have no spare cash, only trades.
  6. It's great! Very pleased with it. Nice low action with no fret buzz. I just wish I could do it justice. I am please you moved to 5s. I believe it did Stephen proud too! Best purchase I`ve made.
  7. Recognise me TRBboy? [URL=http://s200.photobucket.com/user/Dandelion_06/media/20130728_185217_zps93404ef4.jpg.html][IMG]http://i200.photobucket.com/albums/aa90/Dandelion_06/20130728_185217_zps93404ef4.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  8. Nice bass! Did you have to kill the honey monster to line the case though.
  9. Dandelion

    Meow etc.

  10. The problem with "My Three Most Amazing Shits." Is that we will end up with "Celebrity Three Most Amazing Shits" To be "Trumped" only by "Celebrity Three Most Amazing Shits, On Ice" With "Amazing Shits uncut" and " Shits to hot for TV"
  11. Craig Adams Mutley McLadd Zia Geelani
  12. I had a Laney dp100.
  13. I had a bass which went out of tune very quickly, making it ideal for jazz.
  14. Try it with an extension speaker, if the fault resolves then the speaker is at fault. If the problem remains then it could be the power amp.
  15. Ayyyyyup!
  16. I have gigged an EB0 too. It is a perfectly adequate bass for providing a bit of tuneful thump. But I cannot get the action down to where I want it for accessing the higher frets, maybe it needs a shim or something. Or maybe I need to stick to the frets 1 to 5. It is crazy good value bass though.
  17. Up again..
  18. Its a bit like Marmite.... Brown and sh*tty..
  19. Dandelion


    Sold Mark my Black Fender Jazz. A splendid fellow.. And a very helpful chap he is too! I no longer fear the courier. Super cool communications. Excellent all round, Thanks Mark..
  20. Free sex! Who's box are you playing in did you say?
  21. Ayup!
  22. Mid to late 80s. Ply body. Made in Korea. Awesome neck, really nice. I still have the "The cat bass" which was my first bass. These were budget basses Tbh. But they saved the cash in the right places. The pups are good the bridge is solid and they stay in tune. The neck profile is really slim when looked on from above and a pleasure to play. A good honest bass. If you ever packed up playing, it would not be down to the bass.
  23. Its called " positive action". It is a government initiative to increase the relative frequency of bass players in the famous population.
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