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Sound Man

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Everything posted by Sound Man

  1. What model are the two Ohm PA tops? Thanks
  2. [quote name='iand4403' post='1331366' date='Aug 7 2011, 07:50 PM'][quote name='pickle' post='1331366' date='Aug 7 2011, 03:31 PM']is the RCF AM1122 4 channel mixer amplifier rack mountable and is it a amp, as in can it be used as a amp, im a noob when i comes to these things.[/quote]Hi, No it's not rack mountable. It has 1 output, probably not what you're looking for if you don't know what it is! [/quote] It's a public address amplifier - For further information see [url="http://www.rcf.it/products/commercial-audio/amplifiers-and-preamplifiers/am-1122-n"]here[/url]. David
  3. I had one of these units and they are very good. I used mine in mono mode, this enabled me to run a pair of main speakers from one amp and a pair of monitors from the other amp. No external amplifiers required. David
  4. Well, according to [url="http://www.behringer.com/EN/downloads/pdf/PMP960M_P0569_S_EN.pdf"]this document[/url] it is 400w on the main output and 400w on the monitor output.
  5. It will still be usable after 2012. David
  6. Doing a search, i've found the following [url="http://support.radioshack.com/productinfo/DocumentResults.asp?sku_id=32-2034&Name=PA%20Amplifiers&Reuse=N"]information[/url]. I'm not sure about it being suitable for bass guitars. Dave
  7. [quote name='Alien' post='1026930' date='Nov 17 2010, 02:54 PM']The electroluminescent front panel is also in good working order as you can see from the photo. [attachment=64176:HH_SA130.jpg][/quote] It's not very often that you see an H&H amplifier in such good condition. Usually the glass front get's cracked or it doesn't light up. It needs to go to a good home where it will be looked after. David
  8. Further information available on this product [url="http://www.keithmcmillen.com/products/batt-o-meter/"]here[/url]. Looks quiet useful. David
  9. I'm not sure you can get 4 ohm monitor cabs. Powered monitors may be an alternative. Dave
  10. [quote name='peteb' post='872939' date='Jun 20 2010, 07:05 PM']Any pictures and brief details of specs??[/quote] Here are two links, one for an [url="http://www.furmansound.com/images_popup.php?id=PL-PLUSE_II"]image[/url] of a similar unit and another one for the [url="http://www.furmansound.com/pdf/manuals/PL-8_PL-PLUS_manual.pdf#search="PL-PLUS%20E""]manual[/url]. David
  11. This is a good price. The one I was watching on e-bay the other day went for more money than what the seller wants for this one, and that also needed a replacement lamp fitting. It's a pitty that I don't need one or I would have snapped it up. Have a bump on me. David
  12. [quote name='keefman' post='827275' date='May 4 2010, 10:50 AM']is it rack mountable?[/quote] Yes, with one of [url="http://www.dv247.com/studio-equipment/akg-rmu-40-pro-rack-mount-unit-for-for-wms-40-pro-and-wms-400--19490"]these[/url]. David
  13. [quote name='crez5150' post='778567' date='Mar 18 2010, 01:41 PM']Does anyone know what frequencies this thing runs on?[/quote] According to page 9 of [url="http://line6.com/data/l/0a060072109eb4810fbf0badb5/application/pdf/XDS95%20User%20Manual%20(Rev%20A)%20-%20English.pdf"]this[/url] manual they operate between 902 MHz to 928 MHz. David
  14. Further information on this case is available from [url="http://www.skbcases.com/music/products/proddetail.php?id=122&c=114&o=&s=80#"]here[/url]. David
  15. This is a system controller for Celestion SR1/SR3 speakers. Information on it's use is available via this [url="http://www.proaudio.org.uk/~Tim/EbayPDF/CelestionSR_Series_Brochure_OCR.pdf"]link[/url]. Dave
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