At what point in one`s progression in learning the bass does one become proficient enough to play in a band?
I have played in a couple of bands many years ago, but we were all new to the game so we made mistakes together.
But the thought of now joining an established band causes a modicum of anxiety. How proficient does one have to be?
I am thinking about a joining pub rock affair in the future, if I can find a local one, but I don`t want to waste their time
and/or make a total tit of myself.
How good are you expected to be on a first audition?
Is personallity more important than abillity?
If somebody sent me a recording to learn prior to the rehersal, then I could do that, but not sure if I could step up to the
mark if I was just dropped in "Sink or Swim" style.
Any thoughts?