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Everything posted by Dandelion

  1. Currently connsidering the Marshall MB4210, Laney RB7 or the Fender 350 rumble. I live out in the sticks so I am unable to try before I buy. I like the Fender but it doesent have the option for an external cab if required. The Marshall does, (and alledges a 450W output with an extension cab). The Laney is a bit cheaper. Looking for a pub rock affair to use with a standard Fender Jazz. Any experience with any of these in terms of volume, tone, quality? Ta!
  2. Good luck with the hunt!
  3. Ayup!
  4. Ayup!!!
  5. So did you start to play bass because it is easier?
  6. Probably one of the most talented vocalists in the UK today. Her album is a bit of a mishmash of styles in my opinion but it showcases her talent well, Which was perhaps the objective. From what I understand she has a refreshing lack of diva quality too. The UK should be proud of her. She is currently the best we have got. Weird really, considering I mainly get moved by extreme metal bands. She should sing for watain.
  7. Ibanez ATK has a fat neck.
  8. Helloo!!!
  9. Ayup!
  10. I am convinced that I am ADHD (Inattentive). I was diagnosed with hyperactivity as a child in the 1970s, which was prior to the ADHD diagnosis. I am still experiencing phenomena now, foggy brain, fidgiting, Etc. I have seen my GP on a couple of occassions re this only for him to dismiss me. he is however, happy to prescribe me Sertraline for the mood related stuff. I want to give atomoxetine a whirl but cannot get referred to specialist in this area. Anyway, Just like Mr Undead, I also have difficulty organising a practise regime, preferring just to mess about playing stuff without any sort of aim. There is no efficiency in that. I find my self wanting to get back to the basics but just end up aimlessly widdleing on the fretboard. You have my empathy Mr Undead.
  11. I think I saw then at Nottingham Rock city circa 1995 with Blaze bailey.. Too drunk..
  12. Ayup! Welcome.. 7 strings! Gotta be techdeath...
  13. [url="http://www.chasedirect.co.uk/ViewProdDetails.asp?prod_code=PON09I000019&Prod_name=CHASE+GUITAR+BASS+ELECTRASONIC+VEGAS+EKVEGASS4SBLK&CAT_CODE=52&SUBCAT_CODE=309"]http://www.chasedirect.co.uk/ViewProdDetai...SUBCAT_CODE=309[/url] I likes!!!
  14. And whilst were on the subject how do you change the little comment that sits underneath it?
  15. Stingray.. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHLoBsGWxlE&feature=related"]Cult[/url]
  16. I am a south paw, also using a right handed bass. Can`t imagine it any other way.
  17. But were you born with 6.25? Or was it due to the 10000 rule?
  18. Number one for the Ray..
  19. Excellent news!!! Can I have your old one?
  20. COFFINS!! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flfWuDV4zv0"]Death metal content.[/url]
  21. Ok Ta! Just for the record I haven't been practicing for 50 years, yet. I guess that there maybe a modicum of hope then.
  22. Can extensive practice ever make up for lack of talent? If I practiced for 50 years, would I ever be as good as Jaco was after one?
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