Hello everyone!
Just joined the forum, looking for a bass, advice and a gig!
Been playing in bands since age of 13 (now 39), Guitar and Bass. Got a good 15 years solid Bass playing under my belt, and no money.
Playing a battered old Aria Pro II (de-tuned to DGCF) thru a vintage orange on a trace 4 x 10. Sounds like a cement mixer full of gravel / wasp in a jar - ideal for filthy punk blues we been kickin out as Butcher, way down in Bristol...
Moved to London, live in a barge, had to leave the Trace behind.. And, more recently, the band.
Have tax rebate in bank, looking for a USA fender Jazz, and a band. Diverse influences - check myspace page when finished (no URL yet).
Been looking at a 93 Jazz which has had its pots and wiring replaced, but kept original pickups. Can anyone describe how this may have affected the sound?