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Everything posted by jamieariss

  1. [quote name='clauster' post='832639' date='May 9 2010, 10:41 PM']Me last weekend Photgraphy credit to Waynepunkdude[/quote] You look like Simon Pegg !!! HOW AWSOME HA
  2. Hi im a student studying music and its now the time to make a desision on whether i will take it to a degree level or see sence and look for a different career path and just enjoy the wonders of music as a hobby Is it actually realistic to earn a sucure income from playing gigs and touring , (im not including teaching, setting up guitars ect.) im aware of the standards and effort required to be a succsesful musician too Any bass player with experience in the music industry, advice would be much appreciated. peace
  3. Developing the ear to hear details is a daunting task and can take a long time to develop the skill. Personally i would recomend a strict 15 minute practise session focusing on transribing every day rather than frustating urself every few days trying to do it for hours
  4. RIO by Duran duran!! and PYT, Michael Jackson
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrnqL1MHNfU...=PL&index=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83wHs0oPPpw A little more contemporary but still groovy
  6. [quote name='Doddy' post='632453' date='Oct 21 2009, 02:23 PM']I think all of this depends on the individual. There is a difference between the Professionals and the,for want of a better word,'Hobbyists'. If you work 9 to 5 everyday,and then rehearse a couple of times a week and gig at weekends,I can understand why your partner would be unhappy.In that case,I think it's fair to offer some kind of compromise, if the relationship means anything to you. If,however,you are a professional then things are different. The request to cut down on playing is totally unacceptable. The thing is,being a pro musician is not just a job,it's a lifestyle. I always lay this down straight away whenever I meet someone new. That way,you quickly find out if it is likely to cause any problems.[/quote] this quote is veery true not that i have any experience in marrage but by the looks of things im still sticking to not gettin married haha
  8. i drew a fingerboard and marked on the notes at each fret ,, then i stuck it above my bed
  9. jazz starts to sound funny after reading these posts ha
  10. Im trying to work on my walking bass in a jazz style but trying to transcribe of the old records are allmost imposible ha.. I wanted to ask any fellow bassist who know any tracks or artists who have modern recordings where the bass is clear in a traditional jazz genre? cheers jamie
  11. Picks like to go missin lol
  12. i see music as a lanuage we can listen and speak it without having to think about what we are saying. but to you can develop a lanuage by learning to read it , write it and the least important part the theory behind. unfortunetly i started playin usisn theory so when i come to using my ear i was usless. so i had to jump back a fair way ha theory could be ur icing on the cake but the u need the big fat centre b4 hand .... thats my opinion
  13. [quote name='JTUK' post='693707' date='Dec 26 2009, 01:34 PM']only met very few 'uneducated' guitarists with perfect pitch. I use the word uneducated to explain that you can't converse musically with them, they don't know what notes they are playing and chord names mean absolutley nothing...and neither have they ever had to be interested, but they can make sense of anything you are playing. Quite a gift in itself, but not much use to anyone playing with them.. as they don't generally bother to use normal conventional musical terms. In that sense, quite limiting...[/quote] so having a really good sence of reletive pitch would proove more efficient as a musisian then
  14. It fascinates me when i see people with a perfect ear.. When i ask them, they say they have always been able to do it .. does anyone know anyone who has achieved this skill through practice??
  15. Hey guys im browsing around for some new music what has real groovy bass lines i wanna transcribe em and get some vocabulary down so nothing too difficult to transribe just for fun and games can u guys help me out on some stuff??? peace
  16. So what is the actual differnce between the american and the mex?? surely the electronic cant be different just the wood and name ??
  17. Im looking at investing in a J bass but the prices are up there .. love the feel and sound of the J but are we bassists paying too much!?
  18. hey good to see drummers on here too you should go down to the Tech schools (bass tech) in Acton, there are plenty of good bassists there lookin for work
  19. hey im jamie and got told bout this sight so i thought i would give it a try .. peace
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