I have an EB0, Bought new from online shop last week for £129.
It is a very nice instrument for the price.
It took a while to set it up correctly, fresh from the box the intonation was well out.
Everything is good,The body is one piece mahogany and the hardware is good quality too.
It is great fun to play, very fluid and fast, and the pickup sounds nice when overdriving the amp.
I would definately gig with it. Mine is "Hand crafted in China" and to be honest the first one had to go back to the shop, it had an imperfect neck pocket, some of the wood was missing where a hamfisted employee forced the neck and body together. I dont expect luthier quality on a £120 bass and I can live with some imperfections at that price , but I could not live with the imperfection on the neck joint. The Second one is fine though.
It is the sonic opposite to my Jazz bass.
It is a little boomy, but nothing which can,t be EQed out.
I love the shape of the body and head, It is head heavy, but not massively so.
IT IS £129 BRAND NEW. It is difficult to see how they make a profit, the price of the parts would fetch more than that on the Bay.
I am well happy with mine, I am considering buying a black one next.