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Everything posted by Dandelion

  1. At the risk of sounding like a dullard.. Are you using decent alkaline cells?
  2. Thanks for the replies. I appreciate your comments.
  3. [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/White-Horse-BP150-Bass-Guitar-Amplifier/8J5"]http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/...r-Amplifier/8J5[/url]
  4. I love "BORIS" Welcome!!!
  5. I require an new amp.. I currently have an old Laney DP100 15" combo also running into 2x10 external cab. (From my previous life as a bass player) But it is knackered, and as heavy as a washing machine, It has spent the last 15 years in the garage and consequently it has suffered. In fact I now play quietly through a peavey 15watt guitar amp with an 8" speaker. I have a New MIM Jazz, and I cannot resurrect the Laney. My question is thus.. As I am currently band free, would a practice amp suffice? Or is this false economy because I aspire to be pub gigging within the year.. I want an amp which will suitable for a small pub gig, but able to provide a fairly "hifi" sound. Here is the rub. My wife does not understand...... Good value is essential.
  6. Here.. [url="http://www.exchangeandmart.co.uk/nid1000649/index.asp?adid=1123456&lnk=312&desc=Jackson%20Starforce%20Bass%20Guitar&orderby=hasphoto,start_date%20desc&classification_id=47&category_id=34"]http://www.exchangeandmart.co.uk/nid100064...;category_id=34[/url]
  7. I also doubt that it was £549 new.
  8. Here is the Guitar version.. I feel that it is not a Jackson.. Korean late 1980s?
  9. [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/options.php?id=73184"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/options.php?id=73184[/url]
  10. I like yellow basses. But they have to have black hardware.
  11. Okies.. So I have a MIM Jazz with the adjustment at the headstock end, So turning the truss rod in the direction from the G string to the E string will straighten the neck?
  12. "Okay you seen the Thunderbird, you have now held the Stingray, Wanna see the new Captain Scarlet?
  13. That is very saddening..
  14. Some of those Traben bridges upset me..
  15. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='720512' date='Jan 21 2010, 08:43 PM']This has been posted on here before, but I think it deserves it's own thread. One of these chaps is a font of knowledge on all things Fender. The other is called Leo. Oh, aye.. forgot to mention that one of them is one of BC's own. [/quote] "And if need be, You can just about fit another pen behind this here pickup.."
  16. Listen boy, I`m kinda busy. Can`t you learn to pluck your own strings?!"
  17. "If I had a pen for every time I was asked about these.."
  18. Does the buzzing stop when you touch the strings?
  19. I used to play in a band called "Winnit the pooh.." Later changed to "The klu Klux Klagnuts"
  20. A semi-automatic cog box.
  21. Fanny and the Scrotes.
  22. Eye Kia. Priory rejects. Now.. With Wings!
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